IOS icon的尺寸

来源:互联网 发布:2009淘宝店 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 02:50

iPhone 专用程序
Icon.png 57 X 57 10px 用于程序商店和在iPhone/iPod Touch中显示 必需
Icon@2x.png 114 X 114 20px Icon.png的高清模式 
Icon-Small.png 29 X 29 20px 用于设置和Spotlight搜索 
Icon-Small@2x.png 58 X 58 8px Icon-Small.png的高清模式

iPad 专用程序
Icon-72.png 72 X 72 20px 用于在iPad桌面中显示 必需
Icon-50.png 50 X 50 ? 用于iPad中的Spotlight搜索 
Icon-29.png 29 X 29 10px 设置页面

Icon-72.png 72 X 72 20px 用于在iPad桌面中显示 必需
Icon.png 57 X 57 10px 用于程序商店和在iPhone/iPod Touch中显示 必需
Icon-50.png 50 X 50 10px 用于iPad中的Spotlight搜索 
Icon-29.png 29 X 29 20px 用于设置和Spotlight搜索

在项目target的summary标签页下找到App Icons项,在“Prerendered”打上钩,此时在info.plist里会多出一个配置项"Icon already includes gloss effects": 再找到“Icon files (iOS 5)”项目(如果有的话),展开,把里面的“Icon already includes gloss effects”也设置成“YES”

Device/ScreenFile Name (PNG)Icon Size (pixels)iPhone and iPodApplication Icon for iPhone (retina display)Icon@2x.png114 x 114Application Icon icon for iPhoneIcon.png57 x 57Settings/Spotlight icon for iPhone (retina display)Icon-Small@2x.png58 x 58Settings/Spotlight icon for iPhoneIcon-Small.png29 x 29Launch image Portrait (retina display)Default@2x.png640 x 960Launch image PortraitDefault.png320 x 480iPadApplication Icon for the new iPad (retina display)Icon-72@2x.png144 x 144Application Icon for the iPadIcon-72.png72 x 72Settings/Spotlight icon for iPadIcon-Small-50@2x.png100 x 100Settings/Spotlight icon for iPadIcon-Small-50.png50 x 50Launch image Portrait (retina display)Default-Portrait@2x.png1536 x 2008Launch image PortraitDefault-Portrait.png768 x 1004Launch image Landscape (retina display)Default-Landscape@2x.png2048 x 1496Launch image LandscapeDefault-Landscape.png1024 x 748iTunes App StoreApp icon for the App Store (retina display)iTunesArtwork@2x.png1024 x 1024App icon for the App StoreiTunesArtwork.png512 x 512

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