
来源:互联网 发布:2017电视机出口数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/04 19:58





/******************************************************************************Module:  Queue.cppNotices: Copyright (c) 2008 Jeffrey Richter & Christophe Nasarre******************************************************************************/#include <Windows.h>#include <process.h>#include <windowsx.h>#include <tchar.h>#include <StrSafe.h>#include <iostream>typedef unsigned (__stdcall *PTHREAD_START) (void *);#define chBEGINTHREADEX(psa, cbStackSize, pfnStartAddr, \   pvParam, dwCreateFlags, pdwThreadId)                 \      ((HANDLE)_beginthreadex(                          \         (void *)        (psa),                         \         (unsigned)      (cbStackSize),                 \         (PTHREAD_START) (pfnStartAddr),                \         (void *)        (pvParam),                     \         (unsigned)      (dwCreateFlags),               \         (unsigned *)    (pdwThreadId)))///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////class CQueue {public:   struct ELEMENT {      int   m_nThreadNum;      int   m_nRequestNum;      // Other element data should go here   };   typedef ELEMENT* PELEMENT;private:   struct INNER_ELEMENT {      int      m_nStamp;  // 0 means empty      ELEMENT  m_element;   };   typedef INNER_ELEMENT* PINNER_ELEMENT;private:   PINNER_ELEMENT m_pElements;      // Array of elements to be processed   int            m_nMaxElements;   // Maximum # of elements in the array   int            m_nCurrentStamp;  // Keep track of the # of added elements   private:   int GetFreeSlot();   int GetNextSlot(int nThreadNum);public:   CQueue(int nMaxElements);   ~CQueue();   BOOL IsFull();   BOOL IsEmpty(int nThreadNum);   void AddElement(ELEMENT e);   BOOL GetNewElement(int nThreadNum, ELEMENT& e);};///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////CQueue::CQueue(int nMaxElements) {   // Allocate and initialize the elements   m_pElements = (PINNER_ELEMENT)       HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(INNER_ELEMENT) * nMaxElements);   ZeroMemory(m_pElements, sizeof(INNER_ELEMENT) * nMaxElements);   // Initialize the element counter   m_nCurrentStamp = 0;   // Remember the max number of elements   m_nMaxElements = nMaxElements;}CQueue::~CQueue() {   HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, m_pElements);}BOOL CQueue::IsFull() {      return(GetFreeSlot() == -1);}BOOL CQueue::IsEmpty(int nThreadNum) {   return(GetNextSlot(nThreadNum) == -1);}int CQueue::GetFreeSlot() {   // Look for the first element with a 0 stamp   for(int current = 0; current < m_nMaxElements; current++) {      if (m_pElements[current].m_nStamp == 0)         return(current);   }      // No free slot was found   return(-1);}int CQueue::GetNextSlot(int nThreadNum) {      // By default, there is no slot for this thread   int firstSlot = -1;      // The element can't have a stamp higher than the last added   int firstStamp = m_nCurrentStamp+1;      // Look for the even (thread 0) / odd (thread 1) element that is not free    for(int current = 0; current < m_nMaxElements; current++) {         // Keep track of the first added (lowest stamp) in the queue      // --> so that "first in first out" behavior is ensured      if ((m_pElements[current].m_nStamp != 0) &&  // free element          ((m_pElements[current].m_element.m_nRequestNum % 2) == nThreadNum) &&          (m_pElements[current].m_nStamp < firstStamp)) {         firstStamp = m_pElements[current].m_nStamp;         firstSlot = current;      }   }      return(firstSlot);}void CQueue::AddElement(ELEMENT e) {   // Do nothing if the queue is full   int nFreeSlot = GetFreeSlot();   if (nFreeSlot == -1)      return;   // Copy the content of the element   m_pElements[nFreeSlot].m_element = e;   // Mark the element with the new stamp   m_pElements[nFreeSlot].m_nStamp = ++m_nCurrentStamp;}BOOL CQueue::GetNewElement(int nThreadNum, ELEMENT& e) {   int nNewSlot = GetNextSlot(nThreadNum);   if (nNewSlot == -1)      return(FALSE);   // Copy the content of the element   e = m_pElements[nNewSlot].m_element;   // Mark the element as read   m_pElements[nNewSlot].m_nStamp = 0;   return(TRUE);}///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////CQueue               g_q(10);    // The shared queuevolatile LONG        g_fShutdown;// Signals client/server threads to dieHWND                 g_hWnd;     // How client/server threads give statusSRWLOCK              g_srwLock;  // Reader/writer lock to protect the queueCONDITION_VARIABLE   g_cvReadyToConsume;  // Signaled by writersCONDITION_VARIABLE   g_cvReadyToProduce;  // Signaled by readers// Handles to all reader/writer threadsHANDLE g_hThreads[MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS];// Number of reader/writer threads  int    g_nNumThreads = 0;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////void AddText(PCTSTR pszFormat, ...) {   va_list argList;   va_start(argList, pszFormat);   TCHAR sz[20 * 1024];   _vstprintf_s(sz, _countof(sz), pszFormat, argList);   std::wcout<<sz<<std::endl;   va_end(argList);}BOOL ConsumeElement(int nThreadNum, int nRequestNum) {   // Get access to the queue to consume a new element   AcquireSRWLockShared(&g_srwLock);    // Fall asleep until there is something to read.   // Check if, while it was asleep,    // it was not decided that the thread should stop   while (g_q.IsEmpty(nThreadNum) && !g_fShutdown) {      // There was not a readable element      AddText(TEXT("Consume thread[%d] Nothing to process"), nThreadNum);               // The queue is empty      // --> Wait until a writer adds a new element to read      //     and come back with the lock acquired in shared mode      SleepConditionVariableSRW(&g_cvReadyToConsume, &g_srwLock,          INFINITE, CONDITION_VARIABLE_LOCKMODE_SHARED);   }   // When thread is exiting, the lock should be released for writer   // and readers should be signaled through the condition variable   if (g_fShutdown) {      // Show that the current thread is exiting      AddText(TEXT("Consume thread[%d] bye bye"), nThreadNum);      // Another writer thread might still be blocked on the lock      // --> release it before exiting      ReleaseSRWLockShared(&g_srwLock);      // Notify other readers that it is time to exit      // --> release readers      WakeConditionVariable(&g_cvReadyToConsume);      return(FALSE);   }   // Get the first new element   CQueue::ELEMENT e;   // Note: No need to test the return value since IsEmpty   //       returned FALSE   g_q.GetNewElement(nThreadNum, e);         // No need to keep the lock any longer   ReleaseSRWLockShared(&g_srwLock);   // Show result of consuming the element   AddText(TEXT("Consume thread[%d] Processing Generate thread[%d]:%d"),       nThreadNum, e.m_nThreadNum, e.m_nRequestNum);   // A free slot is now available for writer threads to produce   // --> wake up a writer thread   WakeConditionVariable(&g_cvReadyToProduce);   return(TRUE);}DWORD WINAPI ReaderThread(PVOID pvParam) {   int nThreadNum = PtrToUlong(pvParam);   for (int nRequestNum = 1; !g_fShutdown; nRequestNum++) {      if (!ConsumeElement(nThreadNum, nRequestNum))         return(0);      Sleep(2500);   // Wait before reading another element   }      // g_fShutdown has been set during Sleep   // --> Show that the current thread is exiting   AddText(TEXT("Generate thread[%d] bye bye"), nThreadNum);   return(0);}///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////DWORD WINAPI WriterThread(PVOID pvParam) {   int nThreadNum = PtrToUlong(pvParam);   for (int nRequestNum = 1; !g_fShutdown; nRequestNum++) {      CQueue::ELEMENT e = { nThreadNum, nRequestNum };      // Require access for writing      AcquireSRWLockExclusive(&g_srwLock);      // If the queue is full, fall asleep as long as the condition variable       // is not signaled      // Note: During the wait for acquiring the lock,       //       a stop might have been received      if (g_q.IsFull() & !g_fShutdown) {         // No more room in the queue         AddText(TEXT("Generate thread[%d] Queue is full: impossible to add %d"),             nThreadNum, nRequestNum);         // --> Need to wait for a reader to empty a slot before acquiring          //     the lock again          SleepConditionVariableSRW(&g_cvReadyToProduce, &g_srwLock,             INFINITE, 0);      }      // Other writer threads might still be blocked on the lock      // --> Release the lock and notify the remaining writer threads to quit      if (g_fShutdown) {         // Show that the current thread is exiting         AddText(TEXT("Generate thread[%d] bye bye"), nThreadNum);         // No need to keep the lock any longer         ReleaseSRWLockExclusive(&g_srwLock);         // Signal other blocked writers threads that it is time to exit         WakeAllConditionVariable(&g_cvReadyToProduce);         // Bye bye         return(0);      } else {         // Add the new ELEMENT into the queue         g_q.AddElement(e); Sleep(1500);          // Show result of processing element         AddText(TEXT("Generate thread[%d] Adding %d"), nThreadNum, nRequestNum);         // No need to keep the lock any longer         ReleaseSRWLockExclusive(&g_srwLock);         // Signal reader threads that there is an element to consume         WakeAllConditionVariable(&g_cvReadyToConsume);         // Wait before adding a new element         Sleep(1500);      }   }   // Show that the current thread is exiting   AddText(TEXT("Generate thread[%d] bye bye"), nThreadNum);   return(0);}///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////void init(){   // Prepare the SRWLock to be used   InitializeSRWLock(&g_srwLock);   // Prepare the condition variables to be used   InitializeConditionVariable(&g_cvReadyToConsume);   InitializeConditionVariable(&g_cvReadyToProduce);   // Will be set to TRUE in order to end threads   g_fShutdown = FALSE;   // Create the writer threads   DWORD dwThreadID;   for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++)      g_hThreads[g_nNumThreads++] =          chBEGINTHREADEX(NULL, 0, WriterThread, (PVOID) (INT_PTR) x,             0, &dwThreadID);   // Create the reader threads   for (int x = 0; x < 2; x++)      g_hThreads[g_nNumThreads++] =          chBEGINTHREADEX(NULL, 0, ReaderThread, (PVOID) (INT_PTR) x,             0, &dwThreadID);   WaitForMultipleObjects(g_nNumThreads, g_hThreads, TRUE, INFINITE);}///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////void uninit() {   if (!g_fShutdown) {      // Ask all threads to end      InterlockedExchange(&g_fShutdown, TRUE);      // Free all threads waiting on condition variables      WakeAllConditionVariable(&g_cvReadyToConsume);      WakeAllConditionVariable(&g_cvReadyToProduce);      // Wait for all the threads to terminate & then clean up      WaitForMultipleObjects(g_nNumThreads, g_hThreads, TRUE, INFINITE);      // Don't forget to clean up kernel resources      // Note: This is not really mandatory since the process is exiting      while (g_nNumThreads--)         CloseHandle(g_hThreads[g_nNumThreads]);   }}int main(){init();uninit();   return(0);}//////////////////////////////// End of File //////////////////////////////////

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