[LeetCode] 028. Implement strStr() (Easy) (C++/Python)

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028. Implement strStr() (Easy)






这题归在 Easy 类是因为它 O(n*n) 的暴力能过。
如果数据强点就得 Midium 以上了。

  1. (C++) 这题的暴力 O(n^2) 就是两遍 for 去找
  2. (C++) 还有各种高大上的算法,比如 KMP 算法,这是经典的了,具体实现见 我的另一篇博客。
  3. (Python) 另外可以用 hash 去做,叫 rolling hash 算法(见 Wiki 和 StackOverflow),就是把字符串 hash 出来,按匹配串长度窗口去滚动,再去匹配。hash 字符串有很多种方法,这边的字母好像都是小写,有 26 个,所以就用 29 做基数(本来想像 djb2 算法用 33 做基数,可以直接((hash << 5) + hash) 很快,不过 int 范围只能 hash 6 个字母而且 rolling 的时候还是要 /33,还是用 29 算了),超 int 范围的话用 Python 就不用考虑这个问题了。

其他还有 Boyer–Moore,Rabin–Karp 算法,具体自己去搜。


C++: 暴力

class Solution {public:    int strStr(char *haystack, char *needle) {int hlen = strlen(haystack);int nlen = strlen(needle);if (hlen < nlen)return -1;for (int i = 0; i <= hlen - nlen; i++) {if (!strncmp(haystack + i, needle, nlen))return i;}return -1;    }};

C++: KMP

class Solution {private:int next[1000100];public:    int strStr(char *haystack, char *needle) {int hlen = strlen(haystack);int nlen = strlen(needle);int i, j;if (hlen < nlen)return -1;if (nlen == 0)return 0;// KMP// get next matching array// int *next = new int(nlen + 1);// Because the string will be 1 million, so we cannot use `int *next = new int(nlen + 1)`, it will exceed the memory in functioni = 0;j = -1;next[0] = -1;while (i < nlen) {if (j == -1 || needle[i] == needle[j]) {i++;j++;next[i] = j;} elsej = next[j];}// matchingi = 0;j = 0;while (i < hlen) {if (j == -1 || haystack[i] == needle[j]) {i++;j++;} elsej = next[j];if (j == nlen)return i - nlen;}return -1;    }};


class Solution:    # @param haystack, a string    # @param needle, a string    # @return an integer    def strStr(self, haystack, needle):        hlen, nlen = len(haystack), len(needle)        if nlen == 0:            return 0        if nlen > hlen or hlen == 0:            return -1        rolling = lambda x, y: x * 29 + y        get_hash = lambda ch: ord(ch) - ord('a')        nhash = reduce(rolling, map(get_hash, needle))        hhash = reduce(rolling, map(get_hash, haystack[:nlen]))        if nhash == hhash:            return 0        high_base = 29 ** (nlen - 1)        for i in range(nlen, hlen):            hhash -= get_hash(haystack[i - nlen]) * high_base # remove first in hash code            hhash = rolling(hhash, get_hash(haystack[i]))     # add new            if nhash == hhash:                return i - nlen + 1        return -1

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