算法学习 - 图的拓扑排序

来源:互联网 发布:sql查询所有表 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 19:46






入度(indegree): 顶点v的入度为,所有指向顶点v的变数(u, v)。
出度(outdegree): 顶点v的出度为,顶点v所发出的边数(v, u)。

下面写下这种方法的伪代码,因为这个的时间复杂度O(|V|^2) 所以效率其实并不好,第二种方法给出真实代码。

void Topsort ( Graph G ){    int Counter;    Vertex V, W;    for ( Counter = 0; Counter < NumVertex; Counter++ )    {        V = FindNewVertexOfIndegreeZero();        if ( V == NotVertex )        {            Error("Graph has a cycle");            break;        }        TopNum[V] = Counter;        for each W adjacent to V            Indegree[W]--;    }}

此伪代码来源:《Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C》



////  main.cpp//  TopologySort////  Created by Alps on 15/3/3.//  Copyright (c) 2015年 chen. All rights reserved.//#include <iostream>#include <queue>using namespace std;struct Node{    int val;    int length;    Node* next;    Node(): val(0), length(0), next(NULL) {}};typedef Node* Graph;int *degree;Graph CreateG (Graph G){    int num;    scanf("%d", &num); // input the number of the vertex    G = (Graph)malloc(sizeof(struct Node) * (num+1)); //malloc memory for graph    G[0].length = num; //save the graph vertex number    degree = (int *)malloc((num+1) * sizeof(int));    memset(degree, 0, num*sizeof(int));    for (int i = 1; i <= num; i++) {        G[i].val = i;        G[i].next = NULL;        int outdegree = 0;        scanf("%d", &outdegree);        for (int j = 0; j < outdegree; j++) {            Node* temp = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));            scanf("%d %d",&(temp->val), &(temp->length));            temp->next = G[i].next;            G[i].next = temp;            degree[temp->val] += 1;        }    }    return G;}void PrintG (Graph G){//    int length = sizeof(G)/sizeof(struct Node);    int length = G[0].length;    Node * temp;    for (int i = 1; i <= length; i++) {        temp = &G[i];        printf("Node: %d ",temp->val);        while (temp->next) {            printf("-> %d(%d)",temp->next->val, temp->next->length);            temp = temp->next;        }        printf("\n");    }}int* TopologySort (Graph G){    queue<Node> Q;    int counter = 0;    int length = G[0].length;    int *TopNum = (int*)malloc((length+1) * sizeof(int));    for (int i = 1; i <= length; i++) {        if (degree[i] == 0) {            Q.push(G[i]);        }    }    while (!Q.empty()) {        Node V = Q.front();        TopNum[V.val] = ++counter;        Node * temp = &V;        while (temp->next) {            temp = temp->next;            degree[temp->val] -= 1;            if (degree[temp->val] == 0) {                Q.push(G[temp->val]);            }        }        Q.pop();    }    if (length != counter) {        return NULL;    }    return TopNum;}int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {    // insert code here...    Graph G;    G = CreateG(G);    PrintG(G);    int *TopNum = TopologySort(G);    for (int i = 1;TopNum != NULL && i <= G[0].length; i++) {        printf("%d ",TopNum[i]);    }//    std::cout << "Hello, World!\n";    return 0;}
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