【c#】15. ExcelMechanisms

来源:互联网 发布:农村淘宝推广招聘信息 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/16 02:57
using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;namespace UserDefinedDataEXP{    class ExcelMechanisms    {        private static ExcelDriver excel;        static ExcelMechanisms()        { // This static constructor ensures that only one            // instance of Excel is started.            excel = new ExcelDriver();            excel.MakeVisible(true);        }        public ExcelMechanisms()        {        }        // etc.        //  函数printAssocMatrixInExcel        // Print a two-dimensional associative array (typically, one time level);        // Recall: row, column and value parameters        public void printAssocMatrixInExcel<R, C, T>(AssocMatrix<R, C, T> matrix, string SheetName)        {            excel.AddAssocMatrix(matrix, SheetName);        }        //把二叉树或者三叉树打印到Excel        public void printLatticeInExcel(Lattice<double> lattice, Vector<double> xarr, string SheetName)        {            List<string> rowlabels = new List<string>();            for (int i = xarr.MinIndex; i <= xarr.MaxIndex; i++)            {                rowlabels.Add(xarr[i].ToString());            }            excel.AddLattice(SheetName, lattice, rowlabels);        }        //把(x,y)生成Excel图        public void printOneExcel<T>(Vector<T> x, Vector<T> y, string title, string horizontal, string vertical, string legend)        {            // N.B. Excel has limit of 8 charts; after that a run-time error            ExcelDriver excel = new ExcelDriver();            excel.MakeVisible(true); // Default is INVISIBLE!            excel.CreateChart<T>(x, y, title, horizontal, vertical,legend);        }    }}

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