
来源:互联网 发布:mac 图库 导出 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/03 21:39

  1. ssh remote host identification has changed [duplicate]
  2. solve: ssh-keygen -R hostname
  3. [ubuntu] ssh unrecognized service 
  4. solve: sudo apt-get purge openssh-server, apt-get install openssl-server
  5. [ubuntu] ssh connect to host port 22 connection refused 
  6. solve: apt-get install openssl-server
  7. Can not install openssh server

  8. slove: 更改/etc/apt/source.list 的,使之是一个有效的server,如deb
  9. linux中好多软件以d结尾,d代表什么?一般是daemon,指后台进程的意思。大部分这种程序应该是服务类型的程序。

  10. How to solve the time stamp is in the future error when you unpack a tar file on a system where the clock is behind the system clock on which you created the tar archive

    If you create a tar archive on system A and then try to unpack it on system B and system B's clock is behind that of system A then tar will complain.
    If you use the -m switch to tar then it will set all of the modified times on the unpacked files to the current system time.
    tar -xzmf archive.tar.gz
  11. Fix arrow keys that display A B C D on remote shell
  12. 1) Open Vim editor,2) Get the path of your home directory by typing :echo $HOME3) Check if you have .vimrc file in $HOME location,(if you don't have create it)4) Add the following line line to .vimrc file   set nocompatible        or     set nocp

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