
来源:互联网 发布:mysql explain 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 17:12
<pre name="code" class="java">package cn.kzfc.util;import java.security.MessageDigest;  import java.security.Security;  import org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider;  import org.bouncycastle.util.encoders.Hex; public class MD4Coder {                 /**      * MD4的消息摘要算法实现      * @param data 要做消息摘要的数据      * @return byte[] 消息摘要      *       * */      public static byte[] encodeMD4(byte[] data) throws Exception{                    Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastleProvider());          //初始化MessageDigest          MessageDigest md=MessageDigest.getInstance("MD4");                    return md.digest(data);      }            /**      * MD4的消息摘要算法实现,转成16进制      * @param data 要做消息摘要的数据      * @return String 消息摘要      *       * */      public static String encodeMD4Hex(byte[] data) throws Exception{                    byte[] b= encodeMD4(data);                    return new String(Hex.encode(b));      }      /**      * @param args      * @throws Exception       */      public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {          String str="123456";          System.out.println("原文:"+str);          byte[] data1=MD4Coder.encodeMD4(str.getBytes());          System.out.println("MD4的消息摘要算法值:"+data1.toString());                    String data2=MD4Coder.encodeMD4Hex(str.getBytes());          System.out.println("MD4做十六进制编码处理的消息摘要算法值:"+data2);                          }   }
<pre name="code" class="html">/* *    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *    (at your option) any later version. * *    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *    MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the *    GNU General Public License for more details. * *    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *    Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. *//* *    NTLM.java *    Copyright (C) 2002 Luigi Dragone * */package cn.kzfc.util;import java.security.*;import java.security.spec.*;import javax.crypto.*;import javax.crypto.spec.*; import java.io.*;/** * <p> * This class implements the Microsoft NTLM authentication protocol. * </p> * <p> * NTLM is a Microsoft proprietary network authentication protocol used in many * situations (e.g. by the Microsoft Proxy Server to authenticate a browser). * </p> * <p> * It requires a JCE compatible MD4 hash algorithm implementation and * a DES with no-padding ECB cipher to compute the requested value. <br> * An open source JCE compatible library is Cryptix JCE and it is available * <a href="http://www.cryptix.org/">here</a>. We are assuming that the JCE provider * is correctly installed and configured. Notice that the Sun JCE implementation * proviedes the DES cipher but doesn't provide the MD4 hashing. * </p> * To perform an authentication the following information are needed: * <ul> * <li>the host name (with its own domain);</li> * <li>the user name (with its own domain);</li> * <li>the user password.</li> * </ul> * Alternatively, the user password can be replaced with its Lan Manager and * NT hashed versions. On a Windows system these data can be collected in the * registry, otherwise they can be extracted from a SAMBA password file.<br> * Notice that the host and user domain could not be the same. * </p> * <p> * To start an NTLM authentication procedure (e.g. with a proxy server) build a * request message calling {@link #formatRequest(String, String) formatRequest} * and send it to the server.<br> * Once the challenge packet has been correctly received extract from it the nonce * with {@link #getNonce(byte[]) getNonce} function and use it to compute the * reply and build the response message with * {@link #formatResponse(String, String, String, byte[], byte[], byte[]) formatResponse} * method and send it back to the server.<br> * Repeat the previous steps until the server authenticates the client's identity * or a large number of retries has been made. The check of a successful authentication * is protocol specific (e.g. code 200 in HTTP), thus it is not performed by this component. * </p> * <p> * We want to access to the page <code>http://www.server.com/page.html</code> * through an NTLM proxy <code>proxy.domain.com</code> that accepts connection on * port 80.<br> * We access to proxy from host <code>HOSTDOMAIN\\HOST<code> with the user * <code>USERDOMAIN\\user</code> (password <code>"1234567890"</code>).<br> * As first step we open a socket connection to proxy server and set up the * required object. Notice that we use a keep-alive connection, because NTLM * authentication is connection based and the connection must be alive through the * whole process.<br> * <pre> *     Socket s = new Socket("proxy.domain.com", 80); *     s.setKeepAlive(true); *     InputStream is = s.getInputStream(); *     OutputStream os = s.getOutputStream(); *     BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is)); *     BufferedWriter w = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(os)); * *     String host = "HOST"; *     String hostDomain = "HOSTDOMAIN"; *     String user = "user"; *     String userDomain = "USERDOMAIN"; *     String password = "1234567890"; * </pre> * Then, we format a request message and send it in a HTTP compliant GET message.<br> * <pre> *     byte[] fstMsg = NTLM.formatRequest(host, hostDomain); *     byte[] fstMsg64 = Codecs.base64Encode(fstMsg); *     System.out.println("NTLM Request Packet: " + new String(fstMsg64)); * *     w.write("GET http://www.server.com/page.html HTTP/1.0\n"); *     w.write("Host: www.server.com\n"); *     w.write("Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive\n"); *     w.write("Proxy-Authorization: NTLM " + new String(fstMsg64) + "\n\n"); *     w.flush(); *     System.out.println("First Message Sent"); * </pre> * We wait for the server response and we parse it to extract the nonce.<br> * <pre> *     String resp = ""; *     int contentLength = 0; *     while((line = r.readLine()) != null) *       if(line.length() == 0) *         break; *       if(line.startsWith("Content-Length")) *         contentLength = Integer.parseInt(line.substring(line.indexOf(":") + 1).trim()); *       else if(line.startsWith("Proxy-Authenticate")) *         resp = line.substring(line.indexOf(":") + 1).trim(); *     r.skip(contentLength); *     System.out.println("Second Message Received"); *     System.out.println("Content Length: " + contentLength); *     System.out.println("Proxy-Authenticate: " + resp); *     resp = resp.substring(resp.indexOf(" ")).trim(); *     System.out.println("NTLM Chellange Packet: " + resp); *     resp = Codecs.base64Decode(resp); *     byte[] sndMsg = resp.getBytes(); *     byte[] nonce = NTLM.getNonce(sndMsg); * </pre> * With the nonce collected in the previous step we create a response message.<br> * <pre> *     byte[] trdMsg = NTLM.formatResponse(host, user, userDomain, *     NTLM.computeLMPassword(password), NTLM.computeNTPassword(password), *     nonce); *     System.out.println(trdMsg.length); *     byte[] trdMsg64 = Codecs.base64Encode(trdMsg); *     System.out.println("NTLM Response Packet: " + new String(trdMsg64)); * </pre> * We sent the message to the server.<br> * <pre> *     w.write("GET http://www.server.com/page.html HTTP/1.0\n"); *     w.write("Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive\n"); *     w.write("Host: www.server.com\n"); *     w.write("Proxy-Authorization: NTLM " + new String(trdMsg64) + "\n\n"); *     w.flush(); *     System.out.println("Third Message Sent"); * </pre> * Finally we wait the server reply.<br> * <pre> *     System.out.println("Server response: " + r.readLine()); * </pre> * If the reply is like <code>"HTTP/1.0 200 OK"</code> it has worked fine, else * the server response is containing a new nonce. * </p> * <p> * Notice that despite the computing of hashed passwords and of nonce response is * exactly the same of the SMB authentication protocol, the message format is slightly * different. <br> * Therefore, the methods {@link #computeLMPassword(String) computeLMPassword}, * {@link #computeNTPassword(String) computeNTPassword} and * {@link #computeNTLMResponse(byte[], byte[], byte[], byte[], byte[]) computeNTLMResponse} * can be used to perform a SMB authentication too. * </p> * <p> * This implementation is based on: * <ul> * <li>the reverse engineering of the NTLM protocol made by Ronald Tschalär * and available <a href="http://www.innovation.ch/java/ntlm.html">here</a>;</li> * <li>the documentation about NTLM provided with <a href="http://www.atstake.com/research/lc3/"> * L0phtCrack 1.5</a>;</li> * <li>the "Handbook of Applied Cryptography", freely available * <a href="http://www.cacr.math.uwaterloo.ca/hac/">here</a>;</li> * <li>the C source code of NTLM library in the <a href="http://www.samba.org/"> * SAMBA Project</a>.</li> * </ul> * Nevertheless, because there isn't any official protocol specification publicly * available there is any warranty that code works correctly and that it is * conforming to Microsoft NTLM protocol. * </p> * <p> * For implementation reasons only the public members perform argument consistency * checks. The public members also catch and hide every exceptions that can be * throwed (even though interfaces specify otherwise). * </p> * * @author Luigi Dragone (<a href="mailto:luigi@luigidragone.com">luigi@luigidragone.com</a>) * * @version 1.0.1 * * @see <a href="http://www.innovation.ch/java/ntlm.html">NTLM Authentication Scheme for HTTP</a> * @see <a href="ftp://ftp.samba.org/pub/samba/docs/textdocs/ENCRYPTION.txt">LanMan and NT Password Encryption in Samba 2.x</a> * @see <a href="http://www.cacr.math.uwaterloo.ca/hac/">"Handbook of Applied Cryptography"</a> * @see <a href="http://java.sun.com/products/jce/">JCE</a> * @see <a href="http://www.cryptix.org/">Cryptix</a> */public class NTLM {  protected NTLM() {}  /**   * The magic number used to compute the Lan Manager hashed password.   */  protected static final byte[] MAGIC = new byte[] {0x4B, 0x47, 0x53, 0x21, 0x40, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25};  /**   * <p>   * Converts an unsigned byte to an unsigned integer.   * </p>   * <p>   * Notice that Java bytes are always signed, but the cryptographic algorithms   * rely on unsigned ones, that can be simulated in this way.<br>   * A bit mask is employed to prevent that the signum bit is extended to MSBs.   * </p>   */  protected static int unsignedByteToInt(byte b) {    return (int)b & 0xFF;  }  protected static byte getLoByte(char c) {    return (byte)c;  }  protected static byte getHiByte(char c) {    return (byte)((c >>> 8) & 0xFF);  }  protected static short swapBytes(short s) {    return (short)(((s << 8) & 0xFF00) | ((s >>> 8) & 0x00FF));  }  /**   * <p>   * Computes an odd DES key from 56 bits represented as a 7-bytes array.   * </p>   * <p>   * Keeps elements from index <code>offset</code> to index <code>offset + 7</code> of   * supplied array.   * </p>   *   * @param keyData a byte array containing the 56 bits used to compute the DES key   * @param offset the offset of the first element of the 56-bits key data   *   * @return the odd DES key generated   *   * @exception InvalidKeyException   * @exception NoSuchAlgorithmException   * @exception InvalidKeySpecException   */  protected static Key computeDESKey(byte[] keyData, int offset) throws InvalidKeyException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeySpecException {    byte[] desKeyData = new byte[8];    int[] k = new int[7];    for(int i = 0; i < 7; i++)      k[i] = unsignedByteToInt(keyData[offset + i]);    desKeyData[0] = (byte)(k[0] >>> 1);    desKeyData[1] = (byte)(((k[0] & 0x01) << 6) | (k[1] >>> 2));    desKeyData[2] = (byte)(((k[1] & 0x03) << 5) | (k[2] >>> 3));    desKeyData[3] = (byte)(((k[2] & 0x07) << 4) | (k[3] >>> 4));    desKeyData[4] = (byte)(((k[3] & 0x0F) << 3) | (k[4] >>> 5));    desKeyData[5] = (byte)(((k[4] & 0x1F) << 2) | (k[5] >>> 6));    desKeyData[6] = (byte)(((k[5] & 0x3F) << 1) | (k[6] >>> 7));    desKeyData[7] = (byte)(k[6] & 0x7F);    for(int i=0; i<8; i++)      desKeyData[i] = (byte)(unsignedByteToInt(desKeyData[i]) << 1);    KeySpec desKeySpec = new DESKeySpec(desKeyData);    SecretKeyFactory keyFactory = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("DES");    SecretKey secretKey = keyFactory.generateSecret(desKeySpec);    return secretKey;  }  /**   * Encrypts the 8-bytes plain text three times with the 3 56-bits DES keys and   * puts the result in a 24-bytes array.   *   * @param keys a 21-bytes array containing 3 56-bits DES keys   * @param plaintext a 8-bytes array to be encrypted   *   * @return a 24-bytes array containing the plaintext DES encrypted with the supplied keys   *   * @exception InvalidKeyException   * @exception NoSuchAlgorithmException   * @exception javax.crypto.NoSuchPaddingException   * @exception InvalidKeySpecException   * @exception BadPaddingException   * @exception IllegalBlockSizeException   * @exception ShortBufferException   */  protected static byte[] encrypt(byte[] keys, byte[] plaintext) throws InvalidKeyException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, javax.crypto.NoSuchPaddingException, InvalidKeySpecException, BadPaddingException, IllegalBlockSizeException, ShortBufferException {    byte[] ciphertext = new byte[24];    Cipher c = Cipher.getInstance("DES/ECB/NoPadding");    Key k = computeDESKey(keys, 0);    c.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, k);    c.doFinal(plaintext, 0, 8, ciphertext, 0);    k = computeDESKey(keys, 7);    c.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, k);    c.doFinal(plaintext, 0, 8, ciphertext, 8);    k = computeDESKey(keys, 14);    c.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, k);    c.doFinal(plaintext, 0, 8, ciphertext, 16);    return ciphertext;  }  /**   * Computes the Lan Manager hashed version of a password.   *   * @param password the user password   *   * @return the Lan Manager hashed version of the password in a 16-bytes array   *   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if the supplied password is null   * @exception javax.crypto.NoSuchPaddingException if there isn't any suitable padding method   * @exception NoSuchAlgorithmException if there isn't any suitable cipher algorithm   */  public static byte[] computeLMPassword(String password) throws IllegalArgumentException, NoSuchPaddingException, NoSuchAlgorithmException {    if(password == null)      throw new IllegalArgumentException("password : null value not allowed");    try {      //Gets the first 14-bytes of the ASCII upper cased password      int len = password.length();      if(len > 14)        len = 14;      Cipher c = Cipher.getInstance("DES/ECB/NoPadding");      byte[] lm_pw = new byte[14];      byte[] bytes = password.toUpperCase().getBytes();      int i;      for(i = 0; i < len; i++)        lm_pw[i] = bytes[i];      for(; i < 14; i++)        lm_pw[i] = 0;      byte[] lm_hpw = new byte[16];      //Builds a first DES key with its first 7 bytes      Key k = computeDESKey(lm_pw, 0);      c.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, k);      //Hashes the MAGIC number with this key into the first 8 bytes of the result      c.doFinal(MAGIC, 0, 8, lm_hpw, 0);      //Repeats the work with the last 7 bytes to gets the last 8 bytes of the result      k = computeDESKey(lm_pw, 7);      c.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, k);      c.doFinal(MAGIC, 0, 8, lm_hpw, 8);      return lm_hpw;    } catch(InvalidKeySpecException ex) {      return null;    } catch(InvalidKeyException ex) {      return null;    } catch(BadPaddingException ex) {      return null;    } catch(IllegalBlockSizeException ex) {      return null;    } catch(ShortBufferException ex) {      return null;    }  }  /**   * Computes the NT hashed version of a password.   *   * @param password the user password   *   * @return the NT hashed version of the password in a 16-bytes array   *   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if the supplied password is null   * @exception NoSuchAlgorithmException if there isn't any suitable cipher algorithm   */  public static String computeNTPassword(String password) {    if(password == null)return null;    //Gets the first 14-bytes of the UNICODE password    int len = password.length();//    if(len > 14)//      len = 14;    byte[] nt_pw = new byte[2 * len];    for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) {        char ch = password.charAt(i);        nt_pw[2 * i] = getLoByte(ch);        nt_pw[2 * i + 1] = getHiByte(ch);    }        try {return MD4Coder.encodeMD4Hex(nt_pw);} catch (Exception e) {// TODO Auto-generated catch blocke.printStackTrace();}      return null;    //Return its MD4 digest as the hashed version//    MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD4");//    return md.digest(nt_pw);        //    Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastleProvider());  //    //初始化MessageDigest  //    MessageDigest md=MessageDigest.getInstance("MD4");  //      //    return md.digest(nt_pw);    }  /**   * <p>   * Computes the NTLM response to the nonce based on the supplied hashed passwords.   * </p>   * <p>   * If the hashed password are not available they can be computed from the cleartext password   * by the means of {@link #computeLMPassword(String) computeLMPassword} and   * {@link #computeNTPassword(String) computeNTPassword} methods.   * </p>   *   * @param lmPassword a 16-bytes array containing the Lan Manager hashed password   * @param ntPassword a 16-bytes array containing the Lan Manager hashed password   * @param nonce a 8-bytes array representing the server's nonce   * @param lmResponse a 24-bytes array that will contain the Lan Manager response after the method invocation   * @param ntResponse a 24-bytes array that will contain the NT response after the method invocation   *   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if a parameter has an illegal size   * @exception javax.crypto.NoSuchPaddingException if there isn't any suitable padding method   * @exception NoSuchAlgorithmException if there isn't any suitable cipher algorithm   */  public static void computeNTLMResponse(byte[] lmPassword, byte[] ntPassword, byte[] nonce, byte[] lmResponse, byte[] ntResponse) throws IllegalArgumentException, NoSuchPaddingException, NoSuchAlgorithmException {    if(lmPassword.length != 16)      throw new IllegalArgumentException("lmPassword : illegal size");    if(ntPassword.length != 16)      throw new IllegalArgumentException("ntPassword : illegal size");    if(nonce.length != 8)      throw new IllegalArgumentException("nonce : illegal size");    if(lmResponse.length != 24)      throw new IllegalArgumentException("lmResponse : illegal size");    if(ntResponse.length != 24)      throw new IllegalArgumentException("ntResponse : illegal size");    try {      //Puts the hashed passwords into 21-bytes arrays with trailing 0s      byte[] lmHPw = new byte[21];      byte[] ntHPw = new byte[21];      System.arraycopy(lmPassword, 0, lmHPw, 0, 16);      System.arraycopy(ntPassword, 0, ntHPw, 0, 16);      for(int i = 16; i < 21; i++) {        lmHPw[i] = 0;        ntHPw[i] = 0;      }      //Encrypts the nonce with the padded hashed passwords to compute the responses      System.arraycopy(encrypt(lmHPw, nonce), 0, lmResponse, 0, 24);      System.arraycopy(encrypt(ntHPw, nonce), 0, ntResponse, 0, 24);    } catch(ShortBufferException ex) {    } catch(IllegalBlockSizeException ex) {    } catch(BadPaddingException ex) {    } catch(InvalidKeySpecException ex) {    } catch(InvalidKeyException ex) {    }  }  /**   * <p>   * Builds a request message for the host of the specified domain that can be send   * to the server to start the NTLM protocol.   * </p>   * <p>   * The returned message should be encoded according to protocol specific rules   * (e.g. base 64 encoding).<br>   * The message format is discussed <a href="http://www.innovation.ch/java/ntlm.html">here</a>.   * </p>   *   * @param host the name of the host that is authenticating   * @param hostDomain the name of the domain to which the host belongs   *   * @return the request message to send to server to open an authentication procedure   *   * @exception IOException if an error occurs during the message formatting   *   * @see <a href="http://www.innovation.ch/java/ntlm.html">NTLM Authentication Scheme for HTTP</a>   *   */  public static byte[] formatRequest(String host, String hostDomain) throws IOException {    hostDomain = hostDomain.toUpperCase();    host = host.toUpperCase();    short domainLen = (short)hostDomain.length();    short hostLen = (short)host.length();    short hostOff = 0x20;    short domainOff = (short)(hostOff + hostLen);    ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(1024);    DataOutputStream dataOut = new DataOutputStream(os);    dataOut.writeBytes("NTLMSSP\0");    dataOut.writeByte(0x01);    dataOut.writeByte(0x00);    dataOut.writeByte(0x00);    dataOut.writeByte(0x00);    dataOut.writeShort(swapBytes((short)0xb203));    dataOut.writeShort(0x0000);    dataOut.writeShort(swapBytes(domainLen));    dataOut.writeShort(swapBytes(domainLen));    dataOut.writeShort(swapBytes(domainOff));    dataOut.writeShort(0x0000);    dataOut.writeShort(swapBytes(hostLen));    dataOut.writeShort(swapBytes(hostLen));    dataOut.writeShort(swapBytes(hostOff));    dataOut.writeShort(0x0000);    dataOut.write(host.getBytes());    dataOut.write(hostDomain.getBytes());    dataOut.flush();    return os.toByteArray();  }  /**   * <p>   * Extracts from the server challenge response the nonce required to perform   * the authentication.   * </p>   * <p>   * The received message should be decoded according to protocol specific rules   * (e.g. base 64 encoding).<br>   * The message format is discussed <a href="http://www.innovation.ch/java/ntlm.html">here</a>.   * </p>   *   * @param msg a byte array containing the server challenge message   *   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if a parameter has an illegal size   *   * @see <a href="http://www.innovation.ch/java/ntlm.html">NTLM Authentication Scheme for HTTP</a>   */  public static byte[] getNonce(byte[] msg) throws IllegalArgumentException {    if(msg.length < 32)      throw new IllegalArgumentException("msg : illegal size");    byte[] nonce = new byte[8];    System.arraycopy(msg, 24, nonce, 0, 8);    return nonce;  }  /**   * <p>   * Builds the nonce response message.   * </p>   * <p>It requires the Lan Manager and NT hashed   * version of user password, that can be computed from the cleartext version by   * {@link #computeNTPassword(String) computeNTPassword} and   * {@link #computeNTLMResponse(byte[], byte[], byte[], byte[], byte[]) computeNTLMResponse},   * and the nonce obtained from the server by {@link #getNonce(byte[]) getNonce}.<br>   * The returned message should be encoded according to protocol specific rules   * (e.g. base 64 encoding).<br>   * The message format is discussed <a href="http://www.innovation.ch/java/ntlm.html">here</a>.   * </p>   *   * @param host the name of the host that is authenticating   * @param user the name of the user   * @param userDomain the name of the domain to which the user belongs   * @param lmPassword a 16-bytes array containing the Lan Manager hashed password   * @param ntPassword a 16-bytes array containing the NT hashed password   * @param nonce a 8-byte array containing the nonce sent by server to reply to the request message   *   * @return the challenge response message to send to server to complete the authentication procedure   *   * @exception IOException if an error occurs during the message formatting   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if a parameter has an illegal size   * @exception javax.crypto.NoSuchPaddingException if there isn't any suitable padding method   * @exception NoSuchAlgorithmException if there isn't any suitable cipher algorithm   *   * @see <a href="http://www.innovation.ch/java/ntlm.html">NTLM Authentication Scheme for HTTP</a>   */  public static byte[] formatResponse(String host, String user, String userDomain, byte[] lmPassword, byte[] ntPassword, byte[] nonce) throws IllegalArgumentException, IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchPaddingException {    if(host == null)      throw new IllegalArgumentException("host : null value not allowed");    if(user == null)      throw new IllegalArgumentException("user : null value not allowed");    if(userDomain == null)      throw new IllegalArgumentException("userDomain : null value not allowed");    if(lmPassword == null)      throw new IllegalArgumentException("lmPassword : null value not allowed");    if(ntPassword == null)      throw new IllegalArgumentException("ntPassword : null value not allowed");    if(nonce == null)      throw new IllegalArgumentException("nonce : null value not allowed");    if(lmPassword.length != 16)      throw new IllegalArgumentException("lmPassword : illegal size");    if(ntPassword.length != 16)      throw new IllegalArgumentException("ntPassword : illegal size");    if(nonce.length != 8)      throw new IllegalArgumentException("nonce : illegal size");    byte[] lmResponse = new byte[24];    byte[] ntResponse = new byte[24];    computeNTLMResponse(lmPassword, ntPassword, nonce, lmResponse, ntResponse);    userDomain = userDomain.toUpperCase();    host = host.toUpperCase();    short lmRespLen = (short)0x18;    short ntRespLen = (short)0x18;    short domainLen = (short)(2 * userDomain.length());    short hostLen = (short)(2 * host.length());    short userLen = (short)(2 * user.length());    short domainOff = (short)0x40;    short userOff = (short)(domainOff + domainLen);    short hostOff = (short)(userOff + userLen);    short lmRespOff = (short)(hostOff + hostLen);    short ntRespOff = (short)(lmRespOff + lmRespLen);    short msgLen = (short)(ntRespOff + ntRespLen);    ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(1024);    DataOutputStream dataOut = new DataOutputStream(os);    dataOut.writeBytes("NTLMSSP\0");    dataOut.writeByte(0x03);    dataOut.writeByte(0x00);    dataOut.writeByte(0x00);    dataOut.writeByte(0x00);    dataOut.writeShort(swapBytes(lmRespLen));    dataOut.writeShort(swapBytes(lmRespLen));    dataOut.writeShort(swapBytes(lmRespOff));    dataOut.writeShort(0x0000);    dataOut.writeShort(swapBytes(ntRespLen));    dataOut.writeShort(swapBytes(ntRespLen));    dataOut.writeShort(swapBytes(ntRespOff));    dataOut.writeShort(0x0000);    dataOut.writeShort(swapBytes(domainLen));    dataOut.writeShort(swapBytes(domainLen));    dataOut.writeShort(swapBytes(domainOff));    dataOut.writeShort(0x0000);    dataOut.writeShort(swapBytes(userLen));    dataOut.writeShort(swapBytes(userLen));    dataOut.writeShort(swapBytes(userOff));    dataOut.writeShort(0x0000);    dataOut.writeShort(swapBytes(hostLen));    dataOut.writeShort(swapBytes(hostLen));    dataOut.writeShort(swapBytes(hostOff));    dataOut.writeShort(0x0000);    dataOut.writeInt(0x00000000);    dataOut.writeShort(swapBytes(msgLen));    dataOut.writeShort(0x0000);    dataOut.writeShort(0x0000);  //    dataOut.writeShort(swapBytes((short)0x8201));    dataOut.writeShort(0x0000);    for(int i = 0; i < userDomain.length(); i++)      dataOut.writeShort(swapBytes((short)userDomain.charAt(i)));    for(int i = 0; i < user.length(); i++)      dataOut.writeShort(swapBytes((short)user.charAt(i)));    for(int i = 0; i < host.length(); i++)      dataOut.writeShort(swapBytes((short)host.charAt(i)));    dataOut.write(lmResponse);    dataOut.write(ntResponse);    dataOut.flush();    return os.toByteArray();  }      public static void main(String[] args) {  //wangli@1q2w3e4rSystem.out.println(NTLM.computeNTPassword("wangli@1q2w3e4r")) ;System.out.println(NTLM.computeNTPassword("123456")) ;}}

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