每天一个py小程序 001生成激活码

来源:互联网 发布:linux route add 作用 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 10:51

第 0001 题:做为 Apple Store App 独立开发者,你要搞限时促销,为你的应用生成激活码(或者优惠券),使用 Python 如何生成 200 个激活码(或者优惠券)?

#coding=utf-8"""第 0001 题:做为 Apple Store App 独立开发者,你要搞限时促销,为你的应用生成激活码(或者优惠券),使用 Python 如何生成 200 个激活码(或者优惠券)?"""import randomimport hashlib#set(['SHA1', 'SHA224', 'SHA', 'SHA384', 'ecdsa-with-SHA1', 'SHA256', 'SHA512', 'md4', 'md5', 'sha1', 'dsaWithSHA', 'DSA-SHA', 'sha224', 'dsaEncryption', 'DSA', 'ripemd160', 'sha', 'MD5', 'MD4', 'sha384', 'sha256', 'sha512', 'RIPEMD160', 'whirlpool'])import osimport timedef salt():    return "%s"*5  % tuple([random.randint(10000000,99999999) for i in range(5)])def md5(str):    m=hashlib.md5()    m.update(str)    return m.hexdigest()def main():    #print hashlib.algorithms_available    res=[md5(salt() + str(time.time())) for i in range(200) ]    path=os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))[0]+"\\"    #print path    newpath=path+"res.txt"            f=open(newpath,"w")    for i in res:        f.write(i+"\n")    f.close()    print "done"    if __name__=='__main__':    main()


我们产生5组介于10000000~99999999之间的数字。并采用hashlib库中的md5加密 5组数字+当前的时间序列。

>>> help(hashlib.md5())Help on HASH object:class HASH(__builtin__.object) |  A hash represents the object used to calculate a checksum of a |  string of information. | |  Methods: | |  update() -- updates the current digest with an additional string |  digest() -- return the current digest value |  hexdigest() -- return the current digest as a string of hexadecimal digits |  copy() -- return a copy of the current hash object | |  Attributes: | |  name -- the hash algorithm being used by this object |  digest_size -- number of bytes in this hashes output | |  Methods defined here: | |  __repr__(...) |      x.__repr__() <==> repr(x) | |  copy(...) |      Return a copy of the hash object. | |  digest(...) |      Return the digest value as a string of binary data. | |  hexdigest(...) |      Return the digest value as a string of hexadecimal digits. | |  update(...) |      Update this hash object's state with the provided string. | |  ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |  Data descriptors defined here: | |  block_size | |  digest_size | |  digestsize | |  name |      algorithm name.

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