storm 使用过程中遇到的问题

来源:互联网 发布:一个域名多个ip 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 12:00
1 bolt不停重启,excutor无法启动。
2014-03-12 10:55:06 b.s.d.nimbus [INFO] Executor MITAS3-74-1394565794:[3434] not alive2014-03-12 10:55:06 b.s.d.nimbus [INFO] Executor MITAS3-74-1394565794:[4 4]not alive2014-03-12 10:55:06 b.s.d.nimbus [INFO] Executor MITAS3-74-1394565794:[4040] not alive2014-03-12 10:55:06 b.s.d.nimbus [INFO] Executor MITAS3-74-1394565794:[1010] not alive2014-03-12 10:55:06 b.s.d.nimbus [INFO] Executor MITAS3-74-1394565794:[1616] not alive2014-03-12 10:55:06 b.s.d.nimbus [INFO] Executor MITAS3-74-1394565794:[2222] not alive2014-03-12 10:55:06 b.s.d.nimbus [INFO] Executor MITAS3-74-1394565794:[2828] not alive
2014-03-12 10:55:06 b.s.s.EvenScheduler [INFO] Available slots:(["5d105f66-1add-421b-8265-e7340a95928c" 6700]["32ab1745-c260-4491-ae4d-92dcc5d14a62" 6700])2014-03-12 10:55:06 b.s.d.nimbus [INFO] Reassigning MITAS3-74-1394565794 to6 slots2014-03-12 10:55:06 b.s.d.nimbus [INFO] Reassign executors: [[34 34] [4 4][40 40] [10 10] [16 16] [22 22] [28 28]]
更改方法修改storm work配置,增大内存。
## to worker worker.childopts: "-Xmx4096m"
I have encountered the same issue in a case of out of memory in workerprocess. Try increase the memory of the wokers by setting nimbus.childoptsproperty. Also, if you are creating short living object at higher rateuse +UseG1GC. Since you are saying that you hold data in your memory, I'm suspecting(as I said) an OutOfMemeory error. Don't cover this just by increasing theheap size, but also I recommend to profile your worker and see if you havea memory leak.
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