[新书推荐]A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with OpenCV

来源:互联网 发布:带网络机顶盒的电视机 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/19 16:33

一本opencv好书,  在我上传的资源里 http://download.csdn.net/detail/qq_21970857/8504829

Computer Vision is a rapidly expanding area and it is becomingprogressively easier for developers to make use of this field dueto the ready availability of high quality libraries (such as OpenCV2).  This text is intended to facilitate the practical use ofcomputer vision with the goal being to bridge the gap between thetheory and the practical implementation of computer vision. Thebook will explain how to use the relevant OpenCV library routinesand will be accompanied by a full working program including thecode snippets from the text. This textbook is a heavilyillustrated, practical introduction to an exciting field, theapplications of which are becoming almost ubiquitous.  We arenow surrounded by cameras, for example cameras on computers &tablets/  cameras built into our mobile phones/  camerasin games consoles; cameras imaging difficult modalities (such asultrasound, X-ray, MRI) in hospitals, and surveillance cameras.This book is concerned with helping the next generation of computerdevelopers to make use of all these images in order to developsystems which are more intuitive and interact with us in moreintelligent ways.

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