hdu5187_zhx's contest(快速幂+快速乘法)

来源:互联网 发布:mac unix 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 09:31



Problem Description
As one of the most powerful brushes, zhx is required to give his juniorsn problems.
zhx thinks the ith problem's difficulty is i. He wants to arrange these problems in a beautiful way.
zhx defines a sequence {ai} beautiful if there is an i that matches two rules below:
1: a1..ai are monotone decreasing or monotone increasing.
2: ai..an are monotone decreasing or monotone increasing.
He wants you to tell him that how many permutations of problems are there if the sequence of the problems' difficulty is beautiful.
zhx knows that the answer may be very huge, and you only need to tell him the answer modulep.
Multiply test cases(less than 1000). Seek EOF as the end of the file.
For each case, there are two integers n and p separated by a space in a line. (1n,p1018)
For each test case, output a single line indicating the answer.
 Sample Input
2 2333 5
 Sample Output



1: a1~ai are monotone decreasing or monotone increasing.
2: ai~an are monotone decreasing or monotone increasing.





        看数据范围就知道要用快速幂,不过可惜如果只用快速幂会错,应为n和p的范围都是10^18,快速幂里在还没有模p之前的乘法都有可能超出long long int。所以想到用加法,a*b就是b个a相加,每一步都模p,然后用快速幂的原理不断二分,这就是所谓的快速乘法。




<span style="font-size:12px;color:#000000;">#include <iostream>#include<stdio.h>using namespace std;long long int n,p,res;long long modmul(long long a,long long b,long long m){    long long d,t;    d=0;    t=a;    while(b>0)    {        if(b%2==1)            d=(d+t)%m;        b=b/2;        t=(t+t)%m;    }    return d;}long long int modexp(long long a,long long b,long long m){    long long d,t;    d=1;    t=a;    while (b>0)    {        if (b%2==1)            d=modmul(d,t,m)%m;        b/=2;        t=modmul(t,t,m)%m;    }    return d;}int main(){    while(scanf("%I64d%I64d",&n,&p)!=EOF)    {        if(n==1)        {            printf("%I64d\n",n%p);            continue;        }        res=(modexp(2,n,p)+p-2)%p;        printf("%I64d\n",res);    }    //cout << "Hello world!" << endl;    return 0;}</span>







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