UIFont && UIFontDescriptor

来源:互联网 发布:开淘宝店咨询电话 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 23:41


先读一下 API 简单介绍

The UIFont class provides the interface for getting and setting font information. The class provides you with access to the font’s characteristics and also provides the system with access to the font’s glyph information, which is used during layout. You use font objects by passing them to methods that accept them as a parameter.

You do not create UIFont objects using the alloc and init methods. Instead, you use class methods of UIFont, such as preferredFontForTextStyle:, to look up and retrieve the desired font object. These methods check for an existing font object with the specified characteristics and return it if it exists. Otherwise, they create a new font object based on the desired font characteristics.

Font objects are immutable and so it is safe to use them from multiple threads in your app.






UIFontDescriptor objects provide a mechanism to describe a font with a dictionary of attributes. This font descriptor can be used later to create or modify a UIFont object. Font descriptors can be archived and unarchived. Font descriptors have a font matching capability, so that you can partially describe a font by creating a font descriptor with, for example, just a family name. You can then find all the available fonts on the system with a matching family name using matchingFontDescriptorsWithMandatoryKeys:.

There are several ways to create a new UIFontDescriptor object. To take advantage of text styles and respect the user’s current content size category, use preferredFontDescriptorWithTextStyle:. You can also use alloc and initWithFontAttributes:, fontDescriptorWithFontAttributes:, fontDescriptorWithName:matrix:, or fontDescriptorWithName:size: to create a font descriptor based on either your custom attributes dictionary or on a specific font’s name and size. Alternatively you can use one of the fontDescriptor… instance methods (such as fontDescriptorWithFace:) to create a modified version of an existing descriptor (the receiver). The latter methods are useful if you have an existing descriptor and simply want to change one aspect.

All attributes in the attributes dictionary are optional.






    _centerLabel = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(115, 12, 85, 21)];

    _centerLabel.text = @"哈哈哈哈哈哈it's a test!~";

    [_centerLabel setFont:[UIFont fontWithName:@"Helvetica" size:17.0]];

    [self.view addSubview:_centerLabel];


+fontWithName:(NSString *)fontName   size:(CGFloat) fontSize   创建并且返回一个指定字体类型和大小的字体对象,fontName指定字体集的名字和风格(例如宋体,楷书等这一类型的),fontsize设置字体的大小。


上面我们提到我们需要设置字体集,在IOS系统中我们用到的字体包含一下几种 :

Font Family: American Typewriter( AmericanTypewriter,AmericanTypewriter-Bold)
Font Family: AppleGothic(AppleGothic)
Font Family: Arial(ArialMT,Arial-BoldMT,Arial-BoldItalicMT,Arial-ItalicMT)
Font Family: Arial Rounded MT Bold(ArialRoundedMTBold)
Font Family: Arial Unicode MS(ArialUnicodeMS)
Font Family: Courier(Courier,Courier-BoldOblique,Courier-Oblique,Courier-Bold)
Font Family: Courier New(CourierNewPS-BoldMT,CourierNewPS-ItalicMT,CourierNewPS-BoldItalicMT,CourierNewPSMT)
Font Family: DB LCD Temp (DBLCDTempBlack)
Font Family: Georgia( Georgia-Bold, Georgia,Georgia-BoldItalic,Georgia-Italic)
Font Family: Helvetica(Helvetica-Oblique,Helvetica-BoldOblique,Helvetica,Helvetica-Bold)            默认字体
Font Family: Helvetica Neue(HelveticaNeue,HelveticaNeue-Bold)
Font Family: Hiragino Kaku Gothic **** W3(HiraKakuProN-W3)
Font Family: Hiragino Kaku Gothic **** W6(HiraKakuProN-W6)
Font Family: Marker Felt( MarkerFelt-Thin)
Font Family: STHeiti J  (STHeitiJ-Medium,STHeitiJ-Light)
Font Family: STHeiti K( STHeitiK-Medium, STHeitiK-Light)
Font Family: STHeiti SC(STHeitiSC-Medium, STHeitiSC-Light)
Font Family: STHeiti TC(STHeitiTC-Light,STHeitiTC-Medium)
Font Family: Times New Roman(TimesNewRomanPSMT,TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT, TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT, TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT)
Font Family: Trebuchet MS( TrebuchetMS-Italic,TrebuchetMS,Trebuchet-BoldItalic,TrebuchetMS-Bold)
Font Family: Verdana( Verdana-Bold,Verdana-BoldItalic, Verdana,Verdana-Italic)
Font Family: Zapfino( Zapfino)

+ (UIFont *)systemFontOfSize:(CGFloat)fontSize    使用标准的接口返回指定大小的字体对象。
+ (CGFloat)systemFontSize    返回标准的系统字体大小。
+ (UIFont *)boldSystemFontOfSize:(CGFloat)fontSize   返回字体对象使用了标准接口来指定字体大小附加黑体风格。

+ (CGFloat)buttonFontSize 返回按钮使用标准字体。

+ (NSArray *)familyNames  返回系统可用字体集名称的数组。一个NSString型数组对象。每一个元素包含了字型集名称。字型集的名称相当于字型的基础名称。如 Times New Roman.你可以输入返回的字符串到 fontNamesForFamilyName: 方法来取得可用的字型集的名称。然後你可以用这些恰当的名称去取得字体对象。

+ (NSArray *)fontNamesForFamilyName:(NSString *)familyName                      )familyName字体集的名称。使用 familyNames 方法取得系统中的一个字体集的名称。

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