软件包 junit.framework 不存在的解决方法

来源:互联网 发布:科研大数据平台建设 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/03 22:04

执行build.xml,出现错误如下: "软件包 junit.framework 不存在" 可我的JUnit运行没问题啊,查询答案如下: In order for code completion in eclipse to function you must make sure that junit.jar is on your build classpath. You should be able to find a junit.jar in the eclipse/plugins/org.junit_ folder - or you can download it from junit.org.The build classpath in Eclipse and the classpaths in your ant build.xml file are not synchronized. Therefore you also have to include junit.jar on your classpath in your ant scripts. The simplest solution is to copy junit.jar to your $ANT_HOME/lib folder (ant-junit.jar must also exist in the lib folder). This will ensure that the junit tasks can run smoothly.You could also do something like

...When you use the javac task - just insert a nested classpath and use the above id as refid attribute value. 根据上述文章提示,检查Ant的classpath配置,发现虽然将junit.jar复制到ANT_HOME的lib目录,但没有能自动加入,必须手工添加,之后问题解决。

配置ant的runtime,window-》preferences-》ant-》runtime-》classpath-》ant home,添加junit.jar

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