
来源:互联网 发布:windows 10 更改键盘 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 15:55



namespace 通讯录管理
    using System.Data;
    using System.Data.SqlClient;
    using System.Reflection; //反射的命名空间
    class SqlHelper
        static string connStr = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["connStr"].ConnectionString;

        public static DataTable ExecuteTable(string sql,params SqlParameter[] ps)
            SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, connStr);
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();
            return dt;

        public static List<PhoneNum> GetPhoneNumList(DataTable dt)
            List<PhoneNum> lists = null;
            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) //说明有数据
                lists = new List<PhoneNum>();
                foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                    PhoneNum temp = new PhoneNum();
                    temp.PId = (int)row["PId"];
                    temp.PTypeId = (int)row["PTypeId"];
                    if (!(row["PName"] is DBNull))
                        temp.PName = row["PName"].ToString();
                    temp.PCellPhone = row["PCellPhone"].ToString();
                    temp.PHomePhone = row["PHomePhone"].ToString();
                    temp.PtName = row["ptName"].ToString();
            return lists;
     获取PhoneType的实体类集合 +static List<PhoneType> GetPhoneTypeList(DataTable dt)
        public static List<PhoneType> GetPhoneTypeList(DataTable dt)
            List<PhoneType> lists = null;
            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                lists = new List<PhoneType>();
                foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                    PhoneType temp = new PhoneType();
                    temp.PtId = (int)row["PtId"];
                    temp.PtName = row["PtName"].ToString();
            return lists;
        public static int ExecuteNonQuery(string sql, params SqlParameter[] ps)
            using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connStr))
                SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand(sql, conn);
                return comm.ExecuteNonQuery();






namespace 通讯录管理
    public partial class FrmPhoneManager : Form
        public FrmPhoneManager()
            this.dgvList.AutoGenerateColumns = false;

        private void FrmPhoneManager_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            this.cboGroup.DisplayMember = "ptname";
            this.cboGroup.ValueMember = "ptid";
            DataTable TypeTB = SqlHelper.ExecuteTable("select ptid,ptname from phonetype");
            this.cboGroup.DataSource = SqlHelper.GetPhoneTypeList(TypeTB);
            this.cboSeaGroup.DisplayMember = "ptname";
            this.cboSeaGroup.ValueMember = "ptid";
            List<PhoneType> typeList = SqlHelper.GetPhoneTypeList(TypeTB);
            typeList.Insert(0, new PhoneType() {PtId=-1,PtName="请选择"});
            this.cboSeaGroup.DataSource = typeList;
        #region 加载dgv控件的数据 +void LoadDGVData()
        /// <summary>
        /// 加载dgv控件的数据
        /// </summary>
        private void LoadDGVData()
            string sql = "select pId, pTypeId, pName, pCellPhone, pHomePhone,phonetype.ptName from PhoneNum,PhoneType where PhoneNum.pTypeId=PhoneType.ptId";
            DataTable dt = SqlHelper.ExecuteTable(sql);//获得目标数据表
            this.dgvList.DataSource = SqlHelper.GetPhoneNumList(dt);//把表的数据转换成集合对象

       //点击 选择控件的某一行(只需要某一个单元格)数据触发
        private void dgvList_CellClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
            PhoneNum temp = this.dgvList.CurrentRow.DataBoundItem as PhoneNum;
            txtCellPhone.Text = temp.PCellPhone;
            txtHomephone.Text = temp.PHomePhone;
            txtName.Text = temp.PName;
            cboGroup.SelectedValue = temp.PTypeId; //ValueMenber:实际值

            dgvList.Tag = temp.PId;
            isSelected = true;
        bool isSelected = false;

        private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (isSelected==false)
            string sql = "update phonenum set ptypeid=@ptypeid,pName=@pName,pcellPhone=@pcellPhone,phomephone=@phomephone wherepid=@pid";
            SqlParameter[] ps = {
           new SqlParameter("ptypeid", (this.cboGroup.SelectedItem as PhoneType).PtId),
           new SqlParameter("pName", this.txtName.Text.Trim()),
           new SqlParameter("pcellPhone", this.txtCellPhone.Text.Trim()),
            new SqlParameter("phomephone", this.txtHomephone.Text.Trim()),
           new SqlParameter("pid", this.dgvList.Tag)//从tag值中将PID值取出使用
            int num = SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, ps);
            if (num == 1)
                int index = this.dgvList.CurrentRow.Index;
                LoadDGVData(); //会默认选择第一行
                    this.dgvList.Rows[index].Selected = true;
                isSelected = false;

        private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string sql = "insert into phonenum values(@ptypeid,@pName,@pcellPhone,@phomephone)";
            SqlParameter[] ps = { 
                                    new SqlParameter("ptypeid", (this.cboGroup.SelectedItem as PhoneType).PtId),
            new SqlParameter("pName", this.txtName.Text.Trim()),
            new SqlParameter("pcellPhone", this.txtCellPhone.Text.Trim()),
            new SqlParameter("phomephone", this.txtHomephone.Text.Trim())
            int num=SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql,ps);
            if (num == 1)

        private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string sql = "delete from phonenum where pid=@pid";
            SqlParameter p = new SqlParameter("pid", dgvList.Tag);
            int num = SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, p);
            if (num == 1)


        private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string sql = "select pId, pTypeId, pName, pCellPhone, pHomePhone,phonetype.ptName from PhoneNum,PhoneType where PhoneNum.pTypeId=PhoneType.ptId";
            List<SqlParameter> ps = new List<SqlParameter>();
            //根据用户的查询输入  拼接 sql查询命令
            if(cboSeaGroup.Text!="请选择") //说明用户选择了分组名称
                sql = sql + " and pTypeId=@pTypeId";
                ps.Add( new SqlParameter("pTypeId", this.cboSeaGroup.SelectedValue));
            if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtSeaName.Text.Trim())) //说明用户选择了姓名进行模糊查询
                //sql = sql + "    and pName like  '%'+@name+'%'                  ";
                //ps.Add(new SqlParameter("name",txtSeaName.Text.Trim()));
                sql = sql + " and pName like @name";
                ps.Add(new SqlParameter("name","%"+txtSeaName.Text.Trim()+"%"));
            DataTable dt = SqlHelper.ExecuteTable(sql, ps.ToArray());
            this.dgvList.DataSource = SqlHelper.GetPhoneNumList(dt); //SqlHelper.GetList<PhoneNum>(dt);



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