
来源:互联网 发布:php 源码 owncloud 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 09:39


//pre define#define GATE_HOST ""#define GATE_PORT 3014#define MAX_LINE_CHARS 1024#define MAX_RUN_NUM 5000000#define END_STR "bye"#define ROBOT_STR "robot"static const char *connectorHost = "";static int connectorPort = 0;static const char *user = "";static const char *channel = "";static pc_client_t *pomelo_client;
void login(const char *username, const char *Channel) {    const char *ip = GATE_HOST;    int port = GATE_PORT;    user = username;    channel = Channel;    //init a client    pc_client_t *client = pc_client_new();    // add some event callback.    pc_add_listener(client, PC_EVENT_DISCONNECT, on_gate_close);    // set the address    struct sockaddr_in address;    memset(&address, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));    address.sin_family = AF_INET;    address.sin_port = htons(port);    address.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(ip);    printf("try to connect to gate server %s %d\n", ip, port); //debug     // try to connect to server.    if (pc_client_connect(client, &address)) {        printf("fail to connect gate server.\n");        pc_client_destroy(client);        return;    }    // try to route     const char *route = "gate.gateHandler.queryEntry";    // make the json msg    json_t *msg = json_object();    json_t *str = json_string(username);    json_object_set_new(msg, "uid", str);    // make request    pc_request_t *request = pc_request_new();    pc_request(client, request, route, msg, on_request_gate_cb);}

客户端收到gate返回的信息(connectorHost & connectorPort)on_request_gate_cb;进行重连接

void on_request_gate_cb(pc_request_t *req, int status, json_t *resp) {    if (status == -1) {        printf("Fail to send request to server.\n");    }     else if (status == 0) {        // parse the msg get        connectorHost = json_string_value(json_object_get(resp, "host"));        connectorPort = json_number_value(json_object_get(resp, "port"));        //try to reconnect        pc_client_t *client = pc_client_new_with_reconnect(1, 30, 1);        struct sockaddr_in address;        memset(&address, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));        address.sin_family = AF_INET;        address.sin_port = htons(connectorPort);        address.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(connectorHost);        // add pomelo events listener        pc_add_listener(client, PC_EVENT_TIMEOUT, on_timeout);        pc_add_listener(client, "disconnect", on_disconnect);        pc_add_listener(client, "onChat", on_chat);        pc_add_listener(client, "onAdd", on_add);        pc_add_listener(client, "onLeave", on_leave);        pc_add_listener(client, "reconnect", on_reconnect);        printf("try to connect to connector server %s %d\n", connectorHost, connectorPort);//debug        // try to connect to server.        if (pc_client_connect(client, &address)) {            printf("fail to connect connector server.\n");            pc_client_destroy(client);            return ;        }        //try route        const char *route = "connector.entryHandler.enter";        //msg        json_t *msg = json_object();        json_t *str = json_string(user);        json_t *channel_str = json_string(channel);        json_object_set_new(msg, "username", str);        json_object_set_new(msg, "rid", channel_str);        //request        pc_request_t *request = pc_request_new();        printf("%s %s\n", user, channel);        pc_request(client, request, route, msg, on_request_connector_cb);    }    // release relative resource with pc_request_t    json_t *pc_msg = req->msg;    pc_client_t *pc_client = req->client;    json_decref(pc_msg);    pc_request_destroy(req);    pc_client_stop(pc_client);//stop wait for infomation}



module.exports = function(app) {    return new Handler(app);};var Handler = function(app) { = app;};var handler = Handler.prototype;/** * New client entry chat server. * * @param  {Object}   msg     request message * @param  {Object}   session current session object * @param  {Function} next    next stemp callback * @return {Void} */handler.enter = function(msg, session, next) {    var self = this;    var rid = msg.rid;    var uid = msg.username + '*' + rid    var sessionService ='sessionService');    //duplicate log in    if( !! sessionService.getByUid(uid)) {        next(null, {            code: 500,            error: true        });        return;    }    session.bind(uid);    session.set('rid', rid);    session.push('rid', function(err) {        if(err) {            console.error('set rid for session service failed! error is : %j', err.stack);        }    });    session.on('closed', onUserLeave.bind(null,;    //put user into channel, uid,'serverId'), rid, true, function(users){        //here return all users information        next(null, {            users:users        });    });};


        //put user into channel, uid,'serverId'), rid, true, function(users){        //here return all users information        next(null, {            users:users        });


void on_request_connector_cb(pc_request_t *req, int status, json_t *resp) {    printf("on_request_connector_cb\n");    if (status == -1) {        printf("Fail to send request to server.\n");    } else if (status == 0) {        char *json_str = json_dumps(resp, 0);        //print all users information        printf("server response: %s \n", json_str);           //get msg         json_t *users = json_object_get(resp, "users");        if (json_object_get(resp, "error") != NULL) {            printf("connect error %s", json_str);            free(json_str);            return;        }        //set the finall client        pomelo_client = req->client;        printf("login chat ok\n");    }    // release relative resource with pc_request_t    json_t *msg = req->msg;    pc_client_t *client = req->client;    json_decref(msg);    pc_request_destroy(req);    //here not destroy the client}


void msg_send(const char *message, const char *rid, const char *from, const char *target) {    //route    const char *route = "chat.chatHandler.send";    //msg    json_t *msg = json_object();    json_t *str = json_string(message);    json_object_set_new(msg, "content", str);    json_object_set_new(msg, "rid", json_string(rid));    json_object_set_new(msg, "from", json_string(from));    json_object_set_new(msg, "target", json_string(target));    //request    pc_request_t *request = pc_request_new();    pc_request(pomelo_client, request, route, msg, on_send_cb);}void on_send_cb(pc_request_t *req, int status, json_t *resp) {    if(status == 0){        printf("on_send_cb ok\n");    } else {        printf("on_send_cb bad\n");    }    // release relative resource with pc_request_t    json_t *msg = req->msg;    json_decref(msg);    pc_request_destroy(req);}


void on_chat(pc_client_t *client, const char *event, void *data) {    json_t *json = (json_t * )data;    const char *msg = json_dumps(json, 0);    printf("%s %s\n", event, msg);    //here donot need to release, because the information is from the Server}
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