Auto-close message box

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝怎么组装电脑 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/18 01:00


Understanding the CMsgBox class

CMsgBox is a class which implements auto-close functionality. This class is derived from the CWnd class. It exposes a method called "MessageBox()", which in turn would call CWnd::MessageBox() to display a message box.

Getting the auto-close functionality implemented is very simple. In the CMsgBox::MessageBox() method, we start a timer (SetTimer() method) just before we call the CWnd::MessageBox API. In the OnTimer method, we try to find the message box window by using its window name (caption). Once found, we post a WM_CLOSEmessage to close the message box. That's it !

void CMsgBox::MessageBox(CString sMsg, CString sCaption, UINT nSleep,                          UINT nFlags, bool bAutoClose){    // Save the caption, for finding this     // message box window later    m_Caption = sCaption;      // If auto close then, start the timer.    if(bAutoClose)        SetTimer(100, nSleep, NULL);    // Show the message box    CWnd::MessageBox(sMsg, sCaption, nFlags);}void CMsgBox::OnTimer(UINT nIDEvent) {    // TODO: Add your message handler code here and/or call default    BOOL bRetVal = false;    // Find the message box window using the caption    CWnd* pWnd = FindWindow(NULL, m_Caption);    if(pWnd != NULL)    {        // Send close command to the message box window        ::PostMessage(pWnd->m_hWnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);    }    // Kill the timer    KillTimer(100);    CWnd::OnTimer(nIDEvent);}

Using the code

Add these two files to your project: "MsgBox.cpp" and "MsgBox.h". #include "MsgBox.h" wherever appropriate. Create the CMsgBox object as:

CMsgBox obj(this);

Or like this:

CMsgBox obj;obj.SetParent(this);

Use the MessageBox() method for displaying the message box. Set the bAutoClose parameter to false if you don't need the auto-close functionality.

obj.MessageBox("This message box will auto close in 2 seconds.",                "Auto Close Msg Box", 2000, MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION);

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