
来源:互联网 发布:php argv 参数 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/04 14:54

原文地址 基于EF的DbContext可以提供当前更改和全局更改的详细信息。





//                 (added, modified, deleted)using StateTuple = System.Tuple<int?, int?, int?>;using DetailsTuple = System.Tuple<IList, IList, IList>;


public enum DiagnosticsContextMode { None, Current, Total, CurrentDetails, TotalDetails}public abstract class DiagnosticsContext : DbContext{    protected DiagnosticsContext(string nameOrConnectionString)        : base(nameOrConnectionString) {}    // Default is DiagnosticsContextMode.None.    public DiagnosticsContextMode EnableDiagnostics { get; set; }    // Optionally prints change information on SaveChanges in debug mode.    public DiagnosticsContextMode AutoDebugPrint { get; set; }    // Has one entry (added, modified, deleted) for every monitored type, that has unsaved changes.    // Available after SaveChanges returns, valid until next call to SaveChanges.    public Dictionary<Type, StateTuple> CurrentChanges { get; private set; }    // Holds accumulated CurrentChanges contents during context lifetime.    // Available after first SaveChanges returns, otherwise null.    public Dictionary<Type, StateTuple> TotalChanges { get; private set; }    // Has one entry (added, modified, deleted) for every monitored type, that has unsaved changes.    // Available after SaveChanges returns, valid until next call to SaveChanges.    public Dictionary<Type, DetailsTuple> CurrentChangeDetails { get; private set; }    // Holds accumulated TotalChangeDetails contents during context lifetime.    // Available after first SaveChanges returns, otherwise null.    public Dictionary<Type, DetailsTuple> TotalChangeDetails { get; private set; }}

CurrentChanges和CurrentChangesDetails在每次执行SaveChangesAsync的时候都会被更新,TotalChanges和TotalChangeDetails在其上下文生命周期期间积累这些更改。注意到,当SaveChangesAsync方法失败的时候,CurrentChanges[Details]仍然是有效的。即使关闭了调试,DiagnosticsContext也能成为你的救星(参见 >>一些亮点)。


private IEnumerable<EntityType> GetEntityTypes(){    MetadataWorkspace metadata = ((IObjectContextAdapter)this).ObjectContext.MetadataWorkspace;    return metadata.GetItemCollection(DataSpace.OSpace).GetItems<EntityType>();}


private IEnumerable<EntityType> GetEntityTypes(){    MetadataWorkspace metadata = ((IObjectContextAdapter)this).ObjectContext.MetadataWorkspace;    return metadata.GetItemCollection(DataSpace.OSpace).GetItems<EntityType>();}


protected virtual IList<Type> GetMonitoredTypes(IEnumerable<EntityType> entityTypes){    return entityTypes.Select(x => Type.GetType(x.FullName, true /* throwOnError */)).ToList();}


调用SaveChanges()的时候,可以获得在DbChangeTracker中的被更改的实体。DiagnosticsContext只会对实体的更改做一次检测,因为每次检测都会额外调用一次DetectChanges()。我们可以从detail collection中获得相关的更改总量。

private IList<DbEntityEntry> getChangeTrackerEntries(){    return ChangeTracker.Entries()        .Where(x => x.State != EntityState.Unchanged && x.State != EntityState.Detached)        .ToArray();}


private interface IHelper{    StateTuple GetChange(IList<DbEntityEntry> dbEntityEntries);    DetailsTuple GetChangeDetails(IList<DbEntityEntry> dbEntityEntries);}private class Helper<T> : IHelper where T : class {}


private StateTuple getChange(Type type, IList<DbEntityEntry> dbEntityEntries){    return getHelper(type).GetChange(dbEntityEntries);}private static IHelper getHelper(Type type){    constructedHelpers = constructedHelpers ?? new Dictionary<Type, IHelper>();    IHelper helper;    if (constructedHelpers.TryGetValue(type, out helper))    {        return helper;    }    Type helperType = typeof(Helper<>).MakeGenericType(type);    constructedHelpers.Add(type, helper = (IHelper)Activator.CreateInstance(helperType));    return helper;}


public StateTuple GetChange(IList<DbEntityEntry> dbEntityEntries){    dbEntityEntries = dbEntityEntries        .Where(x => x.Entity is T)        .ToArray();    var countPerState = dbEntityEntries.GroupBy(x => x.State,        (state, entries) => new        {            state,            count = entries.Count()        })        .ToArray();    var added = countPerState.SingleOrDefault(x => x.state == EntityState.Added);    var modified = countPerState.SingleOrDefault(x => x.state == EntityState.Modified);    var deleted = countPerState.SingleOrDefault(x => x.state == EntityState.Deleted);    StateTuple tuple = new StateTuple(        added != null ? added.count : (int?)null,        modified != null ? modified.count : (int?)null,        deleted != null ? deleted.count : (int?)null);    return tuple.Item1 == null && tuple.Item2 == null && tuple.Item3 == null ? null : tuple;}


private Dictionary<Type, StateTuple> getChanges(IEnumerable<Type> types ){    IList<DbEntityEntry> dbEntityEntries = getChangeTrackerEntries();    Dictionary<Type, StateTuple> dic = types        .Select(x => new { type = x, tuple = getChange(x, dbEntityEntries) })        .Where(x => x.tuple != null)        .ToDictionary(x => x.type, x => x.tuple);    // empty dic: although ChangeTracker.HasChanges() there were no changes for the specified types    return dic.Count != 0 ? dic : null;}




public class YourContext : DiagnosticsContext{    public YourContext(string nameOrConnectionString) : base(nameOrConnectionString)    protected override IList<Type> GetMonitoredTypes(IEnumerable<EntityType> entityTypes)    {        IList<Type> allTypes = base.GetMonitoredTypes(entityTypes);        IList<Type> types = new List<Type>();        // prints 'types.Add(allTypes.Single(x => x == typeof(a Type)));'        Debug.Print(string.Join(Environment.NewLine,            allTypes.Select(x => string.Format("types.Add(allTypes.Single            (x => x == typeof({0})));", x.Name))));        Debug.Assert(types.Count == allTypes.Count - 0);        return types;    }    public DbSet<YourEntity> YourEntitySet { get; set; }    ...}



public Dictionary<Type, StateTuple> GetCurrentChanges()public Dictionary<Type, StateTuple> GetCurrentChanges(IEnumerable<Type> types)public Dictionary<Type, DetailsTuple> GetChangeDetails()public Dictionary<Type, DetailsTuple> GetChangeDetails(IEnumerable<Type> types)public Tuple<ICollection<T>, ICollection<T>,ICollection<T>> GetChangeDetails<T>() where T : classpublic void IgnoreNextChangeState(EntityState state, params Type[] ignoredTypes)

通常情况下,我们需要添加一些实体,保存他们以获得key值,然后添加关联的导航实体并保存。第二次保存时,将会把之前添加的实体显示为被正确修改。为了避免这情况,我们在第二次保存之前调用IgnoreNextChangeState(EntityState.Modified, types)即可。


SaveChanges() throws and your context is running with DiagnosticsContextMode.None: all dictionary properties are null, bummer!

QuickWatch and context.GetChangeDetails() will rescue you.

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