
来源:互联网 发布:二元期权源码 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/18 01:30




换句话说,Java程序可以加载一个运行时才得知名称的class,获悉其完整构造(但不包括methods定义),并生成其对象实体、或对其fields设值、或唤起其methods。这种“看透class”的能力(the ability of the program to examine itself)被称为introspection(内省、内观、反省)。





oh 多么崭新的人生啊,你只需要轻轻搜索iphone,就会有相应的图纸出现在你的面前,有了图纸该做什么呢,我就不用解释了吧。



 * @author zero
 * 1. Reflection has many forms, first, we need a Class object(Blueprint)

反射机制的实现由很多形式,但是,首先我们需要一个名称,不然怎么检索呢,通过名称我们获得Class 对象,也就是设计蓝图

 * 2. Use the Class object generate a new instance(real instance)


 * 3. Use the instance to call the method


* for example:
 * we need a iphone : and there two types, one is knockoff(fade), another is real, the real iphone has its own ISBN number

我们想要一个iphone 这里有两种类型 一种是山寨的knockoff 另一个是真机, 真机有一个独一无二的ISBN编码,在制造它的时候必须给出启动码,这样就可以避免别人随便Copy

 * 1.we got the iphone's blueprint

同理  我们首先要获取到iphone的设计图纸

 * 2.use the blueprint we make the iphone , attention: if we need a real iphone, we should get the ISBN number and tools named Constructor

使用这个设计图纸 我们来制造一台iphone   注意这里我们要做真机的时候需要一个ISBN编码,并且需要一个叫做Cinstructor的工具来启动这个ISBN编码制造真机
 * 3.after that , we can use the phone to test the function 



The money is self willed:有钱任性


import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;import java.lang.reflect.Method;/** *  * @author zero * 1. Reflection has many forms, first, we need a Class object(Blueprint) * 2. Use the Class object generate a new instance(real instance) * 3. Use the instance to call the method * for example: * we need a iphone : and there two types, one is knockoff(fade), another is real, the real iphone has its own ISBN number * 1.we got the iphone's blueprint * 2.use the blueprint we make the iphone , attention: if we need a real iphone, we should get the ISBN number and tools named Constructor * 3.after that , we can use the phone to test the function   */public class Refection {public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {Class iphoneBlueprint = Class.forName("KnockoffIphone");KnockoffIphone newIphone = (KnockoffIphone) iphoneBlueprint.newInstance();//generate a iphone directly .... opts:iphone's construction method with no arguments....newIphone.use();newIphone.destory();System.out.println("");//A blank lineClass iphoneBlueprint2 = Class.forName("RealIphone");Constructor constructor = iphoneBlueprint2.getDeclaredConstructor(new Class[]{int.class});RealIphone realIphone = (RealIphone)constructor.newInstance(new Object[]{89757});//generate a iphone with ISBN_number .... opts:iphone's construction method with arguments....realIphone.use();realIphone.destory();System.out.println("");//A blank line//Call the appointed method that we know it's name and argument.....Method method = iphoneBlueprint.getMethod("use", null);method.invoke(newIphone, null);method = iphoneBlueprint.getMethod("destory", null);method.invoke(newIphone, null);System.out.println("");//ergodic the method from the appointed instanceMethod[] methods = iphoneBlueprint.getDeclaredMethods();for(Method currentMethod : methods) {currentMethod.invoke(newIphone, null);}}}class KnockoffIphone {KnockoffIphone() {System.out.println("A new iphone produced.......");}public void use() {System.out.println("Use it to play..........");}public void destory() {System.out.println("Throw it away.The money is self willed.......");}}class RealIphone {int ISBN_Iphone;RealIphone(int ISBN_Iphone) {this.ISBN_Iphone = ISBN_Iphone;System.out.println(ISBN_Iphone + " iphone produced.......");}public void use() {System.out.println(ISBN_Iphone + " : play with it..........");}public void destory() {System.out.println(ISBN_Iphone +  " : Throw it away.The money is self willed.......");}}

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