Linear List 的编写与实现

来源:互联网 发布:幸运28大小算法 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/30 02:52

顺序线性表是最常用最简单的一种数据结构。简而言之。一个线性表是 n 个数据元素的有限序列。
//3月28号,关于LocateElem 和 ListTraverse未写,还未搞懂两种函数
//3月31号补充扩大线性表。类似 A = A U B
//补充 合并两个线性表

/*Linear list : **linear list has the only one data element called "the first"**and the only one data element called "the last"**every element has a previous expect the first one element**every element has a subsequent expect the last one element*/#include <stdlib.h>#define TRUE    1#define FALSE   0#define OK      1#define ERROR   0#define OVERFLOW    -1#define INFEASIBLE  -2#define INIT_LIST_SIZE  100#define INCREAMENTLIST  10typedef int Status;typedef int ElemType;typedef struct{    ElemType *elem;     //the linear list's basic address    int length;         //the linear list's length    int listsize;       //the linear list's size}SqList;//Initialize an empty linear listStatus InitList( SqList &L ){    //assign memory to linear list's elements    L.elem = (ElemType *) malloc (INIT_LIST_SIZE * sizeof(ElemType));    //if fail return ERROR    if( !L.elem )        return ERROR;    L.length = 0;               //empty linear list's length is zero    L.listsize = INIT_LIST_SIZE;    //initial linear list's size    return OK;}//Destroy linear listStatus DestroyList( SqList &L ){    //Initial condition : Linear list exist    if( !L.elem )        return ERROR;    free( L.elem );    L.elem = NULL;    L.length;    L.listsize = 0;    return OK;}//Clean linear listStatus CleanList( SqList &L ){    DestroyList( L );    L.length = 0;    return OK;}//If linear list is an empty list return TRUE otherwise return FALSEStatus ListEmpty( SqList L ){    if( L.length == 0 )        return TRUE;    else         return FALSE;}//Get the length of linear listStatus ListLength( SqList L ){    return L.length;}//Get the elementStatus GetElem( SqList L, int i, ElemType &e ){    if( !L.elem )        return ERROR;    if( i < 1 || i > ListLength( L ) )          // i in range(ListLength(L))        return ERROR;    e = *(L.elem + i - 1);    return e;}Status LocateElem( SqList L, ElemType e,                  Status compare( ElemType e1, ElemType e2)){    int i = 1;    ElemType *p = L.elem;    while( i <= ListLength(L) && !(*compare)( *p++, e ) )        ++i;    if( i <= ListLength(L) )        return i;    else        return 0;}//return an element's previous elementStatus PriorElem( SqList L, ElemType cur_e, ElemType &pre_e ){    //cur_e isn't the first element of the linear list    if( cur_e == *L.elem )        return ERROR;    ElemType *p = L.elem + 1;    int i = 2;    while(  i < ListLength( L ) && *p != cur_e ){        p++;        i++;    }    if( i > ListLength(L) )        return INCREAMENTLIST;    else        pre_e = *--p;        //error : pre_e = *(p--);    return OK;}//return an element's subsequent elementStatus NextElem( SqList L, ElemType cur_e, ElemType &next_e ){    //cur_e isn't the last element of the linear list    if( cur_e == *(L.elem + ListLength(L) - 1) )        return ERROR;    ElemType *p = L.elem + 1;    int i = 2;    while( i < ListLength(L) && *p != cur_e ){        p++;        i++;    }    if( i > ListLength(L) )        return INFEASIBLE;    else        next_e = *++p;    return OK;}//Insert a new element e into i - 1Status ListInsert( SqList &L, int i, ElemType e ){    if( i < 1 || i > ListLength(L) + 1 )        return ERROR;    if( ListLength(L) >= L.listsize ){        ElemType *newbase = (ElemType *) realloc (L.elem,                                    (L.listsize + INCREAMENTLIST) * sizeof(ElemType));        if( !newbase )            exit(OVERFLOW);        L.elem = newbase;        L.listsize += INCREAMENTLIST;    }    ElemType *q = (L.elem + i - 1);    for( ElemType *p = (L.elem + ListLength(L) - 1);        p >= q;        p-- ){            *(p + 1) = *p;        }    *q = e;    L.length++;    return OK;}//Delete elementStatus ListDelete( SqList &L, int i, ElemType &e ){    if( !L.elem )        return ERROR;    if( i < 1 || i > ListLength(L) )        return ERROR;    ElemType *q = (L.elem + i - 1);     //delete    e = *q;    ElemType *p = (L.elem + ListLength(L) - 1);     //the last element    for( ++q; q <= p; q++ ){        *(q - 1) = *q;    }    L.length--;    return OK;}/*扩大线性表 La** 类似数学里的 A = A U B**将 B 中不属于 A 的元素插入 A 中*/void UNION( SqList &La, SqList Lb ){    Status equal( ElemType e1, ElemType e2 );    int La_len = ListLength(La);    int Lb_len = ListLength(Lb);    int i;    ElemType get_e;    for( i = 1; i <= Lb_len; i++ ){        GetElem( Lb, i ,get_e );        if( !LocateElem( La, get_e, equal ) )            ListInsert( La, ++La_len, get_e);    }}Status equal( ElemType e1, ElemType e2 ){    if( e1 == e2 )        return TRUE;    else         return FALSE;}//merge two linear listsvoid MergeList( SqList La, SqList Lb, SqList &Lc ){    InitList(Lc);    int La_len = ListLength(La);    int Lb_len = ListLength(Lb);    int i = 1, j = 1;    int k = 0;    ElemType get_e1, get_e2;    while( i <= La_len && j <= Lb_len ){        GetElem(La, i, get_e1);        GetElem(Lb, j, get_e2);        if( get_e1 < get_e2 ){            ListInsert(Lc,++k,get_e1);            i++;        }        else{            ListInsert(Lc,++k,get_e2);            j++;        }    }    while( i <= La_len ){        GetElem(La,i,get_e1);        ListInsert(Lc,++k,get_e1);        i++;    }    while( j <= Lb_len ){        GetElem(La,j,get_e2);        ListInsert(Lc,++k,get_e2);        j++;    }}


#include <stdio.h>#include "linear_list.h"int main(void){    SqList L;       //declare a linear list L    //Create an empty linear list L    InitList( L );    //Check the linear list L    printf("L.elem = %u  L.length = %d  L.listsize = %d\n",        L.elem, L.length, L.listsize);    //Insert 5 element into linear list L    for( int init_i = 1;init_i <= 5; init_i++ ){        ListInsert( L, 1 , init_i );    }    //output all elements in linear list L    printf("The linear list's elements: ");    for( int print_j = 1; print_j <= ListLength(L); print_j++ ){        printf("%d ",L.elem[print_j - 1]);    }    putchar('\n');    //Check again    printf("L.elem = %u  L.length = %d  L.listsize = %d\n",        L.elem, L.length, L.listsize);    //Insert 5 element into linear list L    for( int insert_i = 6; insert_i <= 10; insert_i++ ){        ListInsert( L, 5, insert_i );    }    printf("The new linear list's elements:");    //output all element in linear list L    for( int print_j = 1; print_j <= ListLength(L); print_j++ ){        printf("%d ",L.elem[print_j-1]);    }    putchar('\n');    //delete a element    ElemType del_e;    ListDelete( L, 1, del_e );    //output the element whick was deleted    printf("The %d has been deleted.\n",del_e);    //output all element in linear list L    printf("The new linear list's elements:");    for( int print_j = 1; print_j <= ListLength(L); print_j++ ){        printf("%d ",L.elem[print_j - 1]);    }    putchar('\n');    //Get an element you want    ElemType get_e;    GetElem( L, 2, get_e );    printf("You want %d\n",get_e);    //Linear list's length    ListLength(L);    printf("The linear list's length%d\n",L.length);    //Show the previous and subsequent    for( int print_j = 1; print_j <= ListLength(L); print_j++ ){        printf("%d ",L.elem[print_j - 1]);    }     putchar('\n');    printf("Get the second element.\n");    ElemType pre_e;    PriorElem( L, GetElem(L,2,get_e), pre_e );    printf("The previous element %d \n",pre_e);    printf("Get the fifth element.\n");    ElemType next_e;    NextElem( L, GetElem(L,5,get_e), next_e );    printf("The next element %d \n",next_e);    //Destroy linear list    DestroyList(L);    CleanList(L);    return 0;}


#include <stdio.h>#include "linear_list.h"int main(void){    SqList La, Lb;    //Initialize La and Lb    InitList( La );    InitList( Lb );    //Insert elements into La and Lb    for( int i = 1; i <= 5; i++ )        ListInsert( La, 1, i );    for( int j = 3; j <= 7; j++ )        ListInsert( Lb, 1, j );    //output La and Lb    ElemType get_e;    for( int i = 1; i <= ListLength(La); i++ )        printf("%d ",GetElem(La,i,get_e));    putchar('\n');    for( int j = 1; j <= ListLength(Lb); j++ )        printf("%d ",GetElem(Lb,j,get_e));    putchar('\n');    //union La and Lb    UNION( La, Lb );    for( int i = 1; i <= ListLength(La); i++ )        printf("%d ",GetElem(La,i,get_e));    putchar('\n');    return 0;}


#include <stdio.h>#include "linear_list.h"int main(void){    SqList La, Lb;    SqList Lc;    //Initialize La and Lb    InitList(La);    InitList(Lb);    //Insert elements into La and Lb    int i = 1;    int j = 1;    ElemType a, b;    puts("Please enter the numbers to insert into La: ");    while( i <= 4 ){        scanf("%d",&a);        ListInsert(La,i,a);        i++;    }    for( int i =1; i <= ListLength(La); i++ ){        ElemType get_a;        printf("%d ",GetElem(La,i,get_a));    }    putchar('\n');    puts("Please enter the numbers to insert into Lb: ");    while( j <= 7 ){        scanf("%d",&b);        ListInsert(Lb,j,b);        j++;    }    for( int j = 1; j <= ListLength(Lb); j++ ){        ElemType get_b;        printf("%d ",GetElem(Lb,j,get_b));    }    putchar('\n');    MergeList(La,Lb,Lc);    ElemType get_e;    printf("The Lc : ");    for( int i = 1; i <= ListLength(Lc); i++ ){        printf("%d ",GetElem(Lc,i,get_e));    }    return 0;}
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