文件的读写(fin && fout)

来源:互联网 发布:mac视频播放器加速 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/18 09:25


  1. 首先,先看看cin和cout对象,cin和cout对象使得我们能够从键盘上获取字符,并在屏幕上显示出来。

    • cin对象的作用可以理解成实现:【键盘–>缓冲区】
      如:string str; cin>>str;

    • cout对象的作用可以理解成:【缓冲区–>屏幕上显示】


  • fout对象的作用可以理解成:向文件中进行写操作 【从缓冲区–>硬盘】

  • fin对象的作用可以理解成:对文件中的内容进行读操作 【从硬盘–>缓冲区】


#include "stdafx.h"#include <iostream>#include <fstream>#include <cstdlib>#include <string>#include <iomanip>using std::cin;using std::cout;using std::endl;using std::ifstream;using std::ofstream;using std::ios;using std::cerr;using std::string;using std::setw;const char *file="D:\\guests.txt";int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]){    char ch;    cout<<"Enter Y/N if you want to clear the "<<file<<" file: "<<endl;    if(cin.get()=='Y'){        ofstream fout;        fout.open(file);        fout.close();    }    else{        cin.get(); // 获取当前输入流中的字符!!!        ifstream fin;        fin.open(file);//当前目录文件"guests.txt"        if(fin.is_open()){            cout<<"Here are the current contents of the "                <<file<<"file: "<<endl;            while(fin.get(ch))                cout<<ch;            fin.close();        }        //add new names        ofstream fout;        fout.open(file,ios::out|ios::app);//ios::app格式实现在文件末尾进行追加内容        if(!fout.is_open()){            cerr<<"Can't open "<<file<<"file for output."<<endl;            exit(EXIT_FAILURE);        }        cout<<"Enter guest names:"<<endl;        string name;        while(getline(cin,name) && name.size()>0){            fout<<name<<endl; //向文件中进行写操作  【从缓冲区-->硬盘】        }        fout.close();        //Show revised file        fin.clear();        fin.open(file);        if(fin.is_open()){            cout<<"Here are the new contents of the "                <<file<<" file: "<<endl;            while(fin.get(ch))                cout<<ch; //对文件中的内容进行读操作  【从硬盘-->缓冲区】            fin.close();        }    }    cout<<endl<<"Done!"<<endl;      return 0;}


Enter Y/N if you want to clear the D:\guests.txt file:NHere are the current contents of the D:\guests.txtfile:Enter guest names:RAOZIBINLUSHANSHANHere are the new contents of the D:\guests.txt file:RAOZIBINLUSHANSHANDone!请按任意键继续. . .


Enter Y/N if you want to clear the D:\guests.txt file:NHere are the current contents of the D:\guests.txtfile:RAOZIBINLUSHANSHANEnter guest names:BEIJINGSHANGHAIWUHANHere are the new contents of the D:\guests.txt file:RAOZIBINLUSHANSHANBEIJINGSHANGHAIWUHANDone!请按任意键继续. . .
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