
来源:互联网 发布:西语翻译软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/14 00:56





public class MyAsync extends Thread {        private volatile boolean done = false;        public void run() {            while (!done) {//子线程中的循环                System.out.println("thread out x");                try {                    Thread.sleep(500);                } catch (InterruptedException e) {                    e.printStackTrace();    //              Thread.currentThread().interrupt();                }            }        }        public synchronized void setDone() {            done = true;        }        public static void main(String argv[]) {            MyAsync t = new MyAsync();            t.start();//起子线程            long last = System.currentTimeMillis();            int count = 0;            while(true) {//主线程中循环                long now = System.currentTimeMillis();                if (now - last > 1000 * 1) {                    last = now;                    count ++;                    System.out.println("the " + count + "th count.");                }                if (count > 2) {                    break;                }            }            t.setDone();        }    }

代码1.1 线程示例

thread out xthread out xthread out xthe 1th count.thread out xthread out xthe 2th count.thread out xthread out xthe 3th count.




    function synchronizedCode() {        var last = new Date().getTime();        var count = 0;        while (true) {            var now = new Date().getTime();            if (now - last > 1000 * 2) {                last = now;                count++;                console.log('the %dth count.',count);            }            if (count > 9) {                console.log('exist while.');                break;            }        }    }    (function() {        setTimeout(function() {console.log('setTimeout 0 occured first.');},0);        setTimeout(function() {console.log('setTimeout 0 occured second.');},0);        synchronizedCode();    })();

代码2.1 setTimeout的例子

the 1th count.the 2th count.the 3th count.the 4th count.the 5th count.exist while.setTimeout 0 occured first.setTimeout 0 occured second.

图2.1 js帧结构
那么为什么是第一个setTimeout先触发,第二个后触发呢,难道仅仅由于先后顺序?我们把第一个setTimeout改为setTimeout(function() {console.log('setTimeout 0 occured first.');},100);,那么输出的时候就会是先输出setTimeout 0 occured second.,在输出setTimeout 0 occured first.。也就是说在第二帧setTimeout的回调的执行顺序不仅与代码顺序有关还和延迟时间有关。

    (function() {        setTimeout(function() {console.log('setTimeout 0 occured first.');},0);        setTimeout(function() {console.log('setTimeout 0 occured second.');},0);        process.nextTick(function() {console.log('nextTick occured.');});        synchronizedCode();    })();


the 1th count.the 2th count.the 3th count.the 4th count.the 5th count.exist while.nextTick occured.setTimeout 0 occured first.setTimeout 0 occured second.  


图2.2 js帧结构

    var synchronizedCode = require('./sync');    (function() {        setTimeout(function() {console.log('setTimeout 0 occured first.');},0);        setTimeout(function() {console.log('setTimeout 0 occured second.');},0);        process.nextTick(function() {console.log('nextTick occured.');});        setImmediate(function() {console.log('setImmediate occured.')});        var fs = require('fs');        var crypto = require('crypto');        var rand = crypto.pseudoRandomBytes(8).toString('hex');        fs.mkdir('d:\\temp\\xx'+'\\'+rand,function(err) {            if (err) {                console.log(err,'错误',err.code);            } else {                console.log('create directory success.');            }               });        synchronizedCode();    })();  


the 1th count.the 2th count.the 3th count.the 4th count.the 5th count.exist while.nextTick occured.setTimeout 0 occured first.setTimeout 0 occured second.setImmediate occured.create directory success.  


等等,问题来了,这里最后一句才打印create directory success,那么是不是程序是在最后一步才创建的文件夹呢,如果真是这样,就有点低效了,起码这个创建文件的工作被那个while循环给延迟了得有5秒钟。不过幸好,这个想法是错误的!node.js中使用libuv来IO或者CPU计算量大的操作,而在libuv中处理这些耗时的操作都是用线程来解决,以避免堵塞住js线程(这一点和android的程序设计思路类似,android开发中使用子线程来处理耗时逻辑,避免对主线程造成卡顿)。这里我们来演示一个libuv的异步处理,在异步处理中模拟一个耗时操作:

    #include <node.h>    #include <string>    #ifdef WINDOWS_SPECIFIC_DEFINE    #include <windows.h>    typedef DWORD ThreadId;    #else    #include <unistd.h>    #include <pthread.h>    typedef unsigned int ThreadId;    #endif    using namespace v8;    Handle<Value> async_hello(const Arguments& args);    //不在js主线程,,在uv线程池内被调用    void call_work(uv_work_t* req);    //回调函数    void call_work_after(uv_work_t* req);    static ThreadId __getThreadId() {        ThreadId nThreadID;    #ifdef WINDOWS_SPECIFIC_DEFINE        nThreadID = GetCurrentProcessId();        nThreadID = (nThreadID << 16) + GetCurrentThreadId();    #else        nThreadID = getpid();        nThreadID = (nThreadID << 16) + pthread_self();    #endif        return nThreadID;    }    static void __tsleep(unsigned int millisecond) {    #ifdef WINDOWS_SPECIFIC_DEFINE        ::Sleep(millisecond);    #else        usleep(millisecond*1000);    #endif    }    //定义一个结构体,存储异步请求信息    struct Baton {        //存储回调函数,使用Persistent来声明,让系统不会在函数结束后自动回收        //当回调成功后,需要执行dispose释放空间        Persistent<Function> callback;        // 错误控制,保护错误信息和错误状态        bool error;        std::string error_message;        //存储js传入的参数,字符串        std::string input_string;        //存放返回参数,字符串        std::string result;    };    Handle<Value> async_hello(const Arguments& args) {        printf("\n%s Thread id : gettid() == %d\n",__FUNCTION__,__getThreadId());        HandleScope scope;        if(args.Length() < 2) {             ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New("Wrong number of arguments")));             return scope.Close(Undefined());           }         if (!args[0]->IsString() || !args[1]->IsFunction()) {            return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(                String::New("Wrong number of arguments")));        }        // 强制转换成函数变量        Local<Function> callback = Local<Function>::Cast(args[1]);        Baton* baton = new Baton();        baton->error = false;        baton->callback = Persistent<Function>::New(callback);        v8::String::Utf8Value param1(args[0]->ToString());        baton->input_string = std::string(*param1);         uv_work_t *req = new uv_work_t();        req->data = baton;        int status = uv_queue_work(uv_default_loop(), req, call_work,                                   (uv_after_work_cb)call_work_after);        assert(status == 0);        return Undefined();    }    //在该函数内模拟处理过程 ,如i/o阻塞或者cpu高消耗情形的处理。    // 注意不能使用v8 api,这个线程不是在js主线程内    void call_work(uv_work_t* req) {        printf("\n%s Thread id : gettid() == %d\n",__FUNCTION__,__getThreadId());        Baton* baton = static_cast<Baton*>(req->data);        for (int i=0;i<15;i++) {            __tsleep(1000);            printf("sleep 1 seconds in uv_work\n");        }        baton->result = baton->input_string+ "--->hello world from c++";    }    //执行完任务,进行回调的时候,返回到 js主线程    void call_work_after(uv_work_t* req) {        printf("\n%s Thread id : gettid() == %d\n",__FUNCTION__,__getThreadId());            HandleScope scope;        Baton* baton = static_cast<Baton*>(req->data);        if (baton->error) {            Local<Value> err = Exception::Error(String::New(baton->error_message.c_str()));            // 准备回调函数的参数            const unsigned argc = 1;            Local<Value> argv[argc] = { err };            //捕捉回调中的错误,在Node环境中可利用process.on('uncaughtException')捕捉错误             TryCatch try_catch;            baton->callback->Call(Context::GetCurrent()->Global(), argc, argv);            if (try_catch.HasCaught()) {                node::FatalException(try_catch);            }        } else {            const unsigned argc = 2;            Local<Value> argv[argc] = {                Local<Value>::New(Null()),                Local<Value>::New(String::New(baton->result.c_str()))            };            TryCatch try_catch;            baton->callback->Call(Context::GetCurrent()->Global(), argc, argv);            if (try_catch.HasCaught()) {                node::FatalException(try_catch);            }        }        //注意一定释放        baton->callback.Dispose();        // 处理完毕,清除对象和空间        delete baton;        delete req;    }    void RegisterModule(Handle<Object> target) {        target->Set(String::NewSymbol("async_hello"),FunctionTemplate::New(async_hello)->GetFunction());    }    NODE_MODULE(binding, RegisterModule);  

上述代码是在node 0.10.x上编译的,如果想在0.12.x上使用,请clone完整代码,并参照编译说明,项目源码地址参加第3节。

编写的测试代码,将其运行,就可以看出函数call_work根本就不在js线程中执行,也就是说它是可以和js线程并行的;函数call_work_after中能够触发js中的回调函数,将处理完的结果交给js。下面就编译上面代码(需要node-gyp支持,执行node-gpy rebuild进行编译),来验证上述结论:

    (function() {        setTimeout(function() {synchronizedCode('timer1',3);},0);        setTimeout(function() {console.log('setTimeout 0 occured second.');},0);        process.nextTick(function() {console.log('nextTick occured.');});        var addon = require('./addon/build/Release/binding');        addon.async_hello("good",function(err, result) {            console.log('node addon result',result);        });        setImmediate(function() {console.log('setImmediate occured.')});        var fs = require('fs');        var crypto = require('crypto');        var rand = crypto.pseudoRandomBytes(8).toString('hex');        fs.mkdir('d:\\temp\\xx'+'\\'+rand,function(err) {            if (err) {                console.log(err,'错误',err.code);            } else {                console.log('create directory success.');            }               });        synchronizedCode();    })();  


async_hello Thread id : gettid() == 284953360call_work Thread id : gettid() == 284958096sleep 1 seconds in uv_worksleep 1 seconds in uv_workthe 1th count.sleep 1 seconds in uv_worksleep 1 seconds in uv_workthe 2th count.sleep 1 seconds in uv_worksleep 1 seconds in uv_workthe 3th count.sleep 1 seconds in uv_worksleep 1 seconds in uv_workthe 4th count.sleep 1 seconds in uv_worksleep 1 seconds in uv_workthe 5th count.exist while.nextTick occured.sleep 1 seconds in uv_worksleep 1 seconds in uv_workthe 1th count in [timer1].sleep 1 seconds in uv_worksleep 1 seconds in uv_workthe 2th count in [timer1].sleep 1 seconds in uv_workthe 3th count in [timer1].the 4th count in [timer1].exist while in [timer1].setTimeout 0 occured second.setImmediate occured.create directory success.call_work_after Thread id : gettid() == 284953360node addon result good--->hello world from c++



3. 代码


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