SQL Server 和 Oracle对字段的操作

来源:互联网 发布:怎样删自己的淘宝好评? 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 02:02
SQL Server:
alter table [table_name] add constraint [主键约束名]  primary key clustered (列名) clustered:成群的;聚集成群的、聚合、聚集索引的创建和使用 

alter table [table_name][with nocheck] add constraint [外键约束名] foreign key (列名) references 表名(列名)
alter table stuinfo add constraint Fk_classid foreign key(classid) references classes(cid);
alter table stuinfo add constraint s_age check (age between 18 and 30);
alter table stuinfo add constraint CK_sex check(sex in('男','女'));
alter table emp add constraint DF_sex default '男' for sex;
alter table users drop CK_age
alter table users drop constraint PK_uid;

Exec  sp_rename  'old_table_name',  'new_table_name'
EXEC sp_rename 'stuinfo', 'stus';
Exec  sp_rename  'table_name.old_name', 'new_name','column'
EXEC  sp_rename  'stuinfo.Id',   'stuid',   'COLUMN'; 

Alter  table  [table_name]  add  [new_column]  varchar(33) 
Alter  table  [table_name]   alter  column  [column_name]  [data_type]

alter  table  [table_name]  drop  column  [column_name]
drop  table  table_name 
Truncate table [table_name]

alter table classes drop column desces;

--增加列  在classes表中增加一列desces
alter table classes add desces varchar(20) default ' ';

alter table classes alter column cname varchar(60) not null;

exec sp_help table_name
exec sp_help classes;

alter table [table_name] add constraint [主键约束名]  primary key(列名);
alter table sales add constraint PK_sid primary key(sid);

alter table [table_name] [with nocheck] add constraint [外键约束名] foreign key(列名) references 表名(列名)
alter table stuinfo add constraint FK_classid foreign key(cid) references classes(cid);
alter table stuinfo add constraint s_age check (age between 18 and 30);
alter table stuinfo add constraint CK_sex check(sex in('男','女'));
alter table stuinfo modify sname not null;  --modify:修改
select * from user_constraints [where table_name='大写表名'];
alter table stuInfo disable|enable constraint FK_classid;
alter table stuInfo drop constraint FK_classid;
alter table table_name rename to new_table_name;
alter table customers rename to custs;
alter table table_name rename column old_column_name to new_column_name;

alter table stuinfo rename column Id to stuid;

alter table table_name add column_name data_type [default value][null/not null],...;
alter table sale add sname number(10,2) default 0.0;
alter table table_name modify column_name data_type [default value][null/not null],...;
alter table sale modify sname decimal(10,8);

alter table table_name drop column_name;
alter table sale drop column sname;
drop  table  table_name;

select * from user_tab_columns where table_name='大写表名';
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