Python 核心编程第六章练习

来源:互联网 发布:关于json的面试题 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 06:47


"""A collection of string operations (most are no longer used).Warning: most of the code you see here isn't normally used nowadays.Beginning with Python 1.6, many of these functions are implemented asmethods on the standard string object. They used to be implemented bya built-in module called strop, but strop is now obsolete itself.Public module variables:whitespace -- a string containing all characters considered whitespacelowercase -- a string containing all characters considered lowercase lettersuppercase -- a string containing all characters considered uppercase lettersletters -- a string containing all characters considered lettersdigits -- a string containing all characters considered decimal digitshexdigits -- a string containing all characters considered hexadecimal digitsoctdigits -- a string containing all characters considered octal digitspunctuation -- a string containing all characters considered punctuationprintable -- a string containing all characters considered printable"""

2-1:熟悉print %等操作符

a=(99,89,79,61,59,)print  float(sum(a))/len(a)d=[]def c(x):    if x in range(90,101):        return 'A'    elif x in range(80,90):        return 'B'    elif x in range(70,80):        return 'C'    elif x in range(60,70):        return 'D'    else:        return 'F'for i in a:    d.append(c(i))print d


'''for loops=raw_input('Enter a string: ')def p(x):        for i in s:        print ip(s)''''''while loops=raw_input('Enter a string: ')def p(x):    t=0    while t<len(x):        print x[t]        t=t+1p(s)'''

(a)更新你在练习2-7 里面的方案,使之可以每次向前向后都显示一个字符串的一个字符.

s=raw_input('Enter a string: ')def p(x):    t=0    l=len(x)    while t<l:        print x[t],        print x[l-t-1]        t=t+1p(s)

6–5. 字符串


a=raw_input('s1:')b=raw_input('s2:')def comp(x,y):    if len(x)!=0 and len(y)!=0 and len(x) == len(y):        l=len(x)        t=0        while t<l:                if x[t]==y[t]:                     print str(t)+' is good'                    t=t+1                else:                    print 'Not really'                    break          else:        print 'Not the same lenth or empty string'comp(a,b)


s1:as2:ANot really>>> s1:abcdefgs2:abcdefk0 is good1 is good2 is good3 is good4 is good5 is goodNot really>>> 


a=raw_input('s1:')def c(x):    z=len(x)    if z<2:        return false    i=0    while i < z/2:        if x[i]==x[z-i-1]:            i+=1            print str(i)+' is good'        else:            print 'Not really'            breakc(a)


s1:qweewq1 is good2 is good3 is good>>> s1:qwertyuiopoiuytrewq1 is good2 is good3 is good4 is good5 is good6 is good7 is good8 is good9 is good>>> s1:qwe rr ewq1 is good2 is good3 is good4 is good5 is good>>> s1:+qweewq+1 is good2 is good3 is good4 is good>>> 


a=raw_input('s1:')def c(x):    y=x    t=len(x)        for i in reversed(x):        y=y+i    return yprint c(a)      
s1:abcabccba>>> s1:qwertyuiopqwertyuioppoiuytrewq>>> s1:ab+c eab+c ee c+ba

6–6. 字符串.创建一个string.strip()的替代函数:接受一个字符串,去掉它前面和后面的空格(如果使用string.*strip()函数那本练习就没有意义了)

a=raw_input('s1:')def c(x):    print 'lenth1:'+str(len(x))    k=''    if len(x)>1:        for i in x:            if i!=' ':                k=k+i        print 'lenth2:'+str(len(k))        return k    else:        print 'Not good'print c(a)        s1:     acde    lenth:13lenth:4acde>>> s1:   abc   lenth1:9lenth2:3abc>>> s1:alenth1:0Not goodNone


#!/usr/bin/env python#UNIX启动行import string#导入string模块while 1:    #循环条件,一直为真,一直循环直到break    num_str = raw_input('Enter a number: ')    #用户输入一个数字保存起来    try:        #异常检测        num_num = string.atoi(num_str)        #locale.atoi(string) Converts a string to an integer.        break    #转换完毕,跳出    except ValueError:        print "invalid input... try again"#报错fac_list = range(1, num_num+1)print "BEFORE:", `fac_list`#i = 0t=fac_list#创建变量i赋初值为0while i < len(t):    #设定循环条件.只想到讲过要遍历副本,修改正主。这时用来将小于他且不能被他整除的所有数输出。    if num_num % t[i] == 0:        del fac_list[i]    #    i = i+1#不知道还有什么bug。输入6、20、12、30不会死循环了。print "AFTER:", `fac_list`        


lists = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','nine']new = ''while True:    try:        iput = int(raw_input('Please input a int(0~1000): '))#上面要转换为整型,因为要做 0-1000的判断#while True:...try:...except:...固定        if iput <0 or iput >1000:            continue    except:        continue    breakiput = str(iput)for j in iput:    new+=lists[int(j)]+'-'print new[0:-1]


z=int(raw_input('min num:'))y=[]y=divmod(z,60)#求商取余函数divmod.被除数,除数。返回商、余数列表print str(y[0]) + ':'+ str(y[1])


def conversion(a,b):    return a*60+btime=raw_input('time HH:MM format: ')t=time.split(':')print conversion(int(t[0]),int(t[1]))


time HH:MM format: 12:31751>>> min num:75112:31>>> 

6-10 写一个函数,返回一个跟输入字符串相似的字符串,要求字符串的大小写反转

例如: Mr.Ed 返回 mR.eD

def c(x):    return x.swapcase()t=raw_input('A string: ')print c(t)
>>> A string: Mr.EdmR.eD


import stringdef Tran(strTemp):    lst = list(strTemp)    for i in range(len(lst)):        if lst[i] in string.lowercase:            lst[i] = lst[i].upper()        elif lst[i] in string.uppercase:            lst[i] = lst[i].lower()    return "".join(lst)    #这句list 变 string 的方法非常给力if __name__ == "__main__":    while True:        name = raw_input("please enter the string(-1 to quit):")        if name == "-1":            break        print "the new strange string is:%s" % (Tran(name))

(a)创建一个从整数到IP 地址的转换程序,如下格式: WWW.XXX.YYY.ZZZ.

def tranFromIPToInt(strIP):    lst = strIP.split(".")    if len(lst) != 4:        return "error ip"    return int(lst[0]) * (256 ** 3) + int(lst[1]) * (256 ** 2) +\           int(lst[2]) * 256 + int(lst[3])def tranFromIntToIP(strInt):    ip1 = 0    ip2 = 0    ip3 = 0    ip4 = 0    ip1 = int(strInt) / (256 ** 3)    ip2 = (int(strInt) % (256 ** 3)) / (256 ** 2)    ip3 = (int(strInt) % (256 ** 2)) / 256    ip4 = int(strInt) % 256    return str(ip1) + "." + str(ip2) + "." + str(ip3) + "." + str(ip4)c=raw_input( "input 'b' for IP-->INT or 'a' for INT-->IP :")if c=='a':    x=raw_input('A int: ')    print tranFromIntToIP(x)elif c=='b':    y=raw_input('A IP: ')    print tranFromIPToInt(y)
input 'b' for IP-->INT or 'a' for INT-->IP :bA IP:>>> input 'b' for IP-->INT or 'a' for INT-->IP :aA int: 3544705079211.71.232.55input 'b' for IP-->INT or 'a' for INT-->IP :bA IP:>>> input 'b' for IP-->INT or 'a' for INT-->IP :aA int: 2887016822172.20.97.118>>> 

def findchr(string, char)
要在字符串string 中查找字符char,找到就返回该值的索引,否则返回-1.不能用 string.*find()或者string.*index()函数和方法

def findchr(string,char):    t=0    p=[]    while t<len(string):               if string[t]==char:            p.append(t)                        t+=1    if p==[]:        return -1    else:        return p

(b)创建另一个叫rfindchr()的函数,查找字符char 最后一次出现的位置.它跟findchr()工作

def findchr(string,char):    t=0    p=[]    while t<len(string):               if string[t]==char:            p.append(t)                        t+=1    if p==[]:        return -1    else:        return p[len(p)-1]#改改输出就可以了。这时一种实现。


def findchr(string,char):    t=0    p=[]    l=len(string)    while t<l:               if string[l-t-1]==char:#从字符串最后开始查找            p.append(l-t-1)                        t+=1    if p==[]:        return -1    else:        return p[0]

def subchr(string, origchar, newchar)
subchr()跟findchr()类似,不同的是,如果找到匹配的字符就用新的字符替换原先字符.返回 修改后的字符串.

def subchr(string,char,sub):    t=0    p=list(string)    l=len(p)    while t<l:               if p[t]==char:            p[t]= sub        t+=1    return "".join(p)   #join方法非常给力。让list转换为string.

6-13 autc的实现,复数什么的不明白。
(a) 布包石头.
的程序来决定一个胜利者或者平手.注意:最好的算法是尽量少的使用if 语句.

a=raw_input('s,j,b.try:')import randomi=random.randint(0,2)dic={0:'s',1:'j',2:'b'}b=dic[i]print a+' vs '+bif a=='s':    if b=='s':        print 0    elif b=='j':        print 1    elif b=='b':        print -1elif a=='j':    if b=='s':        print -1    elif b=='j':        print 0    elif b=='b':        print 1elif a=='b':    if b=='s':        print 1    elif b=='j':        print -1    elif b=='b':        print 0


import randomdef Rochambeau(string):    dict1 = {"stone":"1","shears":"2","cloth":"3"}    dictAll = {"12":"lose","23":"lose","31":"lose","11":"equal","22":"equal","33":"equal","21":"win","32":"win","13":"win"}    randomNum = random.randrange(1,4)    return "you are:%s" % dictAll[dict1[string] + str(randomNum)]if __name__ == "__main__":    while True:        string = raw_input("please enter stone,shears or cloth(q to quit):")        if string.lower() == "q":            break        if (string != "stone") and (string != "shears") and (string != "cloth"):            print "error input."            continue        print Rochambeau(string)

(a)给出两个可识别格式的日期,比如 MM/DD/YY或者DD/MM/YY 格式,计算出两个日期间的天数.
百度知道的一个回答:日期格式是 YYYY-MM-DD

def datedif(date1,date2):    if date1==date2:        return 0    from datetime import date    d1=map(int,date1.split('-'))    d2=map(int,date2.split('-'))    d1=date(d1[0],d1[1],d1[2])    d2=date(d2[0],d2[1],d2[2])    return (d1-d2).daysdef dttoday(date1):    from datetime import date    date2=    return datedif(date1,date2) def dtb(date1):    from datetime import date    d1=map(int,date1.split('-'))    d1=date(today.year,d1[1],d1[2])     if today>d1:         d1=d1.replace(year=d1.year+1)    return (d1-today).days

利用的是time 和datetime模块的函数

>>> d1=[2,4,6]>>> from datetime import date>>> d1=date(d1[0],d1[1],d1[2])>>>, 4, 6)#date()函数将列表转换成格式。>>> d2=[4,6,8]>>> d2=date(d2[0],d2[1],d2[2])>>> print (d1-d2).days-794#利用上面的(d1-d2).days很轻易就算出了天数

6–16.矩阵.处理矩阵M 和N 的加和乘操作

def myPop(q):        print 'Original:'+str(q)    del q[len(q)-1]    print 'After del:'+str(q)myPop([1,2,3,4])



>>> fn = ['ian','stuart','david']>>> ln = ['bairnson','elliott','paton']>>> for i,j in zip(fn, ln):    print ('%s %s' %(i,j)).title()  Ian BairnsonStuart ElliottDavid Paton>>> type(zip(fn,ln))<type 'list'>>>> x=[1,2,3]>>> y=[4,5,6]>>> for i,j in zip(x, y):    print ('%s %s' %(i,j)).title()  1 42 53 6

文档:zip([iterable, …]) This function returns a list of tuples。

6–19.多列输出.有任意项的序列或者其他容器,把它们等距离分列显示.由调用者提供数据和输出格式.例如,如果你传入100 个项并定义3 列输出,按照需要的模式显示这些数据.这种情况下,应该是两列显示33 个项,最后一列显示34 个.你可以让用户来选择水平排序或者垂直排序.

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