Android 平台 bug类型及分析原则

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝网商城棉拖鞋 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 19:29
Android 平台 bug类型及分析原则

Android 平台上有以下几种Bug,例如:
ramdump,tombstone,system watchdog,system crash, system low memory,app crash,app ANR

下面针对每种Bug 简述相应的分析原则。
1. ramdump

"This is the most harmful/critical issue. Typically following bugs lead to ramdump
(1) kernel panic
(2) kernel watch dog
(3) thermal shutdown

When ramdump happens, the dut reboots into a black screen state.
The ramdump dump costs about some mins to complete. Need to wait dut reboots into android agian then collect logs."

check whether the ramdump files are in the ramdump folder, The ramdump files just state ramdump happened.

bsp or kernel team will analyse the issue.

2. tombstone
"Tombstone means userspace process crash. It only happens in native code (C/C++) but not Java."

check whether the tombstone files are in the tombstones folder.
Through the collect info, we can get process name and backtrace.
the owner for the process should analyse the issue.

PS: That tombstone happens in system server process (in other words the process is system server) results in system server reboot.

3. system watchdog
This means some critial system server services do not respond in time. This results in system server reboot.

check whether there are logs whose name is started with system_server_watchdog in dropbox folder.
FWK team should take the first look.

4. system crash
This means system server crash. The crash may caused by either native or java. This results in system server reboot.

check whether there are logs whose name is started with system_server_crash in dropbox folder.
Through the collect info, we can get backtrace.

FWK team should take the first look.

5. system low memory

This means memory is running low. This typically does not result in any serious system error. But it could lead to many bg services get killed by oom killer.

check whether there are logs whose name is started with system_server_lowmem in dropbox folder.

FWK team should take the first look.

6. app crash
This means unhandled java exception happenns. This results in the app got killed.

check whether there are logs whose name is started with XXXX_app_crash in dropbox folder.
Through the collect info, we can get app name.

The owner for the app should take the first look..

7. app ANR
This means the ui thread of the app does not respond in time. This results in the app got killed.
check whether there are logs whose name is started with XXXX_app_anr in dropbox folder.
Through the collect info, we can get ANR trace.
The owner for the app should take the first look..

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