SDK安装时general errors & sols

来源:互联网 发布:bong3和小米手环2知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 00:19

This post describes common installation problems with the Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 (released August 2009), and workarounds for each issue. The Windows SDK for Windows 7 is available for download in both ISO and Web Setup format.  Web setup allows you to install a specific subset of the SDK you select without having to download the entire SDK.  The DVD ISO setup allows you to download the entire SDK to install later.


During the installation of Windows SDK you receive an error similar to

An error occurred installing the Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7 package. Error: A file that is required cannot be installed because the cabinet file.


Cabinet file does not have correct format


This error usually occurs when you have a bad download of SDK Components or corrupted files.


Running the Windows SDK web setup on some connections can sometimes have issues when downloading the files.  We recommend that you clear the %temp%\sdksetup directory and retry your web setup. If that fails, switch over to the ISO setup for the Windows SDK. 

For Windows 7 SDK please refer to the download page here


When using Web setup to install Windows SDK, you might receive an error similar to

"Unable to find the file at the installation source.  The most likely..."



This error usually indicates a problem with underlying proxy issues or problems with network connection.


Verify your network connection and try to install the SDK again. If the problem persists, download the ISO instead of using the Web Setup.


During the Windows SDK installation you encounter an error similar to

"A problem occurred while installing selected Windows SDK components.

Installation of the "Microsoft Windows SDK XXXXXX" product has reported the following error: Fatal error during


Cause 1:

You are installing Windows SDK to a non fixed physical hard drive like a RAM/USB hard drive.


Please change the install location of the Windows SDK during install options and install Windows SDK to a fixed physical hard drive.

Cause 2:

Network Connection is lost during installation when using web setup.


Re try the Windows SDK installation and switch to ISO install if the problem persists.

Cause 3:

User cancelled the installation


Reinstall Windows SDK either from Web Setup or ISO downloads.


During an attempt to install Windows SDK you receive an error similar to

A problem occurred while installing selected Windows SDK components.

Installation of the "Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7" product has reported the following error: Please refer to Samples\Setup\HTML\ConfigDetails.htm document for further information.


This error usually occurs when you have a corrupted Document Explorer installation.


Uninstall the document explorer and re try the Windows SDK Installation.

If uninstalling Document explorer fails with errors similar to “Unable to open key” please refer to the solution explained here to uninstall Document Explorer.


When installing using an ISO download you receive an error similar to

“Setup could not find the file WinSDK_amd64\WinSDK_amd64.msi at any of the specified source locations”.


This problem usually occurs when you are installing from an ISO build for a different architecture.


Windows SDK now have different ISO’s for different architectures. Please download the correct ISO based on your system platform and architecture type.


An attempt to install Windows SDK might fail with the following error

A problem occurred while installing selected Windows SDK components. 
Unknown product: {E28FB85C-8E3E-4E12-B1E6-58A3AFC0AFB4} 
Parameter name: productCode


Document Explorer has shared component dependencies which break if you delete VS 2008 or Windows SDK files/registry entries manually. If these Files/Registry entries are deleted manually, Document Explorer installer will not be able to access its installer components.


Uninstall Document Explorer and retry installing Windows SDK. If you are experiencing problems uninstalling Document explorer please refer to the blog post here


An attempt to uninstall earlier Versions of Windows SDK may fail and Windows SDK setup reports error similar to

Unable to find required source files in any of the source locations”.


Some earlier versions of Windows SDK like the Windows SDK for Windows Server 2008, require source files to be able to uninstall the SDK. Windows SDK for Windows 7 does not require the source file to be able to uninstall.


1.       Download installer cleanup utility from

2.       Select All Windows SDK related packed with the version number you are trying to remove.

a.       Also select VCRedist and Document Explorer packages with the Windows SDK Version number. Do not select VcRedist/Document Explorer packages that have a different version number

b.      Also Select Windows SDK .Net Development tools (It has .Net version number, something like 3.5.XXXXX)

3.       Remove the selected packages

With this method, you will remove the installer cache, but the physical files remain on the disk. These will mostly get overwritten by the latest SDK but the behavior is not guaranteed.


When installing Windows SDK, you receive an error similar to

Unable to install Microsoft Visual C++ (error 1935)


Usually this error occurs when files required by the installer are in use. Most probably the mscoree.dll is in use.


Close all the application that are already in use and try the Windows SDK Installation again.

Finding Errors from the SDKSetup log:

On each install and uninstall session, SDKSetup creates a descriptive log in the System %temp% folder. (Usually it is C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Temp). When an error occurs during the Windows SDK installation or un-installation, a more descriptive error message is logged towards the end of the log file. The current log file is named similar to SDKSetup_7.0.7000 1800.log and changes based on the Windows SDK you are using. You can also search for “error” within the log to verify if there are another errors during the installation. Ignore messages similar to ‘ErrorDialog = ErrorDialog’ and “Error Status: 0”.

Nanda Lella 
Software Development Engineer 
Windows C++ & SDK Team

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