LeetCode12~14 Integer to Roman/Roman to Integer/Longest Common Prefix

来源:互联网 发布:centos怎么打开终端 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 19:34

一:Integer to Roman


Given an integer, convert it to a roman numeral.

Input is guaranteed to be within the range from 1 to 3999.


分析:此题关键是确定罗马数字如何表示,比如4并不是IIII而是IV,9并不是VIIII而是IX, 通过不断的取出最高位和余下的得到结果


class Solution {public:    // 关键在于4 9 400 等表示方式的不同    string intToRoman(int num) {        string roman[13] ={"M","CM","D","CD","C","XC","L","XL","X","IX","V","IV","I"};  // 确定相互之间的对应关系        int arabic[13] = {1000,900,500,400,100,90,50,40,10,9,5,4,1};        string result;        for(int i = 0; i < 13; i++){            int fac = num/arabic[i];   // 取出最高位,不是按照十进制/10            for(int j = 0; j < fac; j++){                result += roman[i];            }            num = num % arabic[i];   // 余下的        }        return result;            }};

Roman to Integer


Given a roman numeral, convert it to an integer.

Input is guaranteed to be within the range from 1 to 3999.



class Solution {public:    Solution(){        string roman ={"MDCLXVI"};        int arabic[7] = {1000,500,100,50,10,5,1};        for(int i = 0; i < 7; i++){            hmap.insert(pair<char,int>(roman[i], arabic[i]));    // 确定两者对应关系        }    }    int romanToInt(string s) {       int result = 0;       int i = 0;       if(s.size() == 0) return 0;       if(s.size() == 1) return hmap[s[0]];       while(i < s.size()){            int x1 = hmap[s[i]];            int x2 = hmap[s[i+1]];            if(x1 >= x2){                   // 大于 正常                result += x1;                i = i+1;            }            else {                       // 小于 不正常说明是4 9 400 900 等这些数字                result += x2-x1;                i = i+2;            }        }        return result;    }private:    map<char, int> hmap;};

三:Longest Common Prefix


Write a function to find the longest common prefix string amongst an array of strings.


分析:此题就是求最长公共前缀,这个可以采用hash_set, 用第一个字符串的所有前缀建立一个set,然后对于后面每个字符串,看他的前缀是否在hash_set中,不在则判断是否比之前的preCommon小,小则取最短的


class Solution {public:    string longestCommonPrefix(vector<string> &strs) {        if(strs.size() <= 0) return "";        set<string> hset;        string str0 = strs[0];        int preCommon =  str0.size();        for(int i = 0; i < str0.size(); i++){  // 第一个字符串的前缀建立一个hash_set            hset.insert(str0.substr(0,i+1));        }        for(int i = 1; i < strs.size(); i++){            string str = strs[i];             preCommon = min(preCommon, (int)str.size());   // 公共前缀肯定是字符串中最短的             if(preCommon == 0) break;            for(int j = 0; j < str.size(); j++){                if(!hset.count(str.substr(0,j+1))){         // 判断是否为前面字符串的前缀 O(1)时间搞定                   preCommon = min(preCommon, j);      // hash_set中不存在了 则为最短                   break;                }            }        }        return str0.substr(0, preCommon);    }};

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