
来源:互联网 发布:宝元lnc编程 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 06:17


using UnityEngine;using System.Collections;public class MainMenuController : MonoBehaviour {    //Tween    public TweenPosition welcomeWidget;    public TweenPosition settingsWidget;    public TweenPosition resetScoresWidget;    //Save the value of level    private int curentGameLevle;    //Judged the toggle    private bool toggleValue;    //save the time of game when is starting     private float timeCount;    void Awake()    {        MainSeceneManager.gameLevel = 5;        MainSeceneManager.openSound = true;    }    ///*************************************    ///click the button of resetScores    ///*************************************    //ensure whether reset game scores    public void ClickYes()    {        resetScoresWidget.PlayReverse();        settingsWidget.PlayForward();        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("score",0);    }    public void ClickNo()    {        resetScoresWidget.PlayReverse();        settingsWidget.PlayForward();    }    //****************************************    //Click the  button of WelcomeWidget    //****************************************    public void ClickPlayButton()    {        Application.LoadLevel("StartGame");    }    public void ClickOptionsButton()    {        welcomeWidget.PlayForward();        settingsWidget.PlayForward();    }    public void ClickExitButton()    {        Application.Quit();    }    ///**************************************    /// click the button of optionWeidget    /// *************************************    //Click the resetScoresButton    public void ChangeGameLevel()    {        switch (UIPopupList.current.value.Trim())        {            case "Easy":                curentGameLevle = 5;                break;            case "Simple":                curentGameLevle =7;                break;            case "Hard":                curentGameLevle=9;                break;        }    }    public void ClickResetScoresButton()    {        resetScoresWidget.PlayForward();        settingsWidget.PlayReverse();    }    public void ClickBackButton()    {        welcomeWidget.PlayReverse();        settingsWidget.PlayReverse();    }    public void ClickSaveAndBackButton()    {        MainSeceneManager.gameLevel = curentGameLevle;        MainSeceneManager.openSound = toggleValue;        welcomeWidget.PlayReverse();        settingsWidget.PlayReverse();    }    public void ClickEasyButton()  //GameLevel Button and Save the value of level    {                                                            curentGameLevle = 5;    }    public void ClickSimpleButton()    {        curentGameLevle = 7;    }    public void ClickHardButton()    {        curentGameLevle = 9;    }    public void ClickSoundButton() //Control sound whether closed    {        toggleValue = UIToggle.current.value;    }}


using UnityEngine;using System.Collections;public class GameOverMenu : MonoBehaviour {    //get the object 's UILabel of component     public UILabel currentScores;    public UILabel bestScores;    //get the game over menu    public Object gameOverMenu;    private float currentScore;    //void Awake(){    //    JudgeTheGameOverMenu();    //   //display the current score and best score by Label     //    UpdateTheScores(currentScore);    //    //print("GameOverMenu_currentScore:"+currentScore);    //}    //private void JudgeTheGameOverMenu()    //{    //    if (gameOverMenu)    //    {    //        //save current scores    //        currentScore = RemenberScores.currentScore;    //    }    //}    public void StartGame()    {        Application.LoadLevel("StartGame");    }    public void LoadMainMenu()    {        Application.LoadLevel("MainScene");    }    public void Exit()    {        Application.Quit();    }    public void UpdateTheScores(float currentScore)    {        float bestScore = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("score", 0);        if (currentScore > bestScore)        {            bestScore = currentScore;            GameObject.Find("Title").GetComponent<UILabel>().text = "Good Score!";        }        else   if(currentScore<bestScore)            {               GameObject.Find("Title").GetComponent<UILabel>().text = "No Good!";            }           else           {               GameObject.Find("Title").GetComponent<UILabel>().text = "Just so so!";           }        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("score",bestScore);        currentScores.text = currentScore + "";        bestScores.text = bestScore + "";    }}


using UnityEngine;using System.Collections;public class GameManager : MonoBehaviour {    /// <summary>    /// the class used to control the Game    /// </summary>    public static GameManager gameInstance;    //the Game State    public  enum GameState { GAMESTART = 0, GAMEISPLAYING = 1, GAMEOVER = 2 };    public int currentGameState;     //save the collide count    public int collideCount=0;    //choose a background to transform position    public Transform firstBackGround;    //Save the current scores    public int currentScores=0;    //achieve the game object    public GameObject scoreTitle;    private int delayTime = 2;    //receive bird and GameOverMenu     private GameObject bird;    private GameObject gameOverMenu;    //private AudioSource startSound;    void Awake()    {        gameInstance = this;        scoreTitle.SetActive(false);        currentGameState = (int)GameState.GAMESTART;        bird = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");        gameOverMenu = GameObject.Find("GameOverMenu");        PlayTheStartSound();    }       void Update()    {        if(currentGameState ==(int)GameState.GAMESTART)        {            gameOverMenu.SetActive(false);            if(Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))            {                scoreTitle.SetActive(true);                GameObject.Find("FlappyBird").SetActive(false);                currentGameState = (int)GameState.GAMEISPLAYING;                bird.SendMessage("GetTheGameBegin");            }        }        if(currentGameState==(int)GameState.GAMEOVER)        {           RemenberScores.currentScore = currentScores;           StartCoroutine("DisplayScores");        }    }    IEnumerator DisplayScores()    {        yield return new WaitForSeconds(delayTime);        gameOverMenu.SetActive(true);        gameOverMenu.SendMessage("UpdateTheScores", currentScores);    }    private void PlayTheStartSound()    {        if (currentGameState == (int)GameState.GAMESTART)        {            if (MainSeceneManager.openSound)            {                audio.Play();            }        }    }}


using UnityEngine;using System.Collections;public class MainSeceneManager {    //Save the game level    public static int gameLevel;    //Judged whether open the sound    public static bool openSound;}


using UnityEngine;using System.Collections;public class ColliderFloor : MonoBehaviour {    void OnCollisionEnter(Collision gameObject)    {        if (gameObject.gameObject.tag == "Player")        {            GameManager.gameInstance.collideCount++;            if (MainSeceneManager.openSound && GameManager.gameInstance.collideCount<=1)            {                audio.Play();            }            GameManager.gameInstance.currentGameState = (int)GameManager.GameState.GAMEOVER;        }    }}
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