
来源:互联网 发布:sysctl 优化 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/16 13:39


在Code和UI之间建立连接之后,我们经常会在Code中看到IBOutlet和IBAction类型的属性和方法,一直很奇怪这是什么样一个类型。比如IBAction类型的方法,查看其具体的方法体实现,发现并无返回值,那么为什么这个方法被定义为IBAction呢。查阅了相关文档之后终于知道在Code这边为什么会有这么一种看似反常的情况了。在网上看到了这么一段话,也就是说在编译器看来这两个东西一个代表 空,一个代表void,那么自然这种写法在编译器看来是合法的了,但是这个两个标志给IB怎么看暂时我还不理解,待后续补充。

You might be wondering just what IBAction and IBOutlet are. Are they part of the Objective-C language?
Nope. They’re good old-fashioned C pre-processor macros. If you go into the AppKit.framework and look at the NSNibDeclarations.h header file, you’ll see that they’re defined like this:
#ifndef IBOutlet  
#define IBOutlet  

#ifndef IBAction  
#define IBAction void  
Confused? These two keywords do absolutely nothing as far as the compiler is concerned. IBOutlet gets entirely removed from the code before the compiler ever sees it. IBAction resolves to a void return type, which just means that action methods do not return a value. So, what’s going on here? 
The answer is simple, really: IBOutlet and IBAction are not used by the compiler. They are used by Interface Builder. Interface Builder uses these keywords to parse out the outlets and actions available to it. Interface Builder can only see methods that are prefaced with IBAction and can only see variables or properties that are prefaced with IBOutlet. Also, the presence of these keywords tells other programmers, looking at your code in the future, that the variables and methods in question aren’t dealt with entirely in code. They’ll need to delve into the relevant nib file to see how things are hooked up and used.


整个启动过程从UIApplicationMain(位于main.m文件中)开始,通过该方法系统会创建一个应用程序(UIApplication类)的对象实例,这个对象实例先搜索Info.plist这个文件,然后从中得知初始需要加载的xib文件(xib文件主要是用户界面的信息)来显示出相应的初始界面,待应用程序对象实例创建好之后会向委托(若建立模板时选的是single view的话则此委托的类是AppDelegate类)发送消息,即调用委托的application:DidFinishLaunchingWithOptions:方法。网上找来一个iPhone应用程序生命周期的图,贴到下面:




设置文本框属性,在return key下拉列表中选择Done





- (BOOL)textFieldShouldReturn:(UITextField *)textField {if (nameTextField == textField) {[nameTextField resignFirstResponder];}return YES;}

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