Configure openerp on ubuntu 14.x(14.10)

来源:互联网 发布:通话变声软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/03 21:34
Openerp enviroment    sudo apt-get install libpq-dev python-passlib  python-dev python-pychart python-werkzeug  python-dateutil python-yaml python-unittest2 python-mock  python-openid python-docutils  python-pip  python-psycopg2  python-decorator python-psutil python-pypdf postgresql -y    sudo pip install  Flask-Babel simplejson   mako  pyyaml PSQL        sudo su postgres        createuser openerp -P        psql            //create database openerp;            //ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES FOR USER openerp GRANT ALL            //alter user user_name with password 'new_password';            alter role openerp superuser ;Openerp configure    Always being: odoo[7|8]/debain/openerp-server.conf -----------------------        [options]        ; This is the password that allows database operations:        ; admin_passwd = admin        db_host = False        db_port = False        #!!   make the user to be  current openerp running user,if wrong may come up with "no web module web_kanban" error.        db_user = openerp        db_password = False        #!!!  make sure the directory here include the local module and dev module        addons_path = /home/openerp/odoo8/addons,/home/openerp/extra_addons_cdrj      ---------------------        IF U a develop of openerp,make sure develop menu bee seen to u.        Select "setting"->"Users"->username(like Administration)->"Technical Features" ,then reload page.  Start server    #no module named web_kanban    # It likes a bug ,shoud use "./openerp-server --addons-path=addons" start but not "./openerp-server"    ./openerp-server --addons-path=addons    ./openerp-server --addons-path=addons,addons --log-level=debugSaw the port,than visit with  http://ip:port  .

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