【js&css文件压缩】php+minify+nginx 的配置和使用 -1

来源:互联网 发布:网络推广的工作内容 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 11:21

我们将min文件夹拷贝到网站根目录(目录可自定),这时候可以通过http://localhost/min/ 就能访问到min文件夹下的index.php文件。

<?php/** * Front controller for default Minify implementation *  * DO NOT EDIT! Configure this utility via config.php and groupsConfig.php *  * @package Minify */define('MINIFY_MIN_DIR', dirname(__FILE__));// set config path defaults 配置文件分别是正式用,测试用以及文件组合用$min_configPaths = array(    'base'   => MINIFY_MIN_DIR . '/config.php',    'test'   => MINIFY_MIN_DIR . '/config-test.php',    'groups' => MINIFY_MIN_DIR . '/groupsConfig.php');// check for custom config pathsif (!empty($min_customConfigPaths) && is_array($min_customConfigPaths)) {    $min_configPaths = array_merge($min_configPaths, $min_customConfigPaths);}// load config  读取配置文件require $min_configPaths['base'];// 如果请求中包含 test的关键字 则使用test-config 配置if (isset($_GET['test'])) {    include $min_configPaths['test'];}require "$min_libPath/Minify/Loader.php";Minify_Loader::register();Minify::$uploaderHoursBehind = $min_uploaderHoursBehind;Minify::setCache(    isset($min_cachePath) ? $min_cachePath : ''    ,$min_cacheFileLocking);// 压缩文件的根目录 可在config.php文件中配置 默认为网站根目录if ($min_documentRoot) {    $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] = $min_documentRoot;    Minify::$isDocRootSet = true;}$min_serveOptions['minifierOptions']['text/css']['symlinks'] = $min_symlinks;// auto-add targets to allowDirsforeach ($min_symlinks as $uri => $target) {    $min_serveOptions['minApp']['allowDirs'][] = $target;}if ($min_allowDebugFlag) {    $min_serveOptions['debug'] = Minify_DebugDetector::shouldDebugRequest($_COOKIE, $_GET, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);}if ($min_errorLogger) {    if (true === $min_errorLogger) {        $min_errorLogger = FirePHP::getInstance(true);    }    Minify_Logger::setLogger($min_errorLogger);}// check for URI versioningif (preg_match('/&\\d/', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) || isset($_GET['v'])) {    $min_serveOptions['maxAge'] = 31536000;}// need groups config?  请求为g 文件组合if (isset($_GET['g'])) {    // well need groups config    $min_serveOptions['minApp']['groups'] = (require $min_configPaths['groups']);}// serve or redirectif (isset($_GET['f']) || isset($_GET['g'])) {    if (! isset($min_serveController)) {        $min_serveController = new Minify_Controller_MinApp();    }    Minify::serve($min_serveController, $min_serveOptions);} elseif ($min_enableBuilder) {    header('Location: builder/');    exit;} else {    header('Location: /');    exit;}// 不存在f或者g请求 则不输出任何内容


<?php/** * Configuration for "min", the default application built with the Minify * library *  * @package Minify *//** * Allow use of the Minify URI Builder app. Only set this to true while you need it. */$min_enableBuilder = false;/** * If non-empty, the Builder will be protected with HTTP Digest auth. * The username is "admin". */$min_builderPassword = 'admin';/** * Set to true to log messages to FirePHP (Firefox Firebug addon). * Set to false for no error logging (Minify may be slightly faster). * @link http://www.firephp.org/ * * If you want to use a custom error logger, set this to your logger * instance. Your object should have a method log(string $message). */$min_errorLogger = false;/** * To allow debug mode output, you must set this option to true. * * Once true, you can send the cookie minDebug to request debug mode output. The * cookie value should match the URIs you'd like to debug. E.g. to debug * /min/f=file1.js send the cookie minDebug=file1.js * You can manually enable debugging by appending "&debug" to a URI. * E.g. /min/?f=script1.js,script2.js&debug *  * In 'debug' mode, Minify combines files with no minification and adds comments * to indicate line #s of the original files. */$min_allowDebugFlag = true; //开启调试,可以在浏览器查看错误信息,正式用时需要关闭/** * For best performance, specify your temp directory here. Otherwise Minify * will have to load extra code to guess. Some examples below: */$min_cachePath = 'c:\\WINDOWS\\Temp'; //这里我将minify生成的压缩文件缓存到了指定的文件夹下//$min_cachePath = '/tmp';//$min_cachePath = preg_replace('/^\\d+;/', '', session_save_path());/** * To use APC/Memcache/ZendPlatform for cache storage, require the class and * set $min_cachePath to an instance. Example below: *///require dirname(__FILE__) . '/lib/Minify/Cache/APC.php';//$min_cachePath = new Minify_Cache_APC();/** * Leave an empty string to use PHP's $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']. * * On some servers, this value may be misconfigured or missing. If so, set this  * to your full document root path with no trailing slash. * E.g. '/home/accountname/public_html' or 'c:\\xampp\\htdocs' * * If /min/ is directly inside your document root, just uncomment the  * second line. The third line might work on some Apache servers. */ //设置了目标压缩文件的起始目录$min_documentRoot = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/Public';//$min_documentRoot = substr(__FILE__, 0, -15);//$min_documentRoot = $_SERVER['SUBDOMAIN_DOCUMENT_ROOT'];/** * Cache file locking. Set to false if filesystem is NFS. On at least one  * NFS system flock-ing attempts stalled PHP for 30 seconds! */$min_cacheFileLocking = true;/** * Combining multiple CSS files can place @import declarations after rules, which * is invalid. Minify will attempt to detect when this happens and place a * warning comment at the top of the CSS output. To resolve this you can either  * move the @imports within your CSS files, or enable this option, which will  * move all @imports to the top of the output. Note that moving @imports could  * affect CSS values (which is why this option is disabled by default). */$min_serveOptions['bubbleCssImports'] = false;/** * Cache-Control: max-age value sent to browser (in seconds). After this period, * the browser will send another conditional GET. Use a longer period for lower * traffic but you may want to shorten this before making changes if it's crucial * those changes are seen immediately. * * Note: Despite this setting, if you include a number at the end of the * querystring, maxAge will be set to one year. E.g. /min/f=hello.css&123456 */$min_serveOptions['maxAge'] = 1800;//设置客户端缓存的时间长度 1800/60/60=0.5h/** * To use CSSmin (Túbal Martín's port of the YUI CSS compressor), uncomment the following line: *///$min_serveOptions['minifiers']['text/css'] = array('Minify_CSSmin', 'minify');/** * To use Google's Closure Compiler API to minify Javascript (falling back to JSMin * on failure), uncomment the following line: *///$min_serveOptions['minifiers']['application/x-javascript'] = array('Minify_JS_ClosureCompiler', 'minify');/** * If you'd like to restrict the "f" option to files within/below * particular directories below DOCUMENT_ROOT, set this here. * You will still need to include the directory in the * f or b GET parameters. *  * // = shortcut for DOCUMENT_ROOT  *///$min_serveOptions['minApp']['allowDirs'] = array('//js', '//css');/** * Set to true to disable the "f" GET parameter for specifying files. * Only the "g" parameter will be considered. */$min_serveOptions['minApp']['groupsOnly'] = false;/** * By default, Minify will not minify files with names containing .min or -min * before the extension. E.g. myFile.min.js will not be processed by JSMin *  * To minify all files, set this option to null. You could also specify your * own pattern that is matched against the filename. *///$min_serveOptions['minApp']['noMinPattern'] = '@[-\\.]min\\.(?:js|css)$@i';/** * If you minify CSS files stored in symlink-ed directories, the URI rewriting * algorithm can fail. To prevent this, provide an array of link paths to * target paths, where the link paths are within the document root. *  * Because paths need to be normalized for this to work, use "//" to substitute  * the doc root in the link paths (the array keys). E.g.: * <code> * array('//symlink' => '/real/target/path') // unix * array('//static' => 'D:\\staticStorage')  // Windows * </code> */$min_symlinks = array();/** * If you upload files from Windows to a non-Windows server, Windows may report * incorrect mtimes for the files. This may cause Minify to keep serving stale  * cache files when source file changes are made too frequently (e.g. more than * once an hour). *  * Immediately after modifying and uploading a file, use the touch command to  * update the mtime on the server. If the mtime jumps ahead by a number of hours, * set this variable to that number. If the mtime moves back, this should not be  * needed. * * In the Windows SFTP client WinSCP, there's an option that may fix this  * issue without changing the variable below. Under login > environment,  * select the option "Adjust remote timestamp with DST". * @link http://winscp.net/eng/docs/ui_login_environment#daylight_saving_time */$min_uploaderHoursBehind = 0;/** * Path to Minify's lib folder. If you happen to move it, change  * this accordingly. */$min_libPath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/lib';// try to disable output_compression (may not have an effect)ini_set('zlib.output_compression', '0');

config.php: $_min_documentRoot=根目录/Public

文件 : jquery.js 大小 (256,592 字节)

访问地址: http://localhost/min/?f=js/jquery.js
目标文件大小: (37,793字节)
官网min文件大小: (84,320 字节)

文件: bootstrap.css 大小 (148,206 字节)

文件: jquery.js + underscore.js
jquery.js 大小 (256,592 字节)
underscore.js 大小 (54,537 字节)

文件:bootstrap.css + bootstrap.theme.css
bootstrap.css 大小 (148,206 字节)
bootstrap-theme.css 大小 (23,084 字节)
目标文件大小:(21,822 字节)

我们需要通过编辑groupsConfig.php 文件

<?php/** * Groups configuration for default Minify implementation * @package Minify *//**  * You may wish to use the Minify URI Builder app to suggest * changes. http://yourdomain/min/builder/ * * See http://code.google.com/p/minify/wiki/CustomSource for other ideas **/return array(    // 'js' => array('//js/file1.js', '//js/file2.js'),    // 'css' => array('//css/file1.css', '//css/file2.css'),);

在reutrn array(); 里面填写关键的键名和键值,键值则是多个文件路径组合在一起.如果是以/开头或者以//开头则是从制定好的min_documentRoot开始。当然可以使用绝对路径或者../方式向上寻找
文件 jquery.js + underscore.js + backbone.js
jquery.js 大小 (256,592 字节)
underscore.js 大小 (54,537 字节)
backbone.js 大小 (36,200 字节)
访问地址: http://localhost/min/?g=mvc
目标文件大小: (50,951字节)

return array(     'mvc' => array('//js/jquery.js', '//js/underscore.js','//js/backbone.js'),);


  1. 调试模式
    内容前面都会有一个行号表示 同时标示来自哪一个文件。
  2. 文件过期
    $min_serveOptions[‘maxAge’] 有设置,如果想要将过期长度设置为1年(最大为一年),可以在请求参数中添加&123456 任意数字或者&v 都可行.最好通过数字的不同来确认源文件的修改。


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