LeetCode:Median of Two Sorted Arrays

来源:互联网 发布:千兆路由器 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 04:17

LeetCode:Median of Two Sorted Arrays

The Problem is described as following:

There are two sorted arrays A and B of size m and n respectively. Find the median of the two sorted arrays. The overall run time complexity should be O(log (m+n)).

My solution is as following:

class Solution:    # @return a float    def findMedianSortedArrays(self, A, B):        if len(A)==0 and len(B)!=0:            return B[len(B)/2] if len(B)%2!=0 else (B[len(B)/2-1]+B[len(B)/2])/2.0        if len(B)==0 and len(A)!=0:            return A[len(A)/2] if len(A)%2!=0 else (A[len(A)/2-1]+A[len(A)/2])/2.0        if len(A)+len(B)==0:            return None        k = (len(A)+len(B)+1)/2        numofFirstPart = 0 # to store the num of first(smaller) part        needtwoMedian = False        if (len(A)+len(B)) %2 == 0 :            needtwoMedian = True # means that we need to get the meddle 2 nums to cal the median        while (k-numofFirstPart)/2-1 >= 0 :            indexA = (k-numofFirstPart)/2-1 if len(A)>=(k-numofFirstPart)/2 else len(A)-1            indexB = (k-numofFirstPart)/2-1 if len(B)>=(k-numofFirstPart)/2 else len(B)-1            if A[indexA] < B[indexB]:                numofFirstPart += indexA + 1                if indexA != len(A)-1:                    A = A[indexA+1:]                else :                    A = []                    return  (B[k-numofFirstPart]+B[k-numofFirstPart-1])/2.0 if needtwoMedian else B[k-numofFirstPart-1]            else :                numofFirstPart += indexB + 1                if indexB != len(B)-1:                    B = B[indexB+1:]                else:                    B = []                    return  (A[k-numofFirstPart]+A[k-numofFirstPart-1])/2.0 if needtwoMedian else A[k-numofFirstPart-1]        if not needtwoMedian:            return A[0] if A[0]<B[0] else B[0]        else :            temp = (A[0]+B[0]) /2.0            if len(A)>1 :                if (A[0]+A[1])/2.0<temp:                    temp = (A[0]+A[1])/2.0            if len(B)>1 :                if (B[0]+B[1])/2.0<temp:                    temp = (B[0]+B[1])/2.0            return temp





具体地,首先针对两个数组分别选取A[k/2-1]B[k/2-1] 的元素(这里假设数组长度够长,若不够长,这直接取最后一个元素),也就是第k/2个元素,若A[k/2-1]<B[k/2-1],我们就抛弃B数组的前k/2个元素,并增大numofFirstPart的值;反之对A进行同样的处理。之后利用处理后的A和B进行同样的处理,此时选取的元素应该是第(k-numofFirstPart)/2,即尽量做到每次都可以确定待确定元素的一半。接下来如此往复进行即可。


  • 如果某数组元素为0的情况
  • 当选取元素时候数组现有元素的数目小于k/2的情况
  • 两个数组元素数目和胃偶数的情况
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