MFC 基础概念

来源:互联网 发布:时间序列数据聚类分析 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 21:02


OnCreate:The framework calls this member function when an application requests that the windows windows be created by calling the Create or CreateEx member function. The CWnd object receives this member function to perform any needed initialization before it becomes visible. 

OnSize: The framework calls this member function after the window's size has changed. 

OnInitDialog:This member function is called in response to the WM_INITDIALOG message. This message is sent to the dialog box during the Create, CreateIndirect, or DoModal calls, which occur immediately before the dialog box is displayed.



The WM_PAINT message is generated by the system and should not be sent by an application. To force a window to draw into a specific device context, use theWM_PRINT or WM_PRINTCLIENT message. Note that this requires the target window to support theWM_PRINTCLIENT message. Most common controls support the WM_PRINTCLIENT message.

The DefWindowProc function validates the update region. The function may also send theWM_NCPAINT message to the window procedure if the window frame must be painted and send theWM_ERASEBKGND message if the window background must be erased.

The system sends this message when there are no other messages in the application's message queue.DispatchMessage determines where to send the message;GetMessage determines which message to dispatch.GetMessage returns the WM_PAINT message when there are no other messages in the application's message queue, andDispatchMessage sends the message to the appropriate window procedure.

A window may receive internal paint messages as a result of calling RedrawWindow with the RDW_INTERNALPAINT flag set. In this case, the window may not have an update region. An application should call theGetUpdateRect function to determine whether the window has an update region. IfGetUpdateRect returns zero, the application should not call the BeginPaint and EndPaint functions.

An application must check for any necessary internal painting by looking at its internal data structures for eachWM_PAINT message, because a WM_PAINT message may have been caused by both a non-NULL update region and a call toRedrawWindow with the RDW_INTERNALPAINT flag set.

The system sends an internal WM_PAINT message only once. After an internalWM_PAINT message is returned from GetMessage or PeekMessage or is sent to a window by UpdateWindow, the system does not post or send furtherWM_PAINT messages until the window is invalidated or until RedrawWindow is called again with the RDW_INTERNALPAINT flag set.

For some common controls, the default WM_PAINT message processing checks thewParam parameter. If wParam is non-NULL, the control assumes that the value is an HDC and paints using that device context.



     那么,在OnPaint消息处理函数中,又是怎样实现更新无效区的呢?首先,要明白MFC中所有绘图操作都是基于设备描述表(Device Context,简称DC)的,具体信息可参看任何一本VC教材。DC中包含了绘图设备的各种信息,对于屏幕绘图,其实就是有一块内存(显存),专门用来存放要显示到屏幕上的信息,显示器以85HZ的频率(我以前的显示器)将其内容刷新的屏幕上。这里就到了关键点,显示器的刷新是将显存中的内容完全更新到显示器上,不存在无效区处理的问题,那么,无效区的处理一定发生在DC的绘图处理上。事实确实如此,当程序调用OnPaint消息时,首先将无效区范围传递给DC,DC在进行绘图操作时,就只更新无效区范围内的信息,其他地方的不管,这就提高了效率。


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