
来源:互联网 发布:网络交易平台有哪些 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 00:06










 * 1. initial the matrix's value (1 means that two points are connected, 0 means disconnected)

     初始化邻接矩阵的值,1表示a[i][j] 中 i 顶点和 j 顶点相连  反之不相连

 * 2. set every point is not visited at start (false)


 * 3. begin to dfsSerach with a start point (add the start point into visitList at first and make it's visit status true)

    开始深度优先搜索设置搜索的起始值,讲起始值加入到访问链表中  并将起始值所代表的顶点访问状态改为true表示已经被访问过了

 * 4. while current node is connected with the n'th node and the n'th node is not visited before.add the node into the visit List

    当当前的顶点与第n个顶点相连数组值为1     并且  第n个顶点为未访问的状态的时候  将第n个顶点加入到访问链表中并且改变其访问状态

 * 5. if we get the n'th node, supposed it as a start point and call step 3


 * @author zero


import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.List;/** * 1. initial the matrix's value (1 means that two points are connected, 0 means disconnected) * 2. set every point is not visited at start (false) * 3. begin to dfsSerach with a start point (add the start point into visitList at first and make it's visit status true) * 4. while current node is connected with the n'th node and the n'th node is not visited before.add the node into the visit List * 5. if we get the n'th node, supposed it as a start point and call step 3 * @author zero * */public class adjMatrixDFS {private List<Integer> visitList = new ArrayList<Integer>();//initial the matrix's value (1 means that two points are connected, 0 means disconnected)private int[][] matrix = {{1,0,1,0,1},{0,1,0,1,0},{1,1,1,0,1},{1,0,0,1,1},{1,0,0,0,0}};//set every point is not visited at start private Boolean[] visitStatus = {false,false,false,false,false};public void dfsSerach(int visitNode) {for(int i=0; i<5; i++) {if((matrix[visitNode][i] == 1 )&&(visitStatus[i]==false)) {visitList.add(i);visitStatus[i] = true;dfsSerach(i);}else {}}}public void setInitNode(int startNode) {visitList.add(startNode);visitStatus[startNode] = true;dfsSerach(startNode);}public void outSortResult() {System.out.print("The sorted result is : ");for(int i=0; i<visitList.size(); i++) {System.out.print(visitList.get(i) + "  ");}}public static void main(String[] args) {adjMatrixDFS amdfs = new adjMatrixDFS();amdfs.setInitNode(1);amdfs.outSortResult();}}


The sorted result is : 1  3  0  2  4 

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