
来源:互联网 发布:笔记本降温软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 01:24






/********************************************************************************* *      Copyright:  (C) 2011 Guo Wenxue<>   *                  All rights reserved. * *       Filename:  plat_button.c *    Description:  This is the common button driver runs on S3C2440 *                  *        Version:  1.0.0(10/27/2011~) *         Author:  Guo Wenxue <> *      ChangeLog:  1, Release initial version on "10/27/2011 11:39:10 AM" *                  ********************************************************************************/#include "s3c_driver.h"#define DRV_AUTHOR                "Guo Wenxue <>"#define DRV_DESC                  "S3C24XX button driver"/* Driver version*/#define DRV_MAJOR_VER             1#define DRV_MINOR_VER             0#define DRV_REVER_VER             0#define DEV_NAME                  DEV_BUTTON_NAME//#define DEV_MAJOR               DEV_BUTTON_MAJOR#ifndef DEV_MAJOR#define DEV_MAJOR                 0 /* dynamic major by default */#endif#define BUTTON_UP                 0 /* Button status is up */#define BUTTON_DOWN               1 /* Button status is pushed down */#define BUTTON_UNCERTAIN          2 /* Button status uncerntain */#define TIMER_DELAY_DOWN          (HZ/50)   /*Remove button push down dithering timer delay 20ms  */#define TIMER_DELAY_UP            (HZ/10)   /*Remove button up dithering timer delay 100ms  */static int debug = DISABLE;static int dev_major = DEV_MAJOR;static int dev_minor = 0;/*============================ Platform Device part ===============================*//* Button hardware informtation structure*/struct s3c_button_info{    unsigned char           num;       /*Button nubmer  按键号*/      char *                  name;      /*Button nubmer  按键名*/    int                     nIRQ;      /*Button IRQ number 中断号*/    unsigned int            setting;   /*Button IRQ Pin Setting 中断引脚配置*/    unsigned int            gpio;      /*Button GPIO port 对应的IO引脚*/};/* The button plaotform device private data structure */struct s3c_button_platform_data //按键数据结构体{    struct s3c_button_info *buttons; //用来访问按键硬件信息的指针    int                     nbuttons;//按键数量};/* Button hardware informtation data*/ //具体的相应按键信息static struct s3c_button_info  s3c_buttons[] = {    [0] = {        .num = 1,        .name = "KEY1",        .nIRQ = IRQ_EINT0,//中断号        .gpio = S3C2410_GPF(0),        .setting = S3C2410_GPF0_EINT0,//datasheet手册上对应的IO中断口    },    [1] = {        .num = 2,        .name = "KEY2",        .nIRQ = IRQ_EINT2,        .gpio = S3C2410_GPF(2),        .setting = S3C2410_GPF2_EINT2,    },    [2] = {        .num = 3,        .name = "KEY3",        .nIRQ = IRQ_EINT3,        .gpio = S3C2410_GPF(3),        .setting = S3C2410_GPF3_EINT3,    },    [3] = {        .num = 4,        .name = "KEY4",        .nIRQ = IRQ_EINT4,        .gpio = S3C2410_GPF(4),        .setting = S3C2410_GPF4_EINT4,    },};/* The button platform device private data */static struct s3c_button_platform_data s3c_button_data = {    .buttons = s3c_buttons,    .nbuttons = ARRAY_SIZE(s3c_buttons),};struct button_device{    unsigned char                      *status;      /* The buttons Push down or up status */    struct s3c_button_platform_data    *data;        /* The buttons hardware information data */    struct timer_list                  *timers;      /* The buttons remove dithering timers */    wait_queue_head_t                  waitq;           /* Wait queue for poll()  */    volatile int                       ev_press;     /* Button pressed event */    struct cdev                        cdev;               struct class                       *dev_class; } button_device;static void platform_button_release(struct device * dev){    return; }static struct platform_device s3c_button_device = {    .name    = "s3c_button",    .id      = 1,    .dev     =     {        .platform_data = &s3c_button_data,         .release = platform_button_release,    },};static irqreturn_t s3c_button_intterupt(int irq,void *de_id) //按键中断服务程序{    int i;    int found = 0;    struct s3c_button_platform_data *pdata =;    for(i=0; i<pdata->nbuttons; i++)    {        if(irq == pdata->buttons[i].nIRQ)//找到具体的中断号        {            found = 1;             break;        }    }    if(!found) /* An ERROR interrupt  */        return IRQ_NONE;    /* Only when button is up then we will handle this event */    if(BUTTON_UP  == button_device.status[i])    {       button_device.status[i] = BUTTON_UNCERTAIN;//因为要防抖动,且不确定是否为有效按键,所以先设置为不确定状态       mod_timer(&(button_device.timers[i]), jiffies+TIMER_DELAY_DOWN);    }    return IRQ_HANDLED;}static void button_timer_handler(unsigned long data) //定时器中断服务程序{    struct s3c_button_platform_data *pdata =;    int num =(int)data;    int status = s3c2410_gpio_getpin( pdata->buttons[num].gpio );    if(LOWLEVEL == status)    {        if(BUTTON_UNCERTAIN == button_device.status[num]) /* Come from interrupt */        {            //dbg_print("Key pressed!\n");            button_device.status[num] = BUTTON_DOWN;            printk("%s pressed.\n", pdata->buttons[num].name); //~!@#)¥%……&^.,(            /* Wake up the wait queue for read()/poll() */            button_device.ev_press = 1;            wake_up_interruptible(&(button_device.waitq)); ev_press唤醒等待队列        }        /* Cancel the dithering  */        mod_timer(&(button_device.timers[num]), jiffies+TIMER_DELAY_UP);//重新激活并设置定时器    }    else    {        //dbg_print("Key Released!\n");        button_device.status[num] = BUTTON_UP;     //   enable_irq(pdata->buttons[num].nIRQ);    }    return ;}/*===================== Button device driver part ===========================*/static int button_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file){     struct button_device *pdev ;    struct s3c_button_platform_data *pdata;    int i, result;    pdev = container_of(inode->i_cdev,struct button_device, cdev);    pdata = pdev->data;    file->private_data = pdev;    /* Malloc for all the buttons remove dithering timer */    pdev->timers = (struct timer_list *) kmalloc(pdata->nbuttons*sizeof(struct timer_list), GFP_KERNEL);    if(NULL == pdev->timers)//内核里的内存申请失败    {        printk("Alloc %s driver for timers failure.\n", DEV_NAME);        return -ENOMEM;    }    memset(pdev->timers, 0, pdata->nbuttons*sizeof(struct timer_list));    /* Malloc for all the buttons status buffer */    pdev->status = (unsigned char *)kmalloc(pdata->nbuttons*sizeof(unsigned char), GFP_KERNEL);    if(NULL == pdev->status)    {        printk("Alloc %s driver for status failure.\n", DEV_NAME);        result = -ENOMEM;         goto  ERROR;    }    memset(pdev->status, 0, pdata->nbuttons*sizeof(unsigned char));    init_waitqueue_head(&(pdev->waitq));//初始化等待队列头    for(i=0; i<pdata->nbuttons; i++)     {        /* Initialize all the buttons status to UP  */        pdev->status[i] = BUTTON_UP;         /* Initialize all the buttons' remove dithering timer */        setup_timer(&(pdev->timers[i]), button_timer_handler, i); //初始化每个定时器        /* Set all the buttons GPIO to EDGE_FALLING interrupt mode */        s3c2410_gpio_cfgpin(pdata->buttons[i].gpio, pdata->buttons[i].setting);//按键相应的管脚配置成IRQ中断模式        irq_set_irq_type(pdata->buttons[i].nIRQ, IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_FALLING);//把相应的中断号设置为下降沿触发方式        /* Request for button GPIO pin interrupt  */        result = request_irq(pdata->buttons[i].nIRQ, s3c_button_intterupt, IRQF_DISABLED, DEV_NAME, (void *)i);//注册给内核,一旦发生中断号的中断就调用s3c_button_intterupt这个中断处理程序        if( result )        {            result = -EBUSY;            goto ERROR1;        }    }    return 0;ERROR1:     kfree((unsigned char *)pdev->status);     while(--i)      {          disable_irq(pdata->buttons[i].nIRQ);          free_irq(pdata->buttons[i].nIRQ, (void *)i);      }ERROR:     kfree(pdev->timers);     return result;}static int button_read(struct file *file, char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t *ppos){     struct button_device *pdev = file->private_data;    struct s3c_button_platform_data *pdata;    int   i, ret;    unsigned int status = 0;    pdata = pdev->data;    dbg_print("ev_press: %d\n", pdev->ev_press);    if(!pdev->ev_press) //ev_press为按键标识符,即按下时才为1.结合下面等待队列程序    {         if(file->f_flags & O_NONBLOCK)         {             dbg_print("read() without block mode.\n");// O_NONBLOCK是设置为非阻塞模式             return -EAGAIN;//若没有按键按下,还采用非阻塞模式则会一直浪费CPU的时间等待。         }         else         {             /* Read() will be blocked here */             dbg_print("read() blocked here now.\n");             wait_event_interruptible(pdev->waitq, pdev->ev_press); //在阻塞模式读取且没按键按下则让等待队列进入睡眠,直到ev_press为1         }    }    pdev->ev_press = 0;清除标识,准备下一次    for(i=0; i<pdata->nbuttons; i++)    {        dbg_print("button[%d] status=%d\n", i, pdev->status[i]);        status |= (pdev->status[i]<<i);     }    ret = copy_to_user(buf, (void *)&status, min(sizeof(status), count));    return ret ? -EFAULT : min(sizeof(status), count);}static unsigned int button_poll(struct file *file, poll_table * wait)//类似于应用层的select轮询监听{     struct button_device *pdev = file->private_data;    unsigned int mask = 0;    poll_wait(file, &(pdev->waitq), wait);//添加等待队列到等待队列中    if(pdev->ev_press)    {        mask |= POLLIN | POLLRDNORM; /* The data aviable */     }    return mask;}static int button_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *file){     int i;    struct button_device *pdev = file->private_data;    struct s3c_button_platform_data *pdata;    pdata = pdev->data;    for(i=0; i<pdata->nbuttons; i++)     {        disable_irq(pdata->buttons[i].nIRQ);        free_irq(pdata->buttons[i].nIRQ, (void *)i);        del_timer(&(pdev->timers[i]));    }    kfree(pdev->timers);    kfree((unsigned char *)pdev->status);    return 0;}static struct file_operations button_fops = {     .owner = THIS_MODULE,    .open = button_open,     .read = button_read,    .poll = button_poll,     .release = button_release, };static int s3c_button_probe(struct platform_device *dev){    int result = 0;    dev_t devno;    /* Alloc the device for driver  */     if (0 != dev_major)     {         devno = MKDEV(dev_major, dev_minor);         result = register_chrdev_region(devno, 1, DEV_NAME);     }     else     {         result = alloc_chrdev_region(&devno, dev_minor, 1, DEV_NAME);         dev_major = MAJOR(devno);     }    /* Alloc for device major failure */    if (result < 0)     {         printk("%s driver can't get major %d\n", DEV_NAME, dev_major);         return result;     }    /*  Initialize button_device structure and register cdev*/     memset(&button_device, 0, sizeof(button_device)); = dev->dev.platform_data;     cdev_init (&(button_device.cdev), &button_fops);     button_device.cdev.owner  = THIS_MODULE;     result = cdev_add (&(button_device.cdev), devno , 1);      if (result)      {          printk (KERN_NOTICE "error %d add %s device", result, DEV_NAME);          goto ERROR;      }     button_device.dev_class = class_create(THIS_MODULE, DEV_NAME);      if(IS_ERR(button_device.dev_class))      {          printk("%s driver create class failture\n",DEV_NAME);          result =  -ENOMEM;          goto ERROR;      }#if LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(2,6,24)          device_create(button_device.dev_class, NULL, devno, NULL, DEV_NAME);#else     device_create (button_device.dev_class, NULL, devno, DEV_NAME);#endif     printk("S3C %s driver version %d.%d.%d initiliazed.\n", DEV_NAME, DRV_MAJOR_VER, DRV_MINOR_VER, DRV_REVER_VER);     return 0;ERROR:      printk("S3C %s driver version %d.%d.%d install failure.\n", DEV_NAME, DRV_MAJOR_VER, DRV_MINOR_VER, DRV_REVER_VER);     cdev_del(&(button_device.cdev));      unregister_chrdev_region(devno, 1);     return result;}static int s3c_button_remove(struct platform_device *dev){    dev_t devno = MKDEV(dev_major, dev_minor);    cdev_del(&(button_device.cdev));    device_destroy(button_device.dev_class, devno);    class_destroy(button_device.dev_class);    unregister_chrdev_region(devno, 1);     printk("S3C %s driver removed\n", DEV_NAME);    return 0;}/*===================== Platform Device and driver regist part ===========================*/static struct platform_driver s3c_button_driver = {     .probe      = s3c_button_probe,     .remove     = s3c_button_remove,     .driver     = {         .name       = "s3c_button",         .owner      = THIS_MODULE,     },};static int __init s3c_button_init(void) {   int       ret = 0;   ret = platform_device_register(&s3c_button_device);   if(ret)   {        printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Can't register platform device %d\n", __FUNCTION__, ret);         goto fail_reg_plat_dev;   }   dbg_print("Regist S3C %s Device successfully.\n", DEV_NAME);   ret = platform_driver_register(&s3c_button_driver);   if(ret)   {        printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Can't register platform driver %d\n", __FUNCTION__, ret);         goto fail_reg_plat_drv;   }   dbg_print("Regist S3C %s Driver successfully.\n", DEV_NAME);   return 0;fail_reg_plat_drv:   platform_driver_unregister(&s3c_button_driver);fail_reg_plat_dev:   return ret;}static void s3c_button_exit(void){    platform_driver_unregister(&s3c_button_driver);    dbg_print("S3C %s platform device removed.\n", DEV_NAME);    platform_device_unregister(&s3c_button_device);    dbg_print("S3C %s platform driver removed.\n", DEV_NAME);}module_init(s3c_button_init);module_exit(s3c_button_exit);module_param(debug, int, S_IRUGO);module_param(dev_major, int, S_IRUGO);module_param(dev_minor, int, S_IRUGO);MODULE_AUTHOR(DRV_AUTHOR);MODULE_DESCRIPTION(DRV_DESC);MODULE_LICENSE("GPL");MODULE_ALIAS("platform:S3C24XX_button");



request_irq  (中断号,中断处理程序,标志位,设备名,中断处理的参数)


int request_irq( unsigned int irq,

irq_handler_t handler,

unsigned long irqflags, 

const char *devname, 

void *dev_id)


handler 是向系统注册的中断处理函数,是一个回调函数,中断发生时,系统调用这个函数,dev_id参数将被传递给它。

irqflags 是中断处理的属性

若设置了IRQF_DISABLED (老版本中的SA_INTERRUPT,本版zhon已经不支持了),则表示中断处理程序是快速处理程序,快速处理程序被调用时屏蔽所有中断,慢速处理程序不屏蔽;

若设置了IRQF_SHARED (老版本中的SA_SHIRQ),则表示多个设备共享中断。


devname设置中断名称,通常是设备驱动程序的名称  在cat /proc/interrupts中可以看到此名称。





紧接着来到s3c_button_intterupt处理程序:通过判断获取具体的中断号之后便进行消抖的处理。(此时通过按键的状态不管是否按下依然为BUTTON_up状态,这是我们最初认为设定的)紧接着通过mod_timer激活定时器,在超时之后,然后进入定时器原本设定好的定时器中断处理程序button_timer_handler中正式的处理这个中断请求。也就是说中断处理程序s3c_button_intterupt()只是确认按键是否有效,真正处理中断的程序是定时器里面的button_timer_handler( )




/* 轮询的概念和作用:




2.核心层调用sys_select() -> do_select() 最终调用文件描述符fd对应的struct file类型变量的structfile_operations fops中的polll函数。



   (1)执行fd_set set; FD_ZERO(&set);则set用位表示是0000,0000。
   (4)执行select(6,&set,0,0,0)阻塞等待 //最大fd值+1

推荐博文: select函数详解


阻塞操作: 是指在执行设备操作时,若不能获得资源,则挂起进程直到满足可操作的条件后再进行操作,被挂起的进程会进入休眠状态,被从调度器的运行队列中移除,直到条件被满足。
非阻塞操作: 是指在执行设备操作时,若不能获得资源,并不挂起,或者放弃他或者不停地的查询,直到可运行时






另外起初看到setup _timer是初始化定时器,一直在纳闷,搞不明白到底在哪里给定时器赋了初始值,还找到回调函数handler那去了,后面看消抖调用mod_timer搞了半天才明白原来这个初始化的真正意思其实是说:把每个最初的定时器赋予超时便返回到指定的处理函数的功能。这也是初始化,只是说没有具体给这个定时器马上赋初始值而已。


/********************************************************************************* *      Copyright:  (C) 2015 songyong<> *                  All rights reserved. * *       Filename:  copy.c *    Description:  This file  *                  *        Version:  1.0.0(2015年04月18日) *         Author:  sky <> *      ChangeLog:  1, Release initial version on "2015年04月18日 13时17分14秒" *                  ********************************************************************************/#include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h>#include<unistd.h>#include<sys/ioctl.h>#include<sys/time.h>#define BUTTON_STATUS  4 #define KEY1  0x1 #define KEY2  0x2 #define KEY3  0x4 #define KEY4  0x8 /******************************************************************************** *  Description: *   Input Args: *  Output Args: * Return Value: ********************************************************************************/int main (int argc, char **argv){    int i = 0;    int button_fd;    int ret;    int current_button;    button_fd = open("/dev/button",0);    if(button_fd < 0)    {        printf("Open buttons device faild!\n");        exit(1);    }    while(1)    {         ret = read(button_fd,¤t_button,sizeof(BUTTON_STATUS));    if (ret != sizeof(current_button) )         {           printf("Read button device faild.\n");          }    else         {    switch(current_button)            {                case KEY1: printf("KEY1 Down.!\n");break;                case KEY2: printf("KEY2 Down.!\n");break;                case KEY3: printf("KEY3 Down.!\n");break;                case KEY4: printf("KEY4 Down.!\n");break;//其实在驱动代码的定时器中断处理程序handler中已有输出打印代码                default: printf("kkey error\n");            }        }    }    return 0;} /* ----- End of main() ----- */


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