修改maven surefire源码,支持stdout出成功和skipped用例,并自定义stdout用例格式

来源:互联网 发布:java大牛博客 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 18:19


小组内自动化二期,需要前端展示结果;前端(php)根据执行mvn test -Dtest=测试类,surefire生成的stdout, 正则匹配输出结果,进行展示。由于标准的surefire插件输出的标准格式如下:

由三部分组成( 忽略失败,上述故意失败用例,方便调试),1.failed的用例,2.error的用例,3.数量统计。

缺少success 和 skipped用例详情。


通过查看surefire项目(maven工程,https://github.com/apache/maven-surefire),找到surefire stdout的java文件

package org.apache.maven.plugin.surefire.report;
package org.apache.maven.plugin.surefire.report;/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at * *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */import org.apache.maven.plugin.surefire.StartupReportConfiguration;import org.apache.maven.plugin.surefire.runorder.StatisticsReporter;import org.apache.maven.surefire.report.DefaultDirectConsoleReporter;import org.apache.maven.surefire.report.ReporterFactory;import org.apache.maven.surefire.report.RunListener;import org.apache.maven.surefire.report.RunStatistics;import org.apache.maven.surefire.report.StackTraceWriter;import org.apache.maven.surefire.suite.RunResult;import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.Collection;import java.util.Collections;import java.util.HashMap;import java.util.List;import java.util.Map;import java.util.TreeMap;/** * Provides reporting modules on the plugin side. * <p/> * Keeps a centralized count of test run results. * * @author Kristian Rosenvold *  * modify by  hugang * stdout success and skipped  */public class DefaultReporterFactory    implements ReporterFactory{    private RunStatistics globalStats = new RunStatistics();    private final StartupReportConfiguration reportConfiguration;    private final StatisticsReporter statisticsReporter;    private final List<TestSetRunListener> listeners =        Collections.synchronizedList( new ArrayList<TestSetRunListener>() );    // from "<testclass>.<testmethod>" -> statistics about all the runs for flaky tests    private Map<String, List<TestMethodStats>> flakyTests;    // from "<testclass>.<testmethod>" -> statistics about all the runs for failed tests    private Map<String, List<TestMethodStats>> failedTests;    // from "<testclass>.<testmethod>" -> statistics about all the runs for error tests    private Map<String, List<TestMethodStats>> errorTests;        // added by hugang, from "<testclass>.<testmethod>" -> statistics about all the runs for success tests    private Map<String, List<TestMethodStats>> successTests;            // added by hugang, from "<testclass>.<testmethod>" -> statistics about all the runs for skipped tests    private Map<String, List<TestMethodStats>> skippedTests;                public DefaultReporterFactory( StartupReportConfiguration reportConfiguration )    {        this.reportConfiguration = reportConfiguration;        this.statisticsReporter = reportConfiguration.instantiateStatisticsReporter();    }    public RunListener createReporter()    {        return createTestSetRunListener();    }    public void mergeFromOtherFactories( Collection<DefaultReporterFactory> factories )    {        for ( DefaultReporterFactory factory : factories )        {            for ( TestSetRunListener listener : factory.listeners )            {                listeners.add( listener );            }        }    }    public RunListener createTestSetRunListener()    {        TestSetRunListener testSetRunListener =            new TestSetRunListener( reportConfiguration.instantiateConsoleReporter(),                                    reportConfiguration.instantiateFileReporter(),                                    reportConfiguration.instantiateStatelessXmlReporter(),                                    reportConfiguration.instantiateConsoleOutputFileReporter(), statisticsReporter,                                    reportConfiguration.isTrimStackTrace(),                                    ConsoleReporter.PLAIN.equals( reportConfiguration.getReportFormat() ),                                    reportConfiguration.isBriefOrPlainFormat() );        listeners.add( testSetRunListener );        return testSetRunListener;    }    public void addListener( TestSetRunListener listener )    {        listeners.add( listener );    }    public RunResult close()    {        mergeTestHistoryResult();        runCompleted();        for ( TestSetRunListener listener : listeners )        {            listener.close();        }        return globalStats.getRunResult();    }    private DefaultDirectConsoleReporter createConsoleLogger()    {        return new DefaultDirectConsoleReporter( reportConfiguration.getOriginalSystemOut() );    }    // 测试开始    public void runStarting()    {        final DefaultDirectConsoleReporter consoleReporter = createConsoleLogger();        consoleReporter.info( "" );        consoleReporter.info( "-------------------------------------------------------" );        consoleReporter.info( " T E S T S" );        consoleReporter.info( "-------------------------------------------------------" );    }    // 测试结束    private void runCompleted()    {           final DefaultDirectConsoleReporter logger = createConsoleLogger();        if ( reportConfiguration.isPrintSummary() )        {            logger.info( "" );            logger.info( "Results :" );            logger.info( "" );        }        // 输出不同类型用例信息        boolean printedFailures = printTestFailures( logger, TestResultType.failure );        printedFailures |= printTestFailures( logger, TestResultType.error );        printedFailures |= printTestFailures( logger, TestResultType.flake );        // added by hugang, 添加success and skipped用例详细        printedFailure |= printTestFailures( logger, TestResultType.success);        printedFailure |= printTestFailures( logger, TestResultType.skipped);                        if ( printedFailures )        {            logger.info( "" );        }        // globalStats.getSummary() 打印数量        logger.info( globalStats.getSummary() );        logger.info( "" );    }    public RunStatistics getGlobalRunStatistics()    {        mergeTestHistoryResult();        return globalStats;    }    public static DefaultReporterFactory defaultNoXml()    {        return new DefaultReporterFactory( StartupReportConfiguration.defaultNoXml() );    }    /**     * Get the result of a test based on all its runs. If it has success and failures/errors, then it is a flake;     * if it only has errors or failures, then count its result based on its first run     *     * @param reportEntryList the list of test run report type for a given test     * @param rerunFailingTestsCount configured rerun count for failing tests     * @return the type of test result     */    // Use default visibility for testing    static TestResultType getTestResultType( List<ReportEntryType> reportEntryList, int rerunFailingTestsCount  )    {        if ( reportEntryList == null || reportEntryList.isEmpty() )        {            return TestResultType.unknown;        }        boolean seenSuccess = false, seenFailure = false, seenError = false;        for ( ReportEntryType resultType : reportEntryList )        {            if ( resultType == ReportEntryType.SUCCESS )            {                seenSuccess = true;            }            else if ( resultType == ReportEntryType.FAILURE )            {                seenFailure = true;            }            else if ( resultType == ReportEntryType.ERROR )            {                seenError = true;            }        }        if ( seenFailure || seenError )        {            if ( seenSuccess && rerunFailingTestsCount > 0 )            {                return TestResultType.flake;            }            else            {                if ( seenError )                {                    return TestResultType.error;                }                else                {                    return TestResultType.failure;                }            }        }        else if ( seenSuccess )        {            return TestResultType.success;        }        else        {            return TestResultType.skipped;        }    }    /**     * Merge all the TestMethodStats in each TestRunListeners and put results into flakyTests, failedTests and     * errorTests, indexed by test class and method name. Update globalStatistics based on the result of the merge.     */    void mergeTestHistoryResult()    {        globalStats = new RunStatistics();        flakyTests = new TreeMap<String, List<TestMethodStats>>();        failedTests = new TreeMap<String, List<TestMethodStats>>();        errorTests = new TreeMap<String, List<TestMethodStats>>();        // added by hugang, 存success 和 skpped 用例信息        successTests = new TreeMap<String, List<TestMethodStats>>();        skippedTests = new TreeMap<String, List<TestMethodStats>>();        Map<String, List<TestMethodStats>> mergedTestHistoryResult = new HashMap<String, List<TestMethodStats>>();        // Merge all the stats for tests from listeners        for ( TestSetRunListener listener : listeners )        {            List<TestMethodStats> testMethodStats = listener.getTestMethodStats();            for ( TestMethodStats methodStats : testMethodStats )            {                List<TestMethodStats> currentMethodStats =                    mergedTestHistoryResult.get( methodStats.getTestClassMethodName() );                if ( currentMethodStats == null )                {                    currentMethodStats = new ArrayList<TestMethodStats>();                    currentMethodStats.add( methodStats );                    mergedTestHistoryResult.put( methodStats.getTestClassMethodName(), currentMethodStats );                }                else                {                    currentMethodStats.add( methodStats );                }            }        }        // Update globalStatistics by iterating through mergedTestHistoryResult        int completedCount = 0, skipped = 0;        // 遍历所有的类,判断每一个类中的方法执行结果,TestMethodStats用于记录每个测试方法的结果        for ( Map.Entry<String, List<TestMethodStats>> entry : mergedTestHistoryResult.entrySet() )        {        //             List<TestMethodStats> testMethodStats = entry.getValue();            String testClassMethodName = entry.getKey();            completedCount++;            List<ReportEntryType> resultTypeList = new ArrayList<ReportEntryType>();            for ( TestMethodStats methodStats : testMethodStats )            {                resultTypeList.add( methodStats.getResultType() );            }            TestResultType resultType = getTestResultType( resultTypeList,                                                           reportConfiguration.getRerunFailingTestsCount() );            // 根据一个类的不同方法执行结果,放到对应的map中            switch ( resultType )            {                case success:                    // If there are multiple successful runs of the same test, count all of them                    int successCount = 0;                    for ( ReportEntryType type : resultTypeList )                    {                        if ( type == ReportEntryType.SUCCESS )                        {                            successCount++;                        }                    }                    completedCount += successCount - 1;                    // added by hugang, 把success 用例信息,put 到map中                    successTests.put( testClassMethodName, testMethodStats );                    break;                case skipped:                // added by hugang, 把skipped 用例信息,put 到map中                    skippedTests.put( testClassMethodName, testMethodStats );                    skipped++;                    break;                case flake:                    flakyTests.put( testClassMethodName, testMethodStats );                    break;                case failure:                    failedTests.put( testClassMethodName, testMethodStats );                    break;                case error:                    errorTests.put( testClassMethodName, testMethodStats );                    break;                default:                    throw new IllegalStateException( "Get unknown test result type" );            }        }        globalStats.set( completedCount, errorTests.size(), failedTests.size(), skipped, flakyTests.size() );    }    /**     * Print failed tests and flaked tests. A test is considered as a failed test if it failed/got an error with     * all the runs. If a test passes in ever of the reruns, it will be count as a flaked test     *     * @param logger the logger used to log information     * @param type   the type of results to be printed, could be error, failure or flake     * @return {@code true} if printed some lines     */    // Use default visibility for testing    boolean printTestFailures( DefaultDirectConsoleReporter logger, TestResultType type )    {        boolean printed = false;        final Map<String, List<TestMethodStats>> testStats;        switch ( type )        {            case failure:                testStats = failedTests;                break;            case error:                testStats = errorTests;                break;            case flake:                testStats = flakyTests;                break;            // added by hugang;支持success and skipped            case success:            testStats = successTests;            break;            case skipped:            testStats = skippedTests;            break;            default:                return printed;        }        if ( !testStats.isEmpty() )        {        // 被注释,添加到每行用例信息前,便于正则匹配//            logger.info( type.getLogPrefix() );            printed = true;        }        for ( Map.Entry<String, List<TestMethodStats>> entry : testStats.entrySet() )        {            printed = true;            List<TestMethodStats> testMethodStats = entry.getValue();            if ( testMethodStats.size() == 1 )            {            // 被注释                // No rerun, follow the original output format                // logger.info( "  " + testMethodStats.get( 0 ).getStackTraceWriter().smartTrimmedStackTrace() );            // added by hugang , 每行用例信息前,便于正则匹配             logger.info(type.getLogPrefix() +  "---" + testMethodStats.get( 0 ).getStackTraceWriter().smartTrimmedStackTrace() );            }            else            {                logger.info( entry.getKey() );                for ( int i = 0; i < testMethodStats.size(); i++ )                {                    StackTraceWriter failureStackTrace = testMethodStats.get( i ).getStackTraceWriter();                    if ( failureStackTrace == null )                    {                        logger.info( "  Run " + ( i + 1 ) + ": PASS" );                    }                    else                    {                        logger.info( "  Run " + ( i + 1 ) + ": " + failureStackTrace.smartTrimmedStackTrace() );                    }                }                logger.info( "" );            }        }        return printed;    }    // Describe the result of a given test    static enum TestResultType    {        error( "Tests in error: " ),        failure( "Failed tests: " ),        flake( "Flaked tests: " ),        success( "Success: " ),        skipped( "Skipped: " ),        unknown( "Unknown: " );        private final String logPrefix;        private TestResultType( String logPrefix )        {            this.logPrefix = logPrefix;        }        public String getLogPrefix()        {            return logPrefix;        }    }}
Failed tests: ---用例信息Tests in error: ---用例信息Success: ---用例信息Skipped: ---用例信息


maven surefire 插件源码修改,自定义输出格式

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