Enhancement--Finding a project and enhancement

来源:互联网 发布:北京java培训机构排名 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 03:20

Here are a couple of hints:  
If you have a user exit function module: EXIT_SAPLEINM_014
1) Fire up SE37 to get the development class ME
2) Fire up transaction CMOD and go to menu option Utilities -> SAP Enhancements
3) Enter the development class ME and execute. This will list all the enhancements available in that development class. Double click at leisure
For those wanting a more scientific method:
1) SE16 with table MODSAP - Enter the function module in MEMBER and execute (e.g. EXIT_SAPLEINM_014)
2) NAME is the Enhancement
3) To find the project that the enhancement is in:
4) SE16 with table MODACT - Enter the enhancement in MEMBER and execute (e.g. MM06E001)
5) NAME is the Project to use in CMOD 

SOURCE  URL:http://erpgenie.com/abaptips/content/view/101/62/

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