
来源:互联网 发布:java 对象初始化 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/24 06:47
/* ****************************************************************** *    NAME: config.cpp *    DESC: *  AUTHOR: Liu Dongguo(jealdean@outlook.com) * VERSION: 1.0 *  CREATE: 2015-04-13 01:06:28 *  LUTIME: 2015-04-14 16:43:37 * * Copyright (c) 2007 - 2015 Abodu.com, Inc. All Rights Reserved * ***************************************************************** */#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include "config.h"#define MAX_LINE_LEN  1024//for read ini file#define chCOMMENT1   ';'#define chCOMMENT2   '#'#define chSECT_START '['#define chSPLITER    '='#define chWHITESPACE ' '#define strFmtREADLINE "\n%[^\n]"#include <map>#include <string>using std::map;using std::string;static map<string,string> g_ppmap;static bool g_bLoad=false;static char g_szCfgFn[MAX_LINE_LEN]={0};static char* g_pBufTotalFile=NULL;static char* addItemIntoMap(char* beginOffset);void load(const char* cfgname) {    //read total file content into bufTotalFile    FILE* fp= fopen(cfgname,"r");    if(!fp) {        printf("failed to open config file : %s\n",cfgname);        return ;    }    fseek(fp, 0L,SEEK_END);    int cfgLen=ftell(fp);    fseek(fp, 0L,SEEK_SET);    if(g_pBufTotalFile){        delete g_pBufTotalFile;    }    g_pBufTotalFile= new char[cfgLen];    fread(g_pBufTotalFile,sizeof(char),cfgLen,fp);    fclose(fp);    //add all valid items into map    char* q=g_pBufTotalFile;    char* p=0;    while((p=addItemIntoMap(q)))         q=p;    g_bLoad=true;    strcpy(g_szCfgFn,cfgname); //save the loaded config filename}/* * @brief  : get key and val * @return : *     current offset from the beginning of bufTotalFile * @note   : if an item's format error, would not added into map */char* addItemIntoMap(char* bos) {    char line[1024]={0};    char* pc=strchr(bos,'\n');    if(!pc) {//reach the end of buf,return NULL        strcpy(line,bos);    } else {         strncpy(line,bos,pc-bos);        while(*pc=='\n')            pc++;    }    if(line[0]!=chCOMMENT1&&line[0]!=chCOMMENT2&&line[0]!=0        &&line[0]!=chSPLITER&&line[0]!=chSECT_START)    {        char* key= line;        char* val=strchr(key,chSPLITER);        if(!val)        {            val=strchr(key,chWHITESPACE);        }        if(val)        {            *val++= 0;            // remove extra whitespaces            char valStore[512]= {0};            char keyStore[512]= {0};            sscanf(key,"%s",keyStore);            sscanf(val,"%s",valStore);            if(strlen(valStore) && strlen(keyStore)                &&(valStore[0]!=chSPLITER)&&(valStore[0]!=chCOMMENT1)                &&(valStore[0]!=chCOMMENT2))            {                g_ppmap[keyStore]=valStore;            }        }    }    return pc;}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////char* getParam(const char* Name) {    if(g_bLoad && (g_ppmap.find(Name)!= g_ppmap.end())) {        return (char*)g_ppmap[Name].data();    }    return (char*)"";}void  setParam(const char* Name,const char* Val) {    if(g_bLoad) {        g_ppmap[Name]=Val;    }}void  listAllParams(void) {    if(g_bLoad && g_ppmap.size()>0) {        map<string,string>::iterator it=g_ppmap.begin();        for(;it!=g_ppmap.end();it++)            printf("%s=%s\n",it->first.data(),it->second.data());    }}void  reload(void) {    if(g_bLoad) {        g_ppmap.clear(); //empty map first and load cfg again        load(g_szCfgFn);    }}#ifdef TEST_SOint main(int argc, char* argv[]) {    loadCfg(argv[1]);    printf("\n1\n");    listAll();    setParam("ewt","baba");    printf("\n2\n");    listAll();    printf( "\newt= %s\n",pget("ewt"));    reload();    printf("\n3\n");    listAll();    return 0;}#endif     /* -----  TEST_SO  ----- */
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