MFC Win.ini文件

来源:互联网 发布:辐射2中文版 mac 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 06:54
//Copies a string into the specified section of an initialization file.BOOL WINAPI WritePrivateProfileString(  _In_  LPCTSTR lpAppName,  _In_  LPCTSTR lpKeyName,  _In_  LPCTSTR lpString,  _In_  LPCTSTR lpFileName);//Retrieves a string from the specified section in an initialization file.DWORD WINAPI GetPrivateProfileString(  _In_   LPCTSTR lpAppName,  _In_   LPCTSTR lpKeyName,  _In_   LPCTSTR lpDefault,  _Out_  LPTSTR lpReturnedString,  _In_   DWORD nSize,  _In_   LPCTSTR lpFileName);void CPosParaSettingDlg::OnMenuexport() {    // TODO: Add your command handler code here    CString strSection = "ParaData";    char strBuff[256] = {0};    CString strFilePath = _T("");;    strFilePath=GetCurrentDirectory(256,strBuff);       //获取当前路径    strFilePath.Format("%s//para.ini",strBuff);    int i = 0;    CString strVal = _T("");    CString strSectionKey = _T("");    for(i = 100; i <= 150; i++){        strSectionKey.Format("%d",i); //将int转成CString        strVal = m_list.GetItemText(i-100, 2);        WritePrivateProfileString(strSection,strSectionKey,strVal,strFilePath);  //写入ini文件中相应字段    }}void CPosParaSettingDlg::OnMenuimport() {    // TODO: Add your command handler code here    CString strSection = "ParaData";    char strBuff[256] = {0};    CString strFilePath = _T("");;    strFilePath = GetCurrentDirectory(256,strBuff);  //获取当前路径    strFilePath.Format("%s//para.ini",strBuff);    int i = 0;    CString strVal = _T("");    CString strSectionKey = _T("");    for(i = 100; i <= 150; i++){        strSectionKey.Format("%d",i);     GetPrivateProfileString(strSection,strSectionKey,NULL,strBuff,100,strFilePath);        //在列表视图控件中插入列表项,并设置列表子项文本        m_list.InsertItem(i-100, _T(strSectionKey));           m_list.SetItemText(i-100, 1, _T(strVal));           m_list.SetItemText(i-100, 2, _T(strBuff));    }}


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