Python 经验总结

来源:互联网 发布:怎么看python安装的库 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/18 15:04

This is all the knowledge learned from others’ code. We can learn it together.

# 包含在这个博客里面的内容都是简单的模块使用,是本人亲自试用过的代码,因为Python的模块众多,# 其他没有涉及到模块是本人未曾涉足的模块,本博客里面的代码只是简单的使用,不涉及极其复杂的编程。


# the regular expression below used for split string to a list by one or more whitespace.    pass_regular_expression = r'UEC-%d\s+\|' % uec_index    # below just think it return a string, It's part code of mine.    ret = self.execute_command(rrc_log_ret_cmd, pass_regexp=pass_regular_expression)    for line in StringIo(ret):        if 'rrc' in line and not found_rrc_flag:            found_rrc_flag = True            column_of_rrc = re.split(r'\s+', line.strip()).index('rrc')            continue        if re.findall(pass_regular_expression, line):            ret_state = re.split(r'\s+', line.strip())[column_of_rrc + 1]            break    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------    #':author: (?P<author>.+)', module.__doc__).group('author').decode('utf-8', 'ignore')    #


# the regular expression below used for split string to a list by one or more whitespace.    pass_regular_expression = r'UEC-%d\s+\|' % uec_index    # below just think it return a string, It's part code of mine.    ret = self.execute_command(rrc_log_ret_cmd, pass_regexp=pass_regular_expression)    for line in StringIo(ret):        if 'rrc' in line and not found_rrc_flag:            found_rrc_flag = True            column_of_rrc = re.split(r'\s+', line.strip()).index('rrc')            continue        if re.findall(pass_regular_expression, line):            ret_state = re.split(r'\s+', line.strip())[column_of_rrc + 1]            break    # -------------------------------------------------------------    #':author: (?P<author>.+)', module.__doc__).group('author').decode('utf-8', 'ignore')    #


# with the subprocess to execute the command. # Popen.returncode # The child return code, set by poll() and wait() (and indirectly by communicate()). A None # value indicates that the process hasn’t terminated yet.decode_result = subprocess.Popen(decode_cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)start = = "start to decode log.\n\r"while decode_result.poll() is None:    for line in decode_result.stdout.readlines():        decode_log += line    time.sleep(1)    if ( - start).seconds > timeout:        failed_reason = "decode run timeout"        self._log.error(failed_reason)        rc = decode_result.returncode"timeout,return code is %s" % rc)        istimeout = True        ctypes.windll.kernel32.TerminateProcess(int(decode_result._handle), -1)        break   


# the use is specialfrom collections import Counterprint Counter("hello")>>> Counter({'l': 2, 'h': 1, 'e': 1, 'o': 1})   

5、 glob模块

# list all the file, can with wildchar, like * etc.# glob.glob('*.py')  can list all file under current path endwiths .pyfile_list = glob.glob("%s/*/" % os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) 

6、1) os.path模块

# This used for deal with file and directoryos.path.dirname('C:/a/b') --> 'C:/a'os.path.basename('C:/a/b') --> 'b'

2) os.system(command)函数

# This method can execute the command which in string type, and return the exit statu,# which in linux 0 often stands for success!cmd_str = 'ps -ef | egrep "egate|edaemon|sim_" | egrep "$EDAEMONPORT|$EGATEPORT" | \            awk \'{print $2}\' | xargs -i sudo kill -9 {}'log_ret_message = ''if  0 == os.system(cmd_str):    log_ret_message = 'The command executed success! %s'%cmd_strelse:    log_ret_message = 'The command executed failed! %s'%cmd_str


# get the system local coding infomation>>> import sys>>> sys.getdefaultencoding()'ascii'>>> reload(sys)<module 'sys' (built-in)>>>> sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8')>>> sys.getdefaultencoding()


# detect the coing infomation>>> import chardet>>> f = open('test.txt','r')>>> result = chardet.detect(>>> result{'confidence': 0.99, 'encoding': 'utf-8'}


# This module used for import the module which you want by code itself.# The module name should be in full path name contains package name# like os.path.join etc..importlib.import_module("The module name which you want import")


 # get the time from a baseline in seconds, we can use this module to calculate # how much time does our program cost.import timestart_time = time.time()# here some program which you want to konw how long have your program stay thereend_time = time.time()during_time = end_time - start_time


# this module used for extract the docstring from the python source code.# we can use it just like below.from pydoc import helphelp(模块名)# we can get more options, with the command in console or cmd window just like belowpydoc --help# we can get the docstring into a html file in console or cmd windowpydoc -w 模块名


# this module used for test automation. what within this module is lots of sub-modules.# 最近学习使用sphinx抽取python源代码的docstring形成html文档,相较于pydoc的初步阶段,# sphinx做的更为优秀,关于sphinx的使用准备在另外一个博客中记述,此处省略。# sphinx生成网页版的界面良好的API,需要使用rst格式的文件,robot提供了提取docstring生成xml的robot.libdoc# 模块,然后需要自己编码实现xml到rst的转换,之后通过sphinx生成html,当然sphinx提供了简单的# .py到.rst的转换,但是提取的信息只是框架,docstring信息提取不全。# robot模块的使用在另外博文中记述了,有兴趣可以查阅《测试自动化——robotframework》


# this module used for unit test单元测试# 用法基本如下代码。# -*- coding: utf-import unittestclass Test(unittest.TestCase):    def setUp(self):        """set up"""        self.iphy_instant = iphy()    def tearDown(self):        """none"""        pass    def test_control_rrc_log_on(self):        ret_state = self.iphy_instant._extract_rrc_log_status(log_info=loginfo.                                                             RRC_LOG_ON_INFO,regexp=r'UEC-1\s+\|')        self.assertEqual(ret_state, "on", "Enable rrc log function failed!")    if __name__ == "__main__":        unittest.main()


# we can learn by below blog:# this module used for iter elements用于产生迭代器import itertools as toola = range(10) #print [i for i in tool.imap(lambda e:e+2, a)]


# This module can used for remote operate server with ssh# 这个模块用于使用ssh远程操作一系列的服务器,运维管理#


# 这个模块用于模拟expect类型的脚本解释器,实现自动交互,比如自动# 远程使用ssh, telnet连接服务器,并做一些操作,比如拷贝文件等# 等。# 具体参看下边博客
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