
来源:互联网 发布:mac spctl是什么指令 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 03:57

OTL终于能写出点实用的东西了。今天写的一个MIPS汇编器,能读入若干行MIPS指令,将其翻译成机器码,存入一个文本文件中。目前只能编译add, sub, and, or, slt, beq, j, lw, sw, nop这几种指令,并且不能识别注释。不过对于完成计算机组成实验来说足够了。

// A simple and naive MIPS assembler// Use this command to make: g++ MIPS.cpp -o MIPS// Usage: ./MIPS CodeFile#include<iostream>#include<stdio.h>#include<memory.h>#include<cstring>#include<fstream>#include<iomanip>#include<cstdlib>using namespace std;// A function used to extract the register number from string "$xx"int getReg(char* arg){    int reg = 0;    char *p = arg;    while (*p == ' ') p++;       // Skip the space at the beginning    if (*p == '$') p++;              else return -1;              // Unexpected charaters    // Parse    while(*p >= '0' && *p <= '9'){        reg = 10 * reg + (*p - '0');        p++;    }    while (*p == ' ') p++;               // Skip the space following the number    if (*p != '\0') return -1;           // Unexpected characters    else return reg;}// Output a binary number with a given length to an object of ostreamvoid printBin(int num, int digi, ostream& os){    char *bin = new char[digi];    memset(bin, '0', digi * sizeof(char));    char *p = bin + (strlen(bin) - 1);    int sign = (num >= 0)? 1: -1;    num = num * sign;    while (num > 0){        if (num & 1) *p = '1';        num >>= 1;        p--;    }    // Transform to the 2's complement    if (sign == -1){        p = bin + (strlen(bin) - 1);        while (p >= bin && *p != '1') p--;      // Find the last '1'        if (p >= bin && *p == '1') p--;         // Skip the last '1'        while (p >= bin) {            *p = ('0' + '1') - *p;            p--;        }    }    os << bin;    delete bin;}        int main(int argc, char** argv){    // Check the input    if (argc != 2){        cout << "Error: File name needed." << endl;        exit(-1);    }    ifstream code(argv[1]);    char *objname = new char[strlen(argv[1]) + 10];    strcpy(objname, argv[1]);    int i;    // Find the suffix    for (i = strlen(objname) - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (objname[i] == '.') break;    // Give the output file a ".mips" suffix    if (objname[i] == '.'){         objname[i + 1] = '\0';         strcat(objname, "mips");    }    else strcat(objname, ".mips");    ofstream obj(objname);    delete objname;        /****************************************************     The instruction strctures     R-type:         +------------------------------------------------+        | opcode | rs    | rt    | rd    | shamt | funct |        |--------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------|        | 6-bit  | 5-bit | 5-bit | 5-bit | 5-bit | 6-bit |        +------------------------------------------------+     I-type:        +------------------------------------------------+        | opcode | rs    | rt    | immediate             |        |--------+-------+-------+-----------------------|        | 6-bit  | 5-bit | 5-bit | 16-bit                |        +------------------------------------------------+     J-type:        +------------------------------------------------+        | opcode | jump address                          |        |--------+---------------------------------------|        | 6-bit  | 26-bit                                |        +------------------------------------------------+    */                  char command[20], arg1[20], arg2[20], arg3[20];    int line_no = 0;    while (code >> command){        line_no++;                      // The current line        //code >> command;        if (!strcmp(command, "add")){   // ADD $rd, $rs, $rt            printBin(0, 6, obj);        // OpCode            //code >> arg1 >> arg2 >> arg3;            code.getline(arg1, 20, ',');            int rd = getReg(arg1);            if (rd == -1){                cout << "Syntax error at Line " << line_no << "." << endl;                code.close();                obj.close();                exit(-1);            }            code.getline(arg2, 20, ',');            int rs = getReg(arg2);            if (rs == -1){                cout << "Syntax error at Line " << line_no << "." << endl;                code.close();                obj.close();                exit(-1);            }              code.getline(arg3, 20);            int rt = getReg(arg3);            if (rt == -1){                cout << "Syntax error at Line " << line_no << "." << endl;                code.close();                obj.close();                exit(-1);            }            printBin(rs, 5, obj);            printBin(rt, 5, obj);            printBin(rd, 5, obj);            printBin(0, 5, obj);       // shamt            printBin(0x20, 6, obj);    // funct            obj << endl;        }        else if (!strcmp(command, "sub")){    // SUB $rd, $rs, $rt            printBin(0, 6, obj);       // OpCode            code.getline(arg1, 20, ',');            int rd = getReg(arg1);            if (rd == -1){                cout << "Syntax error at Line " << line_no << "." << endl;                code.close();                obj.close();                exit(-1);            }            code.getline(arg2, 20, ',');            int rs = getReg(arg2);            if (rs == -1){                cout << "Syntax error at Line " << line_no << "." << endl;                code.close();                obj.close();                exit(-1);            }              code.getline(arg3, 20);            int rt = getReg(arg3);            if (rt == -1){                cout << "Syntax error at Line " << line_no << "." << endl;                code.close();                obj.close();                exit(-1);            }            printBin(rs, 5, obj);            printBin(rt, 5, obj);            printBin(rd, 5, obj);            printBin(0, 5, obj);       // shamt            printBin(0x22, 6, obj);    // funct            obj << endl;        }        else if (!strcmp(command, "and")){ // AND $rd, $rs, $rt            printBin(0, 6, obj);       // OpCode            code.getline(arg1, 20, ',');            int rd = getReg(arg1);            if (rd == -1){                cout << "Syntax error at Line " << line_no << "." << endl;                code.close();                obj.close();                exit(-1);            }            code.getline(arg2, 20, ',');            int rs = getReg(arg2);            if (rs == -1){                cout << "Syntax error at Line " << line_no << "." << endl;                code.close();                obj.close();                exit(-1);            }              code.getline(arg3, 20);            int rt = getReg(arg3);            if (rt == -1){                cout << "Syntax error at Line " << line_no << "." << endl;                code.close();                obj.close();                exit(-1);            }            printBin(rs, 5, obj);            printBin(rt, 5, obj);            printBin(rd, 5, obj);            printBin(0, 5, obj);       // shamt            printBin(0x24, 6, obj);    // funct            obj << endl;                   }        else if (!strcmp(command, "or")){// OR $rd, $rs, $rt            printBin(0, 6, obj);       // OpCode            code.getline(arg1, 20, ',');            int rd = getReg(arg1);            if (rd == -1){                cout << "Syntax error at Line " << line_no << "." << endl;                code.close();                obj.close();                exit(-1);            }            code.getline(arg2, 20, ',');            int rs = getReg(arg2);            if (rs == -1){                cout << "Syntax error at Line " << line_no << "." << endl;                code.close();                obj.close();                exit(-1);            }              code.getline(arg3, 20);            int rt = getReg(arg3);            if (rt == -1){                cout << "Syntax error at Line " << line_no << "." << endl;                code.close();                obj.close();                exit(-1);            }            printBin(rs, 5, obj);            printBin(rt, 5, obj);            printBin(rd, 5, obj);            printBin(0, 5, obj);       // shamt            printBin(0x25, 6, obj);    // funct            obj << endl;                  }        else if (!strcmp(command, "slt")){// SLT $rd, $rs, $rt            printBin(0, 6, obj);       // OpCode            code.getline(arg1, 20, ',');            int rd = getReg(arg1);            if (rd == -1){                cout << "Syntax error at Line " << line_no << "." << endl;                code.close();                obj.close();                exit(-1);            }            code.getline(arg2, 20, ',');            int rs = getReg(arg2);            if (rs == -1){                cout << "Syntax error at Line " << line_no << "." << endl;                code.close();                obj.close();                exit(-1);            }              code.getline(arg3, 20);            int rt = getReg(arg3);            if (rt == -1){                cout << "Syntax error at Line " << line_no << "." << endl;                code.close();                obj.close();                exit(-1);            }            printBin(rs, 5, obj);            printBin(rt, 5, obj);            printBin(rd, 5, obj);            printBin(0, 5, obj);       // shamt            printBin(0x2A, 6, obj);    // funct            obj << endl;                  }        else if (!strcmp(command, "beq")){  // BEQ $rs, $rt, imm            printBin(0x4, 6, obj);     // OpCode            code.getline(arg1, 20, ',');            int rs = getReg(arg1);            if (rs == -1){                cout << "Syntax error at Line " << line_no << "." << endl;                code.close();                obj.close();                exit(-1);            }            code.getline(arg2, 20, ',');            int rt = getReg(arg2);            if (rt == -1){                cout << "Syntax error at Line " << line_no << "." << endl;                code.close();                obj.close();                exit(-1);            }            int offset;            code >> offset;                        printBin(rs, 5, obj);            printBin(rt, 5, obj);            printBin(offset, 16, obj);    // immediate            obj << endl;        }        else if (!strcmp(command, "lw")){  // LW $rt, offset($rs)            printBin(0x23, 6, obj);      // OpCode             code.getline(arg1, 20, ',');            int rt = getReg(arg1);            if (rt == -1){                cout << "Syntax error at Line " << line_no << "." << endl;                code.close();                obj.close();                exit(-1);            }            code.getline(arg2, 20);            int offset = 0;            int sign = 1;            char *p = arg2;            while (*p == ' ') p++;            if (*p == '-'){                p++;                sign = -1;            }            // Parse            while (*p >= '0' && *p <= '9'){                offset = 10 * offset + (*p - '0');                p++;            }            offset = sign * offset;            while (*p == ' ') p++;    // Skip the space before '('            if (*p == '(') p++;            else {                cout << "Syntax error at Line " << line_no << "." << endl;                code.close();                obj.close();                exit(-1);            }            char *q = arg2 + (strlen(arg2) - 1);            while (*q == ' ') q--;            if (*q == ')') *q = '\0';     // Find the ')' and delete it            else {                        // No ')' found, syntax error occurred                cout << "Syntax error at Line " << line_no << "." << endl;                code.close();                obj.close();                exit(-1);            }            int rs = getReg(p);            if (rs == -1){                cout << "Syntax error at Line " << line_no << "." << endl;                code.close();                obj.close();                exit(-1);            }            printBin(rs, 5, obj);            printBin(rt, 5, obj);            printBin(offset, 16, obj);            obj << endl;        }        else if (!strcmp(command, "sw")){ // SW $rt, offset($rs)            printBin(0x2B, 6, obj);      // OpCode             code.getline(arg1, 20, ',');            int rt = getReg(arg1);            if (rt == -1){                cout << "Syntax error at Line " << line_no << "." << endl;                code.close();                obj.close();                exit(-1);            }            code.getline(arg2, 20);            int offset = 0;            int sign = 1;            char *p = arg2;            while (*p == ' ') p++;            if (*p == '-'){                p++;                sign = -1;            }            // Parse            while (*p >= '0' && *p <= '9'){                offset = 10 * offset + (*p - '0');                p++;            }            offset = sign * offset;            while (*p == ' ') p++;        // Skip the space before '('            if (*p == '(') p++;            else {                cout << "Syntax error at Line " << line_no << "." << endl;                code.close();                obj.close();                exit(-1);            }            char *q = arg2 + (strlen(arg2) - 1);            while (*q == ' ') q--;            if (*q == ')') *q = '\0';    // Find the ')' and delete it            else {                       // No ')' found, syntax error occurred                cout << "Syntax error at Line " << line_no << "." << endl;                code.close();                obj.close();                exit(-1);            }            int rs = getReg(p);            if (rs == -1){                cout << "Syntax error at Line " << line_no << "." << endl;                code.close();                obj.close();                exit(-1);            }            printBin(rs, 5, obj);            printBin(rt, 5, obj);            printBin(offset, 16, obj);            obj << endl;        }        else if (!strcmp(command, "j")){ // J addr            printBin(0x02, 6, obj);      // OpCode             int addr;            code >> addr;            if (addr < 0){               // Negative address is not allowed                cout << "Invalid address at Line " << line_no << "." << endl;                code.close();                obj.close();                exit(-1);            }            printBin(addr, 26, obj);            obj << endl;        }        else if (!strcmp(command, "nop")){ // NOP            printBin(0, 32, obj);            obj << endl;        }        else {                            // No other instructions allowed            cout << "Invalid instruction at Line " << line_no << "." << endl;            code.close();            obj.close();            exit(-1);        }    }     code.close();    obj.close();    return 0;}

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