
来源:互联网 发布:玄幻网络作家排行榜 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 13:13




       Python控制台程序,用字符(W/S/A/D)代表方向键的输入,以数字0代表空白方格。计算部分:以向左移动为例,4*4矩阵在接收到向左移动的指令后,应该将每行的数字向左叠加, 将一行的叠加操作定义为函数 handle(list, direction),其第一个参数用来存储4*4矩阵中的某一行(列),第二个参数表示移动的方向(上下左右)。 这样当左右移动方向键时,可以这样来计算矩阵:遍历矩阵的每行,并将每行的数字沿左或右进行叠加操作,for row in matrix:handle(row, direction)。对于上下移动方向键时,由于矩阵是按行存储的,不能直接处理矩阵中的列,可以通过变通采用上面的函数handle()。对于矩阵中每一列,先将其拷贝到一个列表中,然后调用handle()函数对该列表进行叠加处理,最后再将叠加后的新列表拷贝回原始矩阵中其所在的列,其逻辑上等同于下面的代码操作。

for col in matrix:handle(col, direction)。
       handle(row, direction)函数的作用是沿指定方向叠加一行中的数字,请看下面几个例子:

(1) align(row, direction)沿direction方向对齐列表row中的数字,例如:
x = [0, 4, 0, 2]
align(x, 'left')  后 x = [4, 2, 0, 0]
在 align(x, 'right') 后 x = [0, 0, 4, 2]
(2) addSame(row, direction) 查找相同且相邻的数字。如果找到,将其中一个翻倍,另一个置0(如果direction是'left'将左侧翻倍,右侧置0,如果direction为'right',将右侧翻倍,左侧置0),并返回True;否则,返回False。例如:
x = [2, 2, 2, 2]
addSame(x, 'left') 后 x = [4, 0, 2, 2]      返回 True
再 addSame(x, 'left') 后 x = [4, 0, 4, 0]   返回 True
再 addSame(x, 'left') 后 x = [4, 0, 4, 0]   返回 False 
handle(row, direction):
          align(row, direction)
          result = addSame(row, direction)
          while result == True:
                    align(row, direction)
                    result = addSame(row, direction)
x = [2, 4, 2, 2]
调用 handle(x, 'right'),变量 x 变化过程:
align(x, 'right')          ->     [2, 4, 2, 2]
addSame(x, 'right')   ->     [2, 4, 0, 4]     ->     return True
align(x, 'right')          ->     [0, 2, 4, 4]    
addSame(x, 'right')   ->     [0, 2, 0, 8]     ->     return True
align(x, 'right')          ->     [0, 0, 2, 8]    
addSame(x, 'right')   ->     [0, 0, 2, 8]     ->     return False
最终得到的 x = [0, 0, 2, 8]


(1)文件,运行:python,运行环境linux python2.6.6。
# -*- coding:UTF-8 -*-#! /usr/bin/pythonimport randomimport sysv = [[0, 0, 0, 0],       [0, 0, 0, 0],       [0, 0, 0, 0],       [0, 0, 0, 0] ]def display(v, score):'''显示界面'''print '{0:4} {1:4} {2:4} {3:4}'.format(v[0][0], v[0][1], v[0][2], v[0][3])print '{0:4} {1:4} {2:4} {3:4}'.format(v[1][0], v[1][1], v[1][2], v[1][3])print '{0:4} {1:4} {2:4} {3:4}'.format(v[2][0], v[2][1], v[2][2], v[2][3])print '{0:4} {1:4} {2:4} {3:4}'.format(v[3][0], v[3][1], v[3][2], v[3][3]), '    Total score: ', scoredef init(v):'''随机分布网格值'''for i in range(4):v[i] = [random.choice([0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 4]) for x in v[i]]def align(vList, direction):'''对齐非零的数字        direction == 'left':向左对齐,例如[8,0,0,2]左对齐后[8,2,0,0]        direction == 'right':向右对齐,例如[8,0,0,2]右对齐后[0,0,8,2]        '''# 移除列表中的0for i in range(vList.count(0)):vList.remove(0)# 被移除的0zeros = [0 for x in range(4 - len(vList))]        # 在非0数字的一侧补充0if direction == 'left':vList.extend(zeros)else:vList[:0] = zeros        def addSame(vList, direction):        '''在列表查找相同且相邻的数字相加, 找到符合条件的返回True,否则返回False,同时还返回增加的分数        direction == 'left':从右向左查找,找到相同且相邻的两个数字,左侧数字翻倍,右侧数字置0        direction == 'right':从左向右查找,找到相同且相邻的两个数字,右侧数字翻倍,左侧数字置0'''score = 0if direction == 'left':for i in [0, 1, 2]:if vList[i] == vList[i+1] != 0: vList[i] *= 2vList[i+1] = 0score += vList[i]return {'bool':True, 'score':score}else:for i in [3, 2, 1]:if vList[i] == vList[i-1] != 0:vList[i-1] *= 2vList[i] = 0score += vList[i-1]return {'bool':True, 'score':score}return {'bool':False, 'score':score}  def handle(vList, direction):'''处理一行(列)中的数据,得到最终的该行(列)的数字状态值, 返回得分        vList: 列表结构,存储了一行(列)中的数据        direction: 移动方向,向上和向左都使用方向'left',向右和向下都使用'right'        '''totalScore = 0align(vList, direction)result = addSame(vList, direction)while result['bool'] == True:totalScore += result['score']align(vList, direction)result = addSame(vList, direction)return totalScore        def operation(v):'''根据移动方向重新计算矩阵状态值,并记录得分        '''totalScore = 0gameOver = Falsedirection = 'left'op = raw_input('operator:')if op in ['a', 'A']:    # 向左移动                direction = 'left'                for row in range(4):totalScore += handle(v[row], direction)elif op in ['d', 'D']:  # 向右移动                direction = 'right'                for row in range(4):                        totalScore += handle(v[row], direction)elif op in ['w', 'W']:  # 向上移动                direction = 'left'                for col in range(4):                        # 将矩阵中一列复制到一个列表中然后处理                        vList = [v[row][col] for row in range(4)]                        totalScore += handle(vList, direction)                        # 从处理后的列表中的数字覆盖原来矩阵中的值                        for row in range(4):                                v[row][col] = vList[row]elif op in ['s', 'S']:  # 向下移动                direction = 'right'                for col in range(4):                        # 同上                        vList = [v[row][col] for row in range(4)]                        totalScore += handle(vList, direction)                        for row in range(4):                                v[row][col] = vList[row]else:                print('Invalid input, please enter a charactor in [W, S, A, D] or the lower')                return {'gameOver':gameOver, 'score':totalScore}        # 统计空白区域数目 NN = 0for q in v:            N += q.count(0)        # 不存在剩余的空白区域时,游戏结束if N == 0:                gameOver = True                return {'gameOver':gameOver, 'score':totalScore}        # 按2和4出现的几率为3/1来产生随机数2和4num = random.choice([2, 2, 2, 4])         # 产生随机数k,上一步产生的2或4将被填到第k个空白区域k = random.randrange(1, N+1)n = 0for i in range(4):                for j in range(4):                        if v[i][j] == 0:                                n += 1                                if n == k:                                        v[i][j] = num                                        breakreturn {'gameOver':gameOver, 'score':totalScore}init(v)score = 0print 'Input:W(Up) S(Down) A(Left) D(Right), press <CR>.'while True:    display(v, score)    result = operation(v)    if result['gameOver'] == True:        print 'Game Over, You failed!'        print 'Your total score:', score        sys.exit(1)    else:        score += result['score']        if score >= 2048:            print 'Game Over, You Win!!!'            print 'Your total score:', score            sys.exit(0)
# -*- coding:UTF-8 -*-#!/usr/bin/python2 import randomimport os, sys v = [[0, 0, 0, 0],     [0, 0, 0, 0],     [0, 0, 0, 0],     [0, 0, 0, 0]] def display(v, score):print "%4d%4d%4d%4d"%(v[0][0], v[0][1], v[0][2], v[0][3])print "%4d%4d%4d%4d"%(v[1][0], v[1][1], v[1][2], v[1][3])print "%4d%4d%4d%4d"%(v[2][0], v[2][1], v[2][2], v[2][3])print "%4d%4d%4d%4d"%(v[3][0], v[3][1], v[3][2], v[3][3])print "Total score: %d" % score def init(v):for i in range(4):v[i] = [random.choice([0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 4]) for x in range(4)]def align(vList, direction):for i in range(vList.count(0)):vList.remove(0)zeros = [0 for x in range(4 - len(vList))]if direction == 'left':vList.extend(zeros)else:vList[:0] = zerosdef addSame(vList, direction):score = 0if direction == 'left':for i in [0, 1, 2]:align(vList, direction)if vList[i] == vList[i+1] != 0:vList[i] *= 2vList[i+1] = 0score += vList[i]return {'bool':True, 'score':score}else:for i in [3, 2, 1]:align(vList, direction)if vList[i] == vList[i-1] != 0:vList[i] *= 2vList[i-1] = 0score += vList[i]return {'bool':True, 'score':score}return {'bool':False, 'score':score}def handle(vList, direction):totalScore = 0align(vList, direction)result = addSame(vList, direction)while result['bool'] == True:totalScore += result['score']align(vList, direction)result = addSame(vList, direction)return totalScore def operation(v):totalScore = 0gameOver = Falsedirection = 'left'op = raw_input('operator:')if op in ['a','A']:direction = 'left'for row in range(4):totalScore += handle(v[row], direction)elif op in ['d','D']:direction = 'right'for row in range(4):totalScore += handle(v[row], direction)elif op in ['w', 'W']:direction = 'left'for col in range(4):vList = [v[row][col] for row in range(4)]totalScore += handle(vList, direction)for row in range(4):v[row][col] = vList[row]elif op in ['s', 'S']:direction = 'right'for col in range(4):vList = [v[row][col] for row in range(4)]totalScore += handle(vList, direction)for row in range(4):v[row][col] = vList[row]else:print "Invalid input,please enter a charactor in [W,S,A,D] or the lower"gameOver = Truereturn {'gameOver':gameOver,'score':totalScore}N = 0for q in v:N += q.count(0)if N == 0:gameOver = Truereturn {'gameover':gameOver,'score':totalScore}num = random.choice([2,2,2,4])k = random.randrange(1, N+1)n = 0for i in range(4):for j in range(4):if v[i][j] == 0:n += 1if n == k:v[i][j] = numbreakreturn {'gameOver':gameOver, 'score':totalScore}init(v)score = 0print "Input:W(Up) S(Down) A(Left) D(Right), press <CR>."while True:os.system("clear")display(v, score)result = operation(v)print resultif result['gameOver'] == True:print "Game Over, You failed!"print "Your total score %d" % (score)sys.exit(1)else:score += result['score']if score >= 2048:print "Game Over, You Win!!!"print "Your total score: %d" % (score)sys.exit(0)
(3)linux使用ncurses库实现的2048 ai
/************************************makefile:*CC=gcc  *CFLAGS=-g -O3 -lncurses  **.PHONY : all  *all: 2048.c   *    $(CC) 2048.c -o 2048 $(CFLAGS) *************************************---Play----  * make  * ./2048     <-- Normal mode  * ./2048 -s  <-- Play with AI suggestion  * ./2048 -a  <-- Watch AI plays it. Good luck!  ************************************/#include <unistd.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <ncurses.h>#include <sys/time.h>#include <time.h>#define AUTO#define SIZE (4)typedef int board_t[SIZE][SIZE];struct hash_elem {    int hash;    int depth;    double value;};enum input {    LEFT = 0,    RIGHT = 1,    UP = 2,    DOWN = 3,    QUIT = 4};/* Static mappings & initialzation ***********************************//* Weight of each value */int value_weight[16];/* Mapping from value to power of 2 form */int value_real[16];/* Default search depth for each #zero-blocks */int depth_map[] = {6, 6, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4};/* Weight map of cells */static const board_t cell_weight = {    {17, 13, 11, 10},    {13, 10,  9,  9},    {11,  9,  8,  8},    {10,  9,  8,  8}};/* Used for hash table */static const board_t primes = {    {22189, 28813, 37633, 43201},     {47629, 60493, 63949, 65713},     {69313, 73009, 76801, 84673},     {106033, 108301, 112909, 115249}};    void init() {    int i;    int cur_weight = 1;    int cur_real = 2;    for (i = 1; i < 16; i++) {        value_weight[i] = cur_weight;        value_real[i] = cur_real;        cur_weight *= 3;        cur_real *= 2;    }}/* Util Functions *****************************************************/long gettime() {    struct timeval tv;    gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);    return tv.tv_sec * 1000 * 1000 + tv.tv_usec;}void draw_grid(int y, int x) {    mvprintw(y++, x,    "#####################################");    mvprintw(y++, x,    "#        |        |        |        #");    mvprintw(y++, x,    "#        |        |        |        #");    mvprintw(y++, x,    "#        |        |        |        #");    mvprintw(y++, x,    "#-----------------------------------#");    mvprintw(y++, x,    "#        |        |        |        #");    mvprintw(y++, x,    "#        |        |        |        #");    mvprintw(y++, x,    "#        |        |        |        #");    mvprintw(y++, x,    "#-----------------------------------#");    mvprintw(y++, x,    "#        |        |        |        #");    mvprintw(y++, x,    "#        |        |        |        #");    mvprintw(y++, x,    "#        |        |        |        #");    mvprintw(y++, x,    "#-----------------------------------#");    mvprintw(y++, x,    "#        |        |        |        #");    mvprintw(y++, x,    "#        |        |        |        #");    mvprintw(y++, x,    "#        |        |        |        #");    mvprintw(y++, x,    "#####################################");    mvprintw(y+2, x,    "Control: wasd  Exit: q");}void board_dump(board_t b, int y, int x) {     int i, j;    draw_grid(y, x);    for (i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {        for (j = 0; j < SIZE; j++) {            if (b[i][j])                mvprintw(i * 4 + 2 + y, j * 9 + 3 + x, "%d", value_real[b[i][j]]);        }    }}int board_count_zero(board_t b) {    int cnt = 0;    int i, j;    for (i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {        for (j = 0; j < SIZE; j++) {            if (b[i][j] == 0)                cnt++;        }    }    return cnt;}void board_clear(board_t b) {    int i, j;    for (i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {        for (j = 0; j < SIZE; j++) {            b[i][j] = 0;        }    }}int board_hash(board_t b) {    int i, j;    int hash = 0;    for (i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {        for (j = 0; j < SIZE; j++) {            hash += b[i][j] * primes[i][j];        }    }    return hash;}void board_rnd_gen_cell(board_t b) {    int i, j;    int cnt = board_count_zero(b);    int gen = random() % cnt;    int n = (random() % 10) == 0 ? 2 : 1;    cnt = 0;        for (i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {        for (j = 0; j < SIZE; j++) {            if (b[i][j] == 0) {                if (cnt == gen) {                    b[i][j] = n;                    return;                }                cnt++;            }        }    }}void delay() {    struct timespec t;    t.tv_sec = 0;    t.tv_nsec = 10000000;    nanosleep(&t, NULL);}/* Performance statistic */long stat_time[16];long stat_count[16]; void stat(int depth, long time) {    stat_count[depth]++;    stat_time[depth] += time;}void stat_dump() {    int i;    int line = 0;    mvprintw(25 + line++, 8, "Performance Stat");    for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {        if (!stat_count[i])            continue;        mvprintw(25 + line++, 8, "[Depth %d] %ld us * %d times",            i, stat_time[i] / stat_count[i], stat_count[i]);    }   }/* Game logic: Move to a direction **************************************************//* Return score earned, return 1 if moved with zero score */#define movefunc(src_cell, combine_cell, nocombine_cell)\{\    int i, j = 0;\    int moved = 0;\    int score = 0;\    for (i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {\        int last = 0;\        int j2 = 0;\        for (j = 0; j < SIZE; j++) {\            int v = src_cell;\            if (v == 0) {\                continue;\            }\            if (v == last) {\                last = 0;\                combine_cell = v + 1;\                score += value_real[v + 1];\            } else {\                if (j2 < j)\                    moved = 1;\                last = v;\                nocombine_cell = v;\                j2++;\            }\        }\    }\    return score ? score : moved;\}#define REVERSE(i) (SIZE - 1 - (i))int move_left(board_t src, board_t dst) {    movefunc(src[i][j], dst[i][j2 - 1], dst[i][j2]);}int move_right(board_t src, board_t dst) {    movefunc(src[i][REVERSE(j)], dst[i][REVERSE(j2 - 1)], dst[i][REVERSE(j2)]);}int move_up(board_t src, board_t dst) {    movefunc(src[j][i], dst[j2 - 1][i], dst[j2][i]);}int move_down(board_t src, board_t dst) {    movefunc(src[REVERSE(j)][i], dst[REVERSE(j2 - 1)][i], dst[REVERSE(j2)][i]);}/* AI-related functions **************************************************/double value(board_t b, int depth, int *choice, double max);/* Immediate value score estimation for a board */int imm_value(board_t b) {    int i, j;    int result = 0;    for (i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {        for (j = 0; j < SIZE; j++) {            result += value_weight[b[i][j]] * cell_weight[i][j];        }    }    return result;}#define HASH_SIZE (35317) struct hash_elem vcache[HASH_SIZE];void cache_board_value(board_t b, int depth, double value) {    int hash = board_hash(b);    int index = hash % HASH_SIZE;    vcache[index].hash = hash;    vcache[index].value = value;    vcache[index].depth = depth;}int qcnt;int qmiss;double query_board_value(board_t b, int depth) {    int hash = board_hash(b);    int index = hash % HASH_SIZE;    qcnt++;    if (vcache[index].hash == hash && vcache[index].depth >= depth) {        return vcache[index].value;    }    qmiss++;    return -1;}/* Generate 2/4 at every posible position, return the average value score  * b        : the board * depth    : depth of the recursive search * max      : current maximum value score * sampled  : sample rate, 0 means no sample */double rnd_value(board_t b, int depth, double max, int sampled) {    int i, j;    int cnt = 0;    double sum = 0;    static int scnt = 0;    for (i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {        for (j = 0; j < SIZE; j++) {            /* Check zero */            if (b[i][j])                continue;            /* Do sampling to reduce computation if needed */            if (sampled) {                scnt++;                if(scnt % sampled)                    continue;            }            cnt += 9;            b[i][j] = 1;            sum += 9 * value(b, depth, NULL, max);            /* We do not take random 4 into consideration as it is rare */            if (depth >= 5) {                cnt += 1;                b[i][j] = 2;                sum += value(b, depth, NULL, max);            }            /**/            b[i][j] = 0;        }    }    return sum / cnt;}/* Return the value score for given board, zero score means died  * b        : the board * depth    : depth of the recursive search * choice   : used to return the final choise of movement * max      : current maximum value score */double value(board_t b, int depth, int *choice, double max) {    /* Estimate the value score */    int estimate = imm_value(b);    /* Decrease depth if estimation is too low */    if (estimate < max * 0.7)        depth--;    /* Return estimation at level 0 */    if (depth <= 0)        return estimate;    /* Adjust next depth according to depth_map */     int next_depth = depth - 1;        if (depth > 3) {        int zeros = board_count_zero(b);        if (next_depth > depth_map[zeros])            next_depth--;     }         int i;    int moved[4];    double maxv = 0;    board_t tmp[4] = {0};    int my_choice = QUIT; /* Default choice */    if (!choice) {        double v = query_board_value(b, depth);        if (v >= 0)            return v;    }        moved[LEFT] = move_left(b, tmp[LEFT]);    moved[RIGHT] = move_right(b, tmp[RIGHT]);    moved[UP] = move_up(b, tmp[UP]);    moved[DOWN] = move_down(b, tmp[DOWN]);    /* Estimate the maximum value score */    if (depth > 2)    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {        int v = imm_value(tmp[0]);        max = v > max ? v : max;    }           /* Try all the four direction */     for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {        int c;        if (!moved[i])            continue;        int sample = 0; //depth < 3 ? 3 : 1;        double v = rnd_value(tmp[i], next_depth, max, sample);        if (v > maxv) {            my_choice = i;            maxv = v;            max = maxv;        }    }    if (choice)        *choice = my_choice;       cache_board_value(b, depth, maxv);     return maxv;}/* Game logic: Control and Interface *************************************/static int get_AI_input(board_t b) {    int choice;    int zeros = board_count_zero(b);    long start = gettime();    double v = value(b, depth_map[zeros], &choice, 0);    long timeval = gettime() - start;    stat(depth_map[zeros], timeval);    return choice;}static int get_keyboard_input() {    char c;    while(1) {        //c = getchar();        c = getch();        switch(c) {            case 'w': return UP;            case 'a': return LEFT;            case 's': return DOWN;            case 'd': return RIGHT;            case 'q': return QUIT;        }    }}int auto_play = 0;int suggestion = 0;void game_loop() {    board_t a = {0};    board_t b = {0};    board_t *cur;    board_t *next;    int input;    int AI_input;    int score = 0;        cur = &a;    next = &b;    board_rnd_gen_cell(*cur);        while (1) {        clear();                /* Draw the board */        board_dump(*cur, 4, 8);        // stat_dump();                 /* AI computation */        if (auto_play || suggestion) {            AI_input = get_AI_input(*cur);            const char *move_text[] = {"Left", "Right", "Up", "Down", "Game Over"};            mvprintw(1, 8, "Suggest: %s", move_text[AI_input]);        }        mvprintw(2, 8, "Score: %d", score);                /* Update screen */        refresh();                /* Get input */        if (auto_play) {            input = AI_input;        } else {            input = get_keyboard_input();        }        int moved = 0;        switch(input) {            case UP:                moved = move_up(*cur, *next); break;            case LEFT:                moved = move_left(*cur, *next); break;            case DOWN:                moved = move_down(*cur, *next); break;            case RIGHT:                moved = move_right(*cur, *next); break;            case QUIT:                return;            default:                continue;        }        if (!moved)            continue;               if (moved != 1)            score += moved;         /* Generate new cell */        board_rnd_gen_cell(*next);        /* Switch cur and next */         board_t *temp = cur;        cur = next;        next = temp;         board_clear(*next);    }}int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {    int opt;    while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "as")) != -1) {        switch (opt) {            case 'a':                auto_play = 1;                break;            case 's':                suggestion = 1;                break;            default: /* '?' */                fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-a] [-s]\r\n", argv[0]);                fprintf(stderr, "-a:  Let AI play the game\r\n");                fprintf(stderr, "-s:  Display AI suggestion\r\n");                exit(EXIT_FAILURE);        }    }    init();    srandom(time(NULL));     initscr();    noecho();        game_loop();        refresh();    endwin();    return 0;}
编译:gcc -g -O3 -o 2048 2048.c -lncurses



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