Nth Highest Salary

来源:互联网 发布:重低音增强软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 00:30

Write a SQL query to get the nth highest salary from the Employee table.

+----+--------+| Id | Salary |+----+--------+| 1  | 100    || 2  | 200    || 3  | 300    |+----+--------+

For example, given the above Employee table, the nth highest salary where n = 2 is 200. If there is no nth highest salary, then the query should return null.

CREATE FUNCTION getNthHighestSalary(N INT) RETURNS INTBEGIN  declare M int;  set M=N-1;  RETURN (      # Write your MySQL query statement below.      #select distinct salary from Employee order by salary desc limit n,1      SELECT DISTINCT Salary FROM Employee ORDER BY Salary DESC LIMIT M, 1  );END

Second Highest Salary思路一样,但是在这里考察函数的编写。


函数里,不能定义n这样的变量,其次在select语句里不能使用limit N-1,1这样的语句

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