HDU 4553

来源:互联网 发布:乐视for mac客户端 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/18 15:00
/*HDU 4553约会安排线段树区间合并线段树最左子区间*/#include<cstdio>#include<cstring>#include<algorithm>using namespace std;#define lson (pos<<1)#define rson (pos<<1|1)const int maxn = 122222;struct Node{    int l,r;    int lx1,rx1,mx1,col1;    int lx2,rx2,mx2,col2;    int mid(){        return (l + r) >> 1;    }    int len(){        return (r - l + 1);    }    void change1(int t){        if(t == 0){            col1 = 0;            lx1 = rx1 = mx1 = 0;        }        else{            col1 = 1;            lx1 = rx1 = mx1 = len();        }    }    void change2(int t){        if(t == 0){            col2 = 0;            lx2 = rx2 = mx2 = 0;        }        else{            col2 = 1;            lx2 = rx2 = mx2 = len();        }    }}node[maxn << 2];void pushdown(int pos){    if(node[pos].col1 != -1){        node[lson].change1(node[pos].col1);        node[rson].change1(node[pos].col1);        node[pos].col1 = -1;    }    if(node[pos].col2 != -1){        node[lson].change2(node[pos].col2);        node[rson].change2(node[pos].col2);        node[pos].col2 = -1;    }}void pushup(int pos){    //包含屌丝的区间    node[pos].lx1 = node[lson].lx1;    node[pos].rx1 = node[rson].rx1;    if(node[pos].lx1 == node[lson].len()) node[pos].lx1 += node[rson].lx1;    if(node[pos].rx1 == node[rson].len()) node[pos].rx1 += node[lson].rx1;    node[pos].mx1 = node[lson].rx1 + node[rson].lx1;    node[pos].mx1 = max(node[pos].mx1,max(node[lson].mx1,node[rson].mx1));    //不包含屌丝的区间    node[pos].lx2 = node[lson].lx2;    node[pos].rx2 = node[rson].rx2;    if(node[pos].lx2 == node[lson].len()) node[pos].lx2 += node[rson].lx2;    if(node[pos].rx2 == node[rson].len()) node[pos].rx2 += node[lson].rx2;    node[pos].mx2 = node[lson].rx2 + node[rson].lx2;    node[pos].mx2 = max(node[pos].mx2,max(node[lson].mx2,node[rson].mx2));}void build(int l,int r,int pos){    node[pos].l = l;    node[pos].r = r;    node[pos].col1 = node[pos].col2 = -1;    if(l == r){        node[pos].lx1 = node[pos].rx1 = node[pos].mx1 = 1;        node[pos].lx2 = node[pos].rx2 = node[pos].mx2 = 1;        return;    }    int mid = node[pos].mid();    build(l,mid,lson);    build(mid + 1,r,rson);    pushup(pos);}void update(int l,int r,int pos,int d){     if(l <= node[pos].l && node[pos].r <= r){         if(d == 0){    //清0             node[pos].change1(1);             node[pos].change2(1);         }         else if(d == 1){//放进来屌丝             node[pos].change1(0);         }         else if(d == 2){//放进来女神             node[pos].change1(0);             node[pos].change2(0);         }         return;     }     pushdown(pos);     int mid = node[pos].mid();     if(l <= mid)        update(l,r,lson,d);     if(r  > mid)        update(l,r,rson,d);     pushup(pos);}int query(int l,int r,int pos,int d){    if(node[pos].len() == node[pos].mx1)        return node[pos].l;    pushdown(pos);    int ans;    if(node[lson].mx1 >= d)        ans = query(l,r,lson,d);    else if(node[lson].rx1 + node[rson].lx1 >= d){        int rr = node[pos].mid() + node[rson].lx1;        int v1 = node[lson].rx1 + node[rson].lx1 - d;        ans = rr - v1 - d + 1;    }    else        ans = query(l,r,rson,d);    pushup(pos);    return ans;}int query2(int l,int r,int pos,int d){    if(node[pos].len() == node[pos].mx2)        return node[pos].l;    pushdown(pos);    int ans;    if(node[lson].mx2 >= d)        ans = query2(l,r,lson,d);    else if(node[lson].rx2 + node[rson].lx2 >= d){        int rr = node[pos].mid() + node[rson].lx2;        int v1 = node[lson].rx2 + node[rson].lx2 - d;        ans = rr - v1 - d + 1;    }    else        ans = query2(l,r,rson,d);    pushup(pos);    return ans;}int main(){    int T,Case = 1;    char op[10];    scanf("%d",&T);    while(T--){        int n,m,x,y;        scanf("%d%d",&n,&m);        build(1,n,1);        printf("Case %d:\n",Case++);        for(int i = 0; i < m; i++){            scanf("%s",op);            if(op[0] == 'D'){                scanf("%d",&x);                if(node[1].mx1 >= x){                    int v = query(1,n,1,x);                    printf("%d,let's fly\n",v);                    update(v,v + x - 1,1,1);                }                else                    printf("fly with yourself\n");            }            else if(op[0] == 'N'){                scanf("%d",&x);                if(node[1].mx1 >= x){                    int v = query(1,n,1,x);                    printf("%d,don't put my gezi\n",v);                    update(v,v + x - 1,1,2);                }                else if(node[1].mx2 >= x){                    int v = query2(1,n,1,x);                    printf("%d,don't put my gezi\n",v);                    update(v,v + x - 1,1,2);                }                else                    printf("wait for me\n");            }            else if(op[0] == 'S'){                scanf("%d%d",&x,&y);                update(x,y,1,0);                printf("I am the hope of chinese chengxuyuan!!\n");            }            //printf("%d %d\n",node[1].mx1,node[1].mx2);        }    }    return 0;}/*DS 10NS 50*/

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