ACTF Dice Game Writeup

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝怎么退货怎么邮寄 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 13:34

ACTF也算是结束了,浙大的那帮人脑洞也是够大的 π__π 这题目也是坑得可以。。。像我这样的渣渣只能是挑所有题目中最简单的来了。


Dice Game 题目直接把python的源码贴了出来。源码如下:

#!/usr/bin/env python# coding: utf-8"""Yet another problem for ACTF2015.By H4sIAOzUQ1UCAwtIzUuvLFVwzkjNU9AoAHMccjKTiksSi4oy0yr1ivM1uQCpNCsJJAAAAA==COPYLEFT, ALL WRONGS RESERVED."""import randomimport timeimport sysassert sys.version_info >= (3, 2)NUM_ROUNDS = 1000SCORE_INITIAL = 100SCORE_ROUND = 10SCORE_BONUS = 2class WeBreakup(Exception):    """Hmmm.. :("""    passdef play_round(scores):    """Plays a single round. Returns round status and new scores."""    print('..and your guess is?')    guess = input()    point = random.randint(1, 6)    mapping = {x: 'small' if x <= 3 else 'big' for x in range(1, 7)}    if guess == mapping[point]:        print('Correct. :(')        guessing_correct = True        # You know I'm the boss, right?        score_delta = SCORE_ROUND - SCORE_BONUS        scores = (scores[0] - score_delta, scores[1] + score_delta)    else:        print('Incorrect! :)')        guessing_correct = False        # You know I'm the boss, right?        score_delta = SCORE_ROUND + SCORE_BONUS        scores = (scores[0] + score_delta, scores[1] - score_delta)    return (guessing_correct, scores)def play_game():    """Plays a game."""    print('Hey hey, you you, I wanna play a game! :)')    reply = input()    if reply not in ('Sure!', 'Okay!', 'With pleasure. :)'):        raise WeBreakup('You bad guy :(')    scores = tuple(SCORE_INITIAL for i in range(2))    random.seed(int(time.time() * 1e5))    recently_is_beaten = []    print('Well, we play a simple dice game! :)')    for i in range(NUM_ROUNDS):        is_beaten, scores = play_round(scores)        print('After round %d the scores are %s' % (i, scores))        if scores[0] <= 0:            raise WeBreakup('I feel humiliated. :(')        recently_is_beaten.append(is_beaten)        if recently_is_beaten[-5:].count(True) >= 5:            raise WeBreakup('How dare you beat me 5 times in a streak! :(')    if scores[0] < scores[1]:        raise WeBreakup('Do you think it is more important to win this game than making me happy? :(')    elif scores[1] > scores[0]:        raise WeBreakup('You are still too young too simple! :(')    else:        print(u'I \u2661 U!')        response = input()        if response == 'Me too! <3':            key_f = open('./flag', 'r')            print('Flag: %s' %            key_f.close()if __name__ == '__main__':    play_game()

有这么多限制,在概率上达到平局的概率基本上是不可能了。虽然可以发送些“aaa”之类的可以保正出错。但是无论如何,我方是必输的。。。╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭


然后注意到了这个random.seed(int(time.time() * 1e5))这个随机函数是以系统时间来做seed的。相信了解过随机函数的都知道,只要知道了一个随机函数的seed和函数的算法,那么随机函数的值是完全可以预测的。问题就是得到int(time.time() * 1e5)的值了。不过因为网络延时和系统时间的不同,再加上坑爹的1e5次。所以要同步时间是个大问题。


import socketimport timeimport randomlist = []scores = 0a=0str=""s = socket.socket()s.connect(('',9999))print (s.recv(100))s.send(b'Sure!\n')print (s.recv(100))Seed=int(time.time() * 1e5)i=0right = 0while i<20:    s.send(b"big\n")    h=s.recv(100)    print (h)    if h[0] == 67:        list = list + [1]        scores += 1    else:        list = list + [0]     i+=1print (v,list)s.close() 



flag=0x=1while(flag==0):    x += 1    random.seed(v-x)    print (x)    i=0    while(i<20):        point = random.randint(1, 6)        if point<=3:            if list[i] == 1:                break        else:            if list[i] == 0:                break        i += 1    else:        print ("boom",x)        flag = 1





#!/bin/env python#coding:utf-8import socketimport timeimport randomlist = []right_times = 0a=0str=""s = socket.socket()s.connect(('',9999))print (s.recv(100))s.send(b'Sure!\n')print (s.recv(100))x=50000v=int(time.time() * 1e5-x)random.seed(v)i=0right = 0while i<20:    point = random.randint(1, 6)    s.send(b"big\n")    h=s.recv(100)    print (h)    if h[0] == 67:        list = list + [1]        right_times += 1    else:        list = list + [0]     i+=1print(v)flag=0x=1while(flag==0):    x += 1    random.seed(v-x)    print (x)    i=0    while(i<20):        point = random.randint(1, 6)        if point<=3:            if list[i] == 1:                break        else:            if list[i] == 0:                break        i += 1    else:        print ("boom",x)        flag = 1v -=xrandom.seed(v)i=0while i<20:    point = random.randint(1, 6)    i+=1i=0k= right_times//4+1while i<230+k+right_times:    point = random.randint(1, 6)    s.send(b"aaa\n")    h=s.recv(100)    print (h)    i+=1q=0       while right_times<600:    if q ==4:        point = random.randint(1, 6)        s.send(b"aaa\n")        h=s.recv(100)        print (h)        q=0    point = random.randint(1, 6)    if point > 3:        s.send(b"big\n")    else:        s.send(b"small\n")    h=s.recv(100)    print (h)    q += 1    right_times +=1s.send(b"Me too! <3\n")  h=s.recv(100)print (h)s.close()   


PS:靠着我那刚学1星期的python写出的半吊子代码,就不要吐槽了 ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

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