数据结构:栈(linked-stack & array-stack)

来源:互联网 发布:移动端域名配置 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 20:09





2. 栈的实现


2 .1 数组实现(array stack)


栈的结构为#define MAX_SIZE 20 //栈内最多有几个元素typedef int StackEntry;typedef struct stack {      StackEntry entry[MAX_SIZE];      int top; } Stack ;


看起来,数组的实现方式十分的简单!So easy!当向栈中压入数据时,需要将top的值加1;出栈时,top的值减1。Too young,too naive!考虑两个极端的情况:在栈满时压栈,在栈空时出栈。因此在进行push和pop操作之前需要检查栈的情况,避免溢出。

 int IsFull(Stack *s) {    return (s->top >= MAX_SIZE); } int IsEmpty(Stack *s) {    return (s->top <= 0); }void Push(StackEntry item, Stack* s) {  if(IsFull(s))    return;  else    s->entry[s->top++] = item;}void Pop(Stack* s) {   if(IsEmpty(s))      return;   else      s->top--;}StackEntry Top(Stack* s) {   if(!IsEmpty(s))      return s->entry[s->top-1];   else       return -1;}

2.2. 链式实现(linked stack)


typedef struct node {  StackEntry val;  struct node *next;} Node;

一般来说,很多人会自然而然的想到在stack中将心的元素加入到linked stack的末尾。但是要考虑到,对于stack,我们经常在其末尾进行操作,如果将元素插入到link的末尾,那么每次操作都要先从头到达末尾才能操作,所以我们需要换另外一种方法,采用前插的方式,将新的元素插入到列表的前面。这样每次进行push和pop操作的时候就可以直接通过top指针操作。



//push a new node onto the top of the stack (the front of the list),//and return whether successfulint Push (int val, Node* stack) {    Node* addNode = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));    if (addNode == NULL) {        printf("out of memory!\n");        return 0;    }    addNode->val = val;    addNode->next = stack->next;    stack->next = addNode;    return 1;}//pop the top node from the stackint Pop (Node* stack) {    if (IsEmpty(stack)) {        printf("the stack is empty!\n");        return 0;    }    Node *tmpNode = stack->next;    stack->next = tmpNode->next;    free(tmpNode);    return 1;}//check whether the stack is emptyint IsEmpty (Node* stack) {    return (stack->next == NULL);}//get the top value of the stackint Top (Node* stack) {    if (IsEmpty(stack)) {        printf("the stack is empty!\n");        return -1;    }    return (stack->next->val);}



#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#define MAX_SIZE 20 //栈内最多有几个元素typedef int StackEntry;typedef struct stack {      StackEntry entry[MAX_SIZE];      int top;} Stack;int IsFull(Stack *s) {    return (s->top >= MAX_SIZE); }int IsEmpty(Stack *s) {    return (s->top <= 0); }void Push(StackEntry item, Stack* s) {  if (IsFull(s))    return;  else    s->entry[s->top++] = item;}void Pop(Stack* s) {   if (IsEmpty(s))      return;   else      s->top--;}StackEntry Top(Stack* s) {   if (!IsEmpty(s))      return s->entry[s->top-1];        else            return -1;}int main () {    Stack *s = (Stack*)malloc(sizeof(Stack));    s->top = 0;    Push(1, s);    Push(2, s);    Push(3, s);    //get 3    int temp = Top(s);    printf("%d ", temp);    //pop 3    Pop(s);    temp = Top(s);    printf("%d ", temp);    Push(4, s);    temp = Top(s);    printf("%d ", temp);    //pop 4    Pop(s);    temp = Top(s); // top is 2    printf("%d ", temp);    //pop 2    Pop(s);    temp = Top(s); //top is 1    printf("%d ", temp);    //pop 1    Pop(s);    temp = Top(s); //error get top element from empty stack    printf("%d ", temp);    return 0;}

输出:3 2 4 2 1 -1


#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>typedef struct node{    int val;    struct node *next;} Node;Node* CreateEmptyStack ();int Push (int val, Node* stack);int Pop (Node* stack);int IsEmpty (Node* stack);int Top (Node* stack);int main () {    Node *s = CreateEmptyStack();    Push(1, s);    Push(2, s);    Push(3, s);    int temp = Top(s); //top is 3    printf("%d ", temp);    Pop(s); //pop 3    temp = Top(s); //top is 2    printf("%d ", temp);    Push(4, s);    temp = Top(s); //top is 4    printf("%d ", temp);    Pop(s); //pop 4    temp = Top(s); //top is 2    printf("%d ", temp);    Pop(s); //pop 2    temp = Top(s); //top is 1    printf("%d ", temp);    Pop(s); //pop 1    temp = Top(s); //error, get top element from empty stack    printf("%d ", temp);    return 0;}//create a empty stack and return the addressNode* CreateEmptyStack () {    Node* stack = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));    if (stack == NULL) {        printf("out of memory!\n");        return NULL;    }    stack->val = 0;    stack->next = NULL;    return stack;}//push a new node onto the top of the stack (the front of the list),//and return whether successfulint Push (int val, Node* stack) {    Node* addNode = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));    if (addNode == NULL) {        printf("out of memory!\n");        return 0;    }    addNode->val = val;    addNode->next = stack->next;    stack->next = addNode;    return 1;}//pop the top node from the stackint Pop (Node* stack) {    if (IsEmpty(stack)) {        printf("the stack is empty!\n");        return 0;    }    Node *tmpNode = stack->next;    stack->next = tmpNode->next;    free(tmpNode);    return 1;}//check whether the stack is emptyint IsEmpty (Node* stack) {    return (stack->next == NULL);}//get the top value of the stackint Top (Node* stack) {    if (IsEmpty(stack)) {        printf("the stack is empty!\n");        return -1;    }    return (stack->next->val);}

输出:3 2 4 2 1 the stack is empty!

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