
来源:互联网 发布:无线pos数据拦截 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/04 13:16



public static final StringBOARDThe name of the underlying board, like "goldfish".主板名称public static final StringBOOTLOADERThe system bootloader version number.系统引导程序版本号public static final StringBRANDThe brand (e.g., carrier) the software is customized for, if any.android系统定制商public static final StringCPU_ABIThe name of the instruction set (CPU type + ABI convention) of native code.CPU 和ABI的本地代码指令集public static final StringCPU_ABI2The name of the second instruction set (CPU type + ABI convention) of native code.public static final StringDEVICEThe name of the industrial design.设备参数public static final StringDISPLAYA build ID string meant for displaying to the user显示屏参数public static final StringFINGERPRINTA string that uniquely identifies this build.硬件名public static final StringHARDWAREThe name of the hardware (from the kernel command line or /proc).内核命令行中的硬件名public static final StringHOST public static final StringIDEither a changelist number, or a label like "M4-rc20".修改版本列表public static final StringMANUFACTURERThe manufacturer of the product/hardware.硬件厂商public static final StringMODELThe end-user-visible name for the end product.版本public static final StringPRODUCTThe name of the overall product.手机厂商public static final StringRADIOThis field was deprecated in API level 14. The radio firmware version is frequently not available when this class is initialized, leading to a blank or "unknown" value for this string. UsegetRadioVersion() instead.public static final StringSERIALA hardware serial number, if available.public static final StringTAGSComma-separated tags describing the build, like "unsigned,debug".描述Build的标签public static final longTIME public static final StringTYPEThe type of build, like "user" or "eng".Build的类型public static final StringUSER 



/** * 检查手机类型, 是否是三星 小米 或 普通root机 普通非root机 */public void checkPhoneType() {// 是否是rom为2.3以上的三星非Google定制手机String manufacturer = Build.MANUFACTURER;int sdkVersion = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT;String model = Build.MODEL;String displayStr = Build.DISPLAY;String brand = Build.BRAND;String phoneInfo = "Product: " + android.os.Build.PRODUCT;phoneInfo += ", CPU_ABI: " + android.os.Build.CPU_ABI;phoneInfo += ", TAGS: " + android.os.Build.TAGS;phoneInfo += ", VERSION_CODES.BASE: "+ android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.BASE;phoneInfo += ", MODEL: " + android.os.Build.MODEL;phoneInfo += ", SDK: " + android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK;phoneInfo += ", VERSION.RELEASE: " + android.os.Build.VERSION.RELEASE;phoneInfo += ", DEVICE: " + android.os.Build.DEVICE;phoneInfo += ", DISPLAY: " + android.os.Build.DISPLAY;phoneInfo += ", BRAND: " + android.os.Build.BRAND;phoneInfo += ", BOARD: " + android.os.Build.BOARD;phoneInfo += ", FINGERPRINT: " + android.os.Build.FINGERPRINT;phoneInfo += ", ID: " + android.os.Build.ID;phoneInfo += ", MANUFACTURER: " + android.os.Build.MANUFACTURER;phoneInfo += ", USER: " + android.os.Build.USER;String device = Build.DEVICE;if (model.startsWith("Lenovo")) {setLenovoLenovo(true);}if ("Meizu".equals(brand)) {setMZ(true);}if ((manufacturer != null && manufacturer.trim().contains("samsung") && sdkVersion >= 9)&& (model == null || (!model.trim().toLowerCase().contains("google") && !model.trim().toLowerCase().contains("nexus")))) {setSamsung(true);}// 安卓4.0以上romif (sdkVersion >= 14) {setSdkGreaterThanApi14(true);}if (displayStr != null && displayStr.toLowerCase().contains("miui")) {setMIUI(true);}if (brand.equals("Xiaomi") && model.trim().contains("MI 2")) {setIsXiaomi2S(true);}if (brand.equals("Xiaomi") && model.trim().contains("1S")) {setIsXiaomi2S(true);}if (brand.equals("Xiaomi") && model.trim().contains("MI-")) {setMIUI(true);}}



Returns the version string for the radio firmware. May return null (if, for instance, the radio is not currently on).


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