
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝无线端链接转化器 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 12:39

localStorage 和 sessionStorage

localStorage 仅支持存储字符串
localStorage 存储是永久的;除非web引用刻意删除,或者用户通过浏览器配置删除
localStorage 作用域限定在文档源级别(协议;主机名;端口)

sessionStorage 存储数据的脚本所在的 最顶层的窗口/浏览器标签页 的有效期
sessionStorage 作用域限定在文档源级别(协议;主机名;端口)
如果一个浏览器标签页包含2个 <iframe> 元素, 它们可以共享 sessionStorage




localStoragesessionStorage 的数据发生改变,浏览器都会在其他对该数据可见的窗口对象上出发存储事件(不会在对数据进行改变的窗口对象上触发)
如果2个标签页打开了来自同源的页面,其中一个页面在 localStorage 上存储了数据,那么另外一个标签页会接受到一个存储事件
sessionStorage 限制在顶层窗口,所以对 sessionStorage 的改变只有当有牵连的窗口触发是才会触发存储事件

cookie 的作用域是通过 文档源和文档路径 来确定的
cookie 的值不可以包含分号,逗号,空白符, 因此需要 encodeURIComponent 进行编码

// 基于cookie的存储APIfunction CookieStorage(maxage, path) {    // 获取一个存储全部cookie的对象    var cookies = (function() {        var cookies = {};        var all = document.cookie;        if (all === "") {            return cookies;        }        // 分离出名/值对        var list = all.split("; ");        // 遍历每个cookie        for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {            var cookie = list[i];            var p = cookie.indexOf("=");            // 获取cookie的名字            var name = cookie.substring(0, p);            // 获取cookie对应的值            var value = cookie.substring(p + 1);            // 解码            value = decodeURIComponent(value);            cookies[name] = value;        }        return cookies;    }());    // 将所有的cookie存储到一个数组中    var keys = [];    for (var key in cookies) {        keys.push(key);    }    // 定义存储API的公共方法和属性    // 存储cookie 的个数    this.length = keys.length;    // 返回第N个cookie的名字, N越界返回null    this.key = function(n) {        if (n < 0 || n >= keys.length) {            return null;        }        return keys[n];    };    // 返回指定cookie的名字,如果不存在返回NULL    this.getItem = function(name) {        return cookies[name] || null;    };    // 存储cookie    this.setItem = function(key, value) {        // 如果要存储的cookie还不存在        if (!(key in cookies)) {            // 加入数组            keys.push(key);            // 长度加一            this.length++;        }        // 将名/值存储到cookies对象中        cookies[key] = value;        // 设置cookie        var cookie = key + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value);        // 添加 maxage        if (maxage) {            cookie += "; max-age=" + maxage;        }        // 添加path        if (path) {            cookie += "; path=" + path;        }        // 设置document.cookie        document.cookie = cookie;    };    // 删除指定的cookie    this.removeItem = function(key) {        if (!(key in cookies)) {            return;        }        // 删除内部cookies的指定cookie        delete cookies[key];        // 从数组中删除        for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {            if (keys[i] === key) {                keys.splice(i, 1);                break;            }        }        this.length--;        // 通过设置有效期为0来删除cookie        document.cookie = key + "=; max-age=0";    };    // 删除所有cookie    this.clear = function() {        for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {            document.cookie = keys[i] + "=; max-age=0";        }        cookies = {};        keys = [];        this.length = 0;    };}


注释 以 # 开头,后面跟一个空字符
应用程序缓存清单文件约定一.appcahe作为文件扩展名.但是web服务器怔怔识别清单文件的方式是通过 text/cache-mainfest 这个 MIME类型

  1. 没有可用的更新,触发 noupdate
  2. 有可用的更新触发 downloading, 下载过程触发 progress 和 下载完成触发 updateready
  3. 首次载入新的应用程序 downloading, 下载过程触发 progress, 下载完成后触发 cached
  4. 浏览器处于离线状态触发 error
  5. 清单文件不存在:

  • 未缓存的应用程序触发 error
  • 应用程序已经缓存并且浏览器处于在线状态触发 obsolete, 并且将该应用从缓存中移除
// 处理应用缓存的相关事件function status(msg) {    document.getElementById("statusline").innerHTML = msg;    console.log(msg);}window.applicationCache.onchecking = function() {    status("Checking for a new version.");    return false;};window.applicationCache.onnoupdate = function() {    status("This version is up-to-date.");    return false;};window.applicationCache.ondownloading = function() {    status("Downloading new version");    window.progresscount = 0;    return false;};window.applicationCache.onprogress = function(e) {    var progress = "";    if (e && e.lengthComputable) {        progress = " " + Math.round(100 * e.loaded / + "%"    }    else {        progress = " (" + ++progresscount + ")"    }    status("Downloading new version" + progress);    return false;};window.applicationCache.oncached = function() {    status("This application is now cached locally");    return false;};window.applicationCache.onupdateready = function() {    status("A new version has been downloaded.  Reload to run it");    return false;};window.applicationCache.onerror = function() {    status("Couldn't load manifest or cache application");    return false;};window.applicationCache.onobsolete = function() {    status("This application is no longer cached. " +        "Reload to get the latest version from the network.");    return false;};


通过 navigator.onLine 来检测浏览器是否在线

// permanote.jsvar editor, statusline, savebutton, idletimer;window.onload = function() {    if (localStorage.note == null) {        localStorage.note = "";    }    if (localStorage.lastModified == null) {        localStorage.lastModified = 0;    }    if (localStorage.lastSaved == null) {        localStorage.lastSaved = 0;    }    editor = document.getElementById("editor");    statusline = document.getElementById("statusline");    savebutton = document.getElementById("savebutton");    editor.value = localStorage.note;    editor.disabled = true;    editor.addEventListener("input",        function(e) {            localStorage.note = editor.value;            localStorage.lastModified =;            if (idletimer) {                clearTimeout(idletimer);            }            idletimer = setTimeout(save, 5000);            savebutton.disabled = false;        },        false);    sync();};window.onbeforeunload = function() {    if (localStorage.lastModified > localStorage.lastSaved) {        save();    }};window.onoffline = function() {    status("Offline");}window.ononline = function() {    sync();};window.applicationCache.onupdateready = function() {    status("A new version of this application is available. Reload to run it");};window.applicationCache.onnoupdate = function() {    status("You are running the latest version of the application.");};function status(msg) {    statusline.innerHTML = msg;}function save() {    if (idletimer) {        clearTimeout(idletimer);    }    idletimer = null;    if (navigator.onLine) {        var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"PUT", "/note");        xhr.send(editor.value);        xhr.onload = function() {            localStorage.lastSaved =;            savebutton.disabled = true;        };    }}function sync() {    if (navigator.onLine) {        var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "/note");        xhr.send();        xhr.onload = function() {            var remoteModTime = 0;            if (xhr.status == 200) {                var remoteModTime = xhr.getResponseHeader("Last-Modified");                remoteModTime = new Date(remoteModTime).getTime();            }            if (remoteModTime > localStorage.lastModified) {                status("Newer note found on server.");                var useit =                    confirm("There is a newer version of the note\n" +                        "on the server. Click Ok to use that version\n" +                        "or click Cancel to continue editing this\n" +                        "version and overwrite the server");                var now =;                if (useit) {                    editor.value = localStorage.note = xhr.responseText;                    localStorage.lastSaved = now;                    status("Newest version downloaded.");                }                else {                    status("Ignoring newer version of the note.");                }                localStorage.lastModified = now;            }            else {                status("You are editing the current version of the note.");            }            if (localStorage.lastModified > localStorage.lastSaved) {                save();            }            editor.disabled = false;            editor.focus();        }    }    else {        status("Can't sync while offline");        editor.disabled = false;        editor.focus();    }}

文章若有纰漏请大家补充指正,谢谢~~ SHANG殇

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