来源:互联网 发布:衣柜要做到顶吗 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/13 22:45

  • name - the name of the core required,core的名称
  • config - the configuration file. Defaults to solrconfig.xml,配置文件名称,默认是conf文件夹下的solrconfig.xml
  • dataDir - the directory where the index, tlog, etc. are stored. Again, since this is discovery-based, omit this unless you have special needs,索引文件的存储位置
  • ulogDir - where the transaction log resides. It may be advantageous to put the transaction lot on a different disk than the index,事务日志的存储日志
  • schema - the schema file. Defaults to schema.xml,schema文件配置,默认是conf文件夹的schema.xml
  • shard - the shard ID,shard的名称
  • collection - the collection to which this core belongs,这个core所属的solrcloud的collection
  • roles - SolrCloud role definition,solrcloud的角色,有可能是hdfs存储等

  • properties - properties file to override core definitions,重新定义properties文件位置,以该文件为优先
  • loadOnStartup - [true|false] this core should be loaded and a searcher opened when Solr starts,没用到过,就不误人子弟了
  • transient - [true|false] this core may be unloaded if the core cache exceeds transientCacheSize (defined in solr.propreties),没用到过,就不误人子弟了
  • coreNodeName - SolrCloud core node name,该core节点的名称,貌似在迁移索引啥的时候可以用到

  • <!> 4.6 <!> configName - tentative a name (expected to be in <SOLR_HOME>/configs that contains all of the configuration files (schema.xml, solrconfig.xml and all supporting files e.g. synonyms.txt). Multiple collections can use the same set of configuration files,4.6版本之后有效,几个collection可以共用一个配置,这个配置应该是zookeeper节点下的collection

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