
来源:互联网 发布:贴贴相传网络曝光 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/09/21 09:21
#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <malloc.h>#define  MAXSIZE   10#define  DataType  chartypedef struct{    DataType ch[MAXSIZE];    int      length;}SString;SString  *CreatString(void);int      GetLength(SString *S);int      SStrInsert(SString *S,int pos,const SString *T);int      SStrDelete(SString *S,int pos,int   len);int      SStrCat(SString *S,const SString *T);int      SubSString(SString *T,SString *S,int pos,int len);void     PrintString(SString *S);void     Destroy(SString *S);SString  *CreatString(void){    SString *S=NULL;    S=(SString *)malloc(sizeof(SString));    S->length=0;    scanf("%s",S->ch);    S->length=GetLength(S);    return S;}int      GetLength(SString *S){    int i=0;    while(S->ch[i]!='\0')    {        i++;    }    return i;}int   SStrInsert(SString *S,int pos,const SString *T){    int length_T=GetLength(T);    int length_S=GetLength(S);    int i=0;    int j=0,k=0,p=0,q=0;    if(pos<=0||pos>=MAXSIZE)    {        printf("Illegal insert location.\n");        return 1;    }    else    {            i=pos-1+length_T;            k=pos-1;        if(length_S+length_T<=MAXSIZE)        {            p=length_S-pos+1;            q=length_T;        }        else if(length_T+pos<=MAXSIZE)        {            q=length_T;            p=MAXSIZE-length_T-pos+1;        }        else        {            q=MAXSIZE-pos+1;            p=0;        }        for(j=0;j<p;j++)        {                S->ch[i+p-1]=S->ch[k+p-1];                i--;                k--;        }        i=pos-1;        k=0;        for(j=0;j<q;j++)        {                S->ch[i]=T->ch[k];                i++;                k++;        }        S->length=GetLength(S);    }    return 0;}int   SStrDelete(SString *S,int pos,int   len){ int i=0; int length=0; int k=0;  if(pos<=0 || pos>GetLength(S) || NULL==S || len<=0 || len>GetLength(S))  {      printf("Illeagel input.The program ends.\n");      exit(0);  }  else  {      if(pos+len<=MAXSIZE)          length=len;      else      {          length=GetLength(S)-pos-1;      }      k=pos-1;      for(i=0;i<length;i++)      {          S->ch[k]=S->ch[k+len];          k++;      }      S->length=GetLength(S);      return 0;  }}int   SStrCat(SString *S,const SString *T){  int  pos=GetLength(S);  int  i=0;  for(i=0;i<GetLength(T);i++)  {      if(pos==MAXSIZE)          break;      else      {      S->ch[pos]=T->ch[i];      pos++;      }  }  S->length=GetLength(S);  return 0;}int   SubSString(SString *T,SString *S,int pos,int len){ int i=0; int k=pos-1;  if(pos<=0 || pos>=GetLength(S) || NULL==S || len<=0 || len>GetLength(S))  {      printf("Illeagel input.The program ends.\n");      exit(0);  }  else  {      for(i=0;i<len;i++)      {        if(k==GetLength(S))        {          break;        }        else       {        printf("%c ",S->ch[k]);        k++;       }     }     return 0;  }}void  PrintString(SString *S){      int i=0;        while(S->ch[i]!='\0')      {        printf("%c",S->ch[i]);        i++;      }      printf("\n");}void  Destroy(SString *S){      free(S);      S=NULL;}int main(){     SString *s,*t;     SString *t_2,*t_3=NULL ;     printf("Please Input a string ,the max length is %d.\n",MAXSIZE);     s=CreatString();     printf("Please Input a waiting for being  inserted string.\n");     t=CreatString();     SStrInsert(s,5,t);     printf("After insert a string,the new string is:\n");     PrintString(s);     SStrDelete(s,4,4);     printf("After delect a string,the new string is:\n");     PrintString(s);     printf("Please input a string that needs to be chained.\n");     t_2=CreatString();     SStrCat(s,t_2);     printf("After chaining the two strings,the new strings is:\n");     PrintString(s);     SubSString(t_3,s,3,4);     Destroy(s);     return 0;}

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