UVa10603 - Fill

来源:互联网 发布:linux服务器增加硬盘 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 07:54


Problem D

There are three jugs with a volume of a, b and c liters. (a, b, and c are positive integers not greater than 200). The first and the second jug are initially empty, while the third
is completely filled with water. It is allowed to pour water from one jug into another until either the first one is empty or the second one is full. This operation can be performed zero, one or more times.

You are to write a program that computes the least total amount of water that needs to be poured; so that at least one of the jugs contains exactly d liters of water (d is a positive integer not greater than 200). If it is not possible to measure d liters this way your program should find a smaller amount of water d’ < d which is closest to d and for which d’ liters could be produced. When d’ is found, your program should compute the least total amount of poured water needed to produce d’ liters in at least one of the jugs.

The first line of input contains the number of test cases. In the next T lines, T test cases follow. Each test case is given in one line of input containing four space separated integers - a, b, c and d.

The output consists of two integers separated by a single space. The first integer equals the least total amount (the sum of all waters you pour from one jug to another) of poured water. The second integer equals d, if d liters of water could be produced by such transformations, or equals the closest smaller value d’ that your program has found.

Sample Input
Sample Output
2 3 4 2
96 97 199 62
2 2
9859 62

你要编写一个程序,计算水的总量至少需要投入,所以至少一个壶包含d升水(d是一个正整数不大于200)。如果它是不可能以这种方式衡量d升你的程序应该找到一个小水量d ’ < d这是最接近的d和d ‘升可能产生。当d ‘,你的程序应该计算总额至少倒水需要生产d ‘升的至少一个壶。
输出包含两个整数用一个空格隔开。第一个整数至少等于总金额(水域的总和您从一个罐子倒到另一个)倒了水。第二个整数等于d,d公升的水是否可以由这样的转换,或等于小值d ‘最接近您的程序。
2 3 4 2
96 97 199 62
2 2
9859 62



// UVa10603 Fill// Rujia Liu#include<cstdio>#include<cstring>#include<queue>using namespace std;struct Node {  int v[3], dist;  bool operator < (const Node& rhs) const {    return dist > rhs.dist;  }};const int maxn = 200 + 5;int mark[maxn][maxn], dist[maxn][maxn], cap[3], ans[maxn];void update_ans(const Node& u) {  for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {    int d = u.v[i];    if(ans[d] < 0 || u.dist < ans[d]) ans[d] = u.dist;  }}void solve(int a, int b, int c, int d) {  cap[0] = a; cap[1] = b; cap[2] = c;  memset(ans, -1, sizeof(ans));  memset(mark, 0, sizeof(mark));  memset(dist, -1, sizeof(dist));  priority_queue<Node> q;//优先处理倒水量最少的。  Node start;  start.dist = 0;  start.v[0] = 0; start.v[1] = 0; start.v[2] = c;//初始状态只有3号杯有水  q.push(start);  dist[0][0] = 0;  while(!q.empty()) {    Node u = q.top(); q.pop();    if(mark[u.v[0]][u.v[1]]) continue;    mark[u.v[0]][u.v[1]] = 1;    update_ans(u);    if(ans[d] >= 0) break;    for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)      for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++) if(i != j) {        if(u.v[i] == 0 || u.v[j] == cap[j]) continue;        int amount = min(cap[j], u.v[i] + u.v[j]) - u.v[j];        Node u2;        memcpy(&u2, &u, sizeof(u));        u2.dist = u.dist + amount;        u2.v[i] -= amount;        u2.v[j] += amount;        int& D = dist[u2.v[0]][u2.v[1]];//引用,缩短代码。        if(D < 0 || u2.dist < D){          D = u2.dist;          q.push(u2);        }      }  }  while(d >= 0) {    if(ans[d] >= 0) {      printf("%d %d\n", ans[d], d);      return;    }    d--;  }}int main() {  int T, a, b, c, d;  scanf("%d", &T);  while(T--) {    scanf("%d%d%d%d", &a, &b, &c, &d);    solve(a, b, c, d);  }  return 0;}
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